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Mod Community Base for 0.16

Should we allow multiple launches in a single 48-hour turn?  

  1. 1. Should we allow multiple launches in a single 48-hour turn?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Only if they're combined into a single lander

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Community Mod Bases 0.16

Welcome to the community base thread for Modded craft! With completely new stock parts and many mods needing updates before they will be useful, it's time for a fresh start. Please read the rules!

1. All flights must be flown with the latest KSP build, Presently KSP 0.16, and all current required mods. If your computer can't handle the full set of mods, TheCardinal has offered to help build limited mod sets to let you still fly - PM me when your turn comes up.

2. All flights must be requested in advance, to be added to the upcoming flight List.

3. You can only launch one landing-capable rocket per turn (rockets launched to deliver crew to the lander while it's still in orbit or prior to launch are fine.)

4. You can only create one wholly new landing site per turn.

5. You can add one or two landers to any existing base started by a previous turn. If your single launch is capable of it, you could add a new lander to every existing base plus start one new one. You can also choose to put a space station in orbit around any object during your turn.

6. If you create a station or landing site, name it!

7. Each person can add one mod on their turn, but doesn't have to. If you added one, post the name of the mod and a link to the forum thread for it in your after-flight post. Please try to avoid mods that are outdated or overpowered, especially 'space station' mods that haven't been updated to allow crew transfers.

8. I'll send you a PM and post in the thread when it's your turn to go. If you see that the person before you in the queue has posted their save file and I haven't gotten the notice out to you yet, definitely go ahead and start your mission!

9. At the end of your flight please post your persistent.sfs file as well a screenshot from any base(s) you landed at, space stations you put in orbit, plus any other screenshots from your turn that you want!

10. If you do not post a file within 48 hours, you are removed from the list and must request a new entry.

10a. If you warn me ahead of time and ask to put your turn on hold for up to 48 hours if it comes up, I'll just keep bumping you down instead of waiting for you to fly when you're not available.

11. If you screw up, you can try again in the same turn.

12. Have Fun!

The goal is to build a set of Community Bases, where each player adds their own special something to the bases one at a time. It ends up being a glorious mess of player A's little lander because he has a slower system, player B's big fuel depot, player C's entire french cathedral made entirely out of wing parts, player D's rocket-propelled fighter plane, etc. When player E comes in for a landing he should be having to find a place to land among or just outside stuff added gradually over time by other players.

To request a turn, just reply in this thread saying 'Sign me up for a turn.'


Outpost Belka founded by TheGripenSaidWhat?, 02° 38' 46" N, 156° 11' 03" W

Other landers: Candre, zekes (2 ships), Earthpulse, khyron42


Tranquility Base (Eagle craft name) founded by Khyron42, 01° 24' 11" S latitude, 23° 35' 24" E longitude



Zokesia-Minmus Base founded by zekes (2 ships), 34° 48' 23" N, 81° 45' 14" E


Minmus Prime founded by khyron42, 24° 56' 40" N, 187° 29' 30" W

Other Landers: TheCardinal (2 ships)


Methodios Base Alpha founded by Wildkittyv1, 4° 41' 05" N, 87° 50' 39" W


Unnamed Minmus base founded by Zekes, 32° 29' 52" S, 10° 21' 4



Outpost S.C.A.N founded by tiger336, 12° 0' 41" N, 75° 00' 44" W


Kerbin Orbit:

Mechjeb Orbital Space Habitat (M.O.S.H) founded by Khyron42, 401.8 km x 400.8 km orbit


Kerbora Australis Space station founded by Radzaarty, 200 x 150 km orbit

(no pictures)

Distant Observatory founded by TheCardinal, 30,000 km orbit


ZADA Space Station founded by Zekes, 118.3 x 117.9 km orbit


Munar Orbit:

MUN COMMUNICATION PROBE 1 founded by GabrielG.A.B.Fonseca, 21 km x 20.8 km orbit


CRAP-1 founded by dogon11, 508 km x 463 km orbit


Komms 1 founded by zekes, 10.8 x 10.4 km orbit


Minmus Orbit:

Spacelab 1 founded by zekes, 10.0 x 9.9 km orbit


Ragnaroek founded by KCST, 10.9 x 11.1 km orbit


Past Flights:

1. TheGripenSaidWhat? - added DYJ's Crewtank - created Outpost Belka munar base

2. Candre - landed at Outpost Belka

3. Khyron42 - added MechJeb - created M.O.S.H kerbin orbital station

4. tiger336 - added Carts - created Outpost S.C.A.N. on Kerbin

5. GabrielG.A.B.Fonseca - added Mechanical Mouse Industries - created MUN COMMUNICATION PROBE 1 munar orbital station

6. dogon11 - added Kosmos Space Station Parts Pack - created CRAP-1 munar orbital station

7. Radzaarty - added Probodobyne DIY probe kit and Kosmos Angara launcher - created Kerbora Australis kerbin orbital station

8. Zekes - added NovaPunch - landed at Outpost Belka and created Komms 1 munar orbital station

9. TheCardinal - added Fixed Camera - founded Distant observatory kerbin orbital station

10. Zekes - no mod added - Founded Spacelab 1 minmus orbital station, founded Zokesia-Minmus base, left Runner-1 in Minmus orbit awaiting landing.

11. Earthpulse - no mod added - landed Mun Command Alpha at Outpost Belka munar base

12. Khyron42 - added ExPI station parts - founded Minmus Prime base

13. Wildkittyv1 - no mod added - founded Methodios Base Alpha

14. Zekes - no mod added - founded Unnamed minmus base

15. KCST - added KW Rocketry - founded Ragnaroek minmus orbital station

16. TheCardinal - added spaceport - landed multiple structures at Minmus Prime base

17. khyron42 - added memorial plaque - landed Eagle at Tranquility munar base, added 1 crew to CRAP-1 orbital station.

18. zekes - added K NB3 MM to Outpost Belka, landed existing orbiter Runner-1 at Zokesia-Minmus base, founded ZADA Space Station

19. TheCardinal - added Fuel Transfer - landed at and fully refueled Minmus Prime base

20. khyron42 - added Zoxygene mod - landed Oscar Foxtrot at Outpost Belka mun base

Upcoming Flights:

On all of the ones stating 'no new mod announced', they're still free to add one - and the ones that people have listed can change - you don't have to announce your mod ahead of time.

Kasterfin - plans to add MMI's Kethane

Saphira - no mod announced

TheCardinal - no mod announced

khyron42 - no mod announced

zekes - no mod planned

Here's what you're expected to do when your turn comes around:

- make sure you have all the previously used mods installed.

- add one additional mod if you like.

- download the latest persistence file.

- to check that the mods are all installed, go to the tracking station. If you get any message about a vessel not being loaded because of missing parts, you're missing one of the previously used mods.

- make sure your craft doesn't use any parts other than the ones in those mods and the one you're adding. (The simplest way to do this is to use a separate install of KSP for the community flights, with only the appropriate mods installed.)

- fly your flight.

- Try to leave the base(s) in a condition where your craft won't roll away when the next guy lands there.

- Make a post in this thread with the persistence file as an attachment, a link to the forum thread for the mod you've added, and whatever screenshots you like (minimum one per base landed at, showing all craft landed there.)

DYJ's CrewTank 1.2

MechJeb 1.9.1

Tosh's Cart mod 1.33

Mechanical Mouse Industries (Satellite Pack ONLY) v1.0

Kosmos Space Station Parts Pack 4.1 AND Angara 3

Probodobodyne DIY kit v0.5

NovaPunch 1.2beta - It's back!

Fixed Camera 1.1

(optional)config edit for Probodobyne telescope to add multiple fixed cameras - save to parts/probekit_Telescope folder - (makes the probodobodyne telescope a working one!)

Extraplanetary Infrastructure Station Pack 0.4.1

KW Rocketry pack 0.5 for v0.16 ONLY (not the challenger or PLF packs unless someone adds them)

Mobile Spaceport v1.1

Neil Armstrong Memorial Plaque

Fuel Transfer Mod v0.2.1

Zoxygene v0.7

If you are defining a new landing site on your turn, after landing I recommend that you submit it as a place name to the Kerbin Geographic Society thread over in KSP Fan Fiction.

The current persistence file is here for download. In order to prevent download problems from dropbox, I'm giving it a unique name every time I update it; the current one should be "20th-turn.zip."

Edited by khyron42
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Hi there, I\'ve been wanting to get into this endeavor for a while now, And I figure with the new version out I\'ll finally try it. I do have one question though. If (and when) someone does screw up, are they to leave any wreckage there and start a new flight? Or can they restart the flight completely?

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Yay! we\'re unlocked!

You can choose either - it\'s preferred to start over from the last save file if you damaged someone else\'s craft during your mistake, but otherwise you can leave the wreckage if you want to.

I missed one thing on the first post, to sign up just post a reply that you\'d like a turn. Editing it now.

So, if that was a request for a turn - it\'s your turn!

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'Sign me up for a turn.'

I do have a small suggestion to alter the rules a little.

Add a few 'indispensible' mods as standard, such as the camera and cart mod (to name just two).

It will allow a \'player\' to record his flight and/or landing much better. Secondly, it diminishes the disadvantage first players have. Later players can choose out of a lot of mods, the first player can only use the mod of his/her choosing.

Due to the rescale, the size of mod parts have altered. Is it allowed to choose a mod and resize them yourself to the current scale or will such a rescaling not be allowed?

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By specifying no mods that haven\'t been updated for 0.16, I wanted to avoid the case of people using things at the pre-0.16 scales, only to have the mod maker edit the mod in a week and cause major issues for those craft (when the guy 3 turns later downloads the updated mod, loads it, and the older-version craft explodes because the part sizes changed.) Unless it\'s your own mod, you can\'t expect the mod maker will use the same scale factor as you pick - so the same issue would apply to hand-rescaling mods.

As for 'early player disadvantage', it\'s only their first time that they\'ll have that disadvantage - later turns that they sign up for will have better options, and most people take more than one turn. However, if you wanted to add both of those mods on your turn, feel free. If no one else adds MechJeb at first, you can add it too as a core mod.

Oh, and sign me up for a turn. ;D

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i would like a trun i will make a porlar outpost at kerbin\'s north pole. due note i will be useing cart i see it on the list but if he bals i will add cart i\'ve seen it happen on the .15 run of this i did not post a flight but i watched the posts. also name TBD.

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I was thinking more about the rescaling thing - I think if the mod you\'re adding doesn\'t include crew parts, that would work as long as you\'re also willing to host the rescaled zip somewhere.

If it includes crew parts the rescale alone wouldn\'t be enough, you would have to wait until it gets updated to include an airlock node? TheCardinal, you\'ll know more than me about how easy it would be to do that.

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A quick Question on Rule 3. What defines a 'Successful' Rocket? after determining that my current 3 person lander is hella hard to get to the moon with enough fuel to land, my plan is to launch two rockets, One being relatively small that carries just the crew into orbit, and the other being a slightly bigger one that carries DJY\'s Crew Tank that will act as my Munar Transport/Lander. Is this still acceptable, since only one is planned and capable to go to the Mun? It also makes use of EVAs in the form of Crew Transfers, which I think would be nice.

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Hmm. What do you guys think - up to two launches for each person\'s turn, or keep it limited to single launch per turn?

Gripen -it doesn\'t have to be a multi-launch setup - my single-launch lander with 3 crew and room for 3 more just rescued 3 crew from Minmus, the only thing non-stock on it is the crewtank itself:




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Hmm, by the look of your designs, it seems like the larger stock parts can be treated like the old 1m ones. I\'ve been trying to treat them like I did 2m and 3m stages back before the re-scaling happened and designated them primarily as a Launcher stage, with regular 1m tanks on the side to act as liquid boosters.

Also for the more than one launch rule I feel it\'d be acceptable as long as ONLY 1 craft is going to make it to the Mun/Minmus. The Crew Module can hold 5 Kerbonauts and I\'m unsure if the game calculates the Kerbals into the weight of the craft, so it could serve as one hell of a space van.

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Since we\'re delaying your flight while waiting for opinions on the multi-launch thing, and since the 'ok go' was kind of sprung on you by surprise, we\'ll pause your timer for now - 12 hours and holding.

It looks like KW has updated their rocket section for 0.16, but I\'ve never used that mod before. I\'m going to try it out and see how it compares with stock. It seems ok, mostly it\'s just adding 3 meter parts and a wider variety of 1 & 2 m fuel tanks/engines. Seems like it might be a good option for someone to add for improved heavy-lifter options!


I\'ve added a one day poll to the OP, we\'ll see what people say!

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I just tried out a mechjeb\'ed crew tank as a separate lander (with one crew in it.) Mechjeb wouldn\'t maintain retrograde pointing - or do anything else - once the crew tank was separated from the main pod, so I had to hand fly everything.

Mine had a parachute on the side and without SAS/mechjeb, could only be controlled by short burns when the cartwheeling aimed it in the right direction.

I\'ll comment on this over in the mechjeb thread and see if there\'s an easy fix, though.

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^I\'m okay with this as long as you can launch separate rockets to get the crew up there onto said Lunar Rocket. My whole concept was creating a big rocket that has multiple landable parts, such as DJY\'s crewtank, and using smaller LKO rockets to transfer the crew. It adds an extra stage to getting to the moon that I think is thoroughly enjoyable! (Not to mention filled with tension when faced with the possibility of losing the astronauts in orbit with no Jetpack fuel to get them anywhere.

SPEAKING OF WHICH. Made it Mun with the cobbled-together Mayflower. Contains DJY\'s Crewtank. Pics and Persistence below!

The wonderful Mayflower II gets the Lander into orbit around Kerbin for crew transfer.


Bill makes the first jump towards the EVA


Jebediah, the pilot, ventures over from the Pilgrim V to the Mayflower to complete the crew transfer. (Yes it took 5 different designs to get the damn crew up there. :/ )


Finally, A Successful Landing, A little left of where I wanted it, but a landing nonetheless.


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Nice location on the far side of the Mun. Do you have a name for the base?

I\'ve added rule changes to make things less jumbled and set up basically what Gripen did, including this one:

3. You can only launch one landing-capable rocket per turn (rockets launched to deliver crew to the lander while it\'s still in orbit or prior to launch are fine.)

That way it also covers 'launching' pods to the launch pad just so you can EVA the crew, move them off the base of the ramp, then put your real ship on the pad and have them go climb in.

Candre, it\'s your turn! I guess the fact that Crewtank is already in lets you add some other mod.

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Nice location on the far side of the Mun. Do you have a name for the base?

I was planning on calling it 'The Pit' but the whole crater is actually a pretty great place to land given that its incredibly shallow with next to no hills. I suppose I\'ll call it Outpost Belka in tribute to the Ace Combat Series.

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.16s pretty new for me, so I\'m gonna try my hand at an orbital 'rest stop', orbiting the mun, carrying extra fuel for vessels that need to top up before returning to Kerbin. Or you could use it to pop your unintended return vessel\'s crew into, and have them wait for the ferry home.

Don\'t schedule me... okay, do schedule me, as if I wait, I\'ll lose interest in designing it. I repeat, that\'s a go for the Crew and Rocket Assessment Pod, or the C.R.A.P. 1.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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