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Landing Gear explode when plane takes off

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When my planes take off the landing gear explode for no reason at all when they reach the end of the runway. They are not being pushed down when the plane lifts off since it drives straight off the end. Does anybody know a solution to this problem? I didn't put this in tutorial/questions because it won't be answered. Thanks if you have a solution or tip.

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Gameplay question moved to Gameplay Questions.

Folks, please don't put stuff in General Discussion just because you think it'll get more traffic.  If you know where it goes, put it there.

(Stuff gets answered in Gameplay Questions all the time!  It's what it's for.  Take a look over there and see how many posts are in the first page of results that have zero responses.)

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Are your wheels rotated straight down, using the absolute rotation function ("f" key)?

What speed is this happening?  You may need more wing, pitch authority or angle of incidence to take off slower.  

You could also try moving your rear landing gear forward a little, if that does not cause a tail strike.  

But odds are good you just need heavier landing gear, especially at the rear.  


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Check your airspeed.

Unfortunately, KSP does a **very** poor job of handling "impact" velocity--parts will be destroyed when they touch the ground at greater than their destruction velocity no matter how much or little force is actually being applied.  It **should** be looking at the velocity * the sine of the velocity vector but actually only looks at the velocity itself.

This means that objects will be destroyed when moving horizontally at a velocity greater than their impact velocity even when there is no impact involved.  For example, aircraft wheels.  Note the crazy impact velocities for aircraft wheels--this is to keep them from blowing up while rolling down the runway.  You can exceed this velocity, though, and they'll go boom.

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happened to me a lot. Most of the time, it is because you have too much weight on too little gear. To solve this, you can :

A : make your ship lighter

B : Change landing gear for more robust one (if you were using small landing gear, try medium or large landing gear)

C : Stay with the same type of landing gear, but add more of them (each one of them will support less weight)

Small landing gear are for very light crafts... really

Oh... I forgot an option :

D : "land" on water just after the runway... recovery cost is nearly the same (99% instead of 100%...). That's the option i choose more and more often  (i suck at landing a plane). Just don't choose it for very big planes, they generally don't survive well (at least the planes I design). For big planes, use the very large landing gear and... try to improve your landing skills ^^

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