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Should we allow multiple launches in a single 48-hour turn?  

  1. 1. Should we allow multiple launches in a single 48-hour turn?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Only if they're combined into a single lander

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  TheGripenSaidWhat? said:

^I\'m okay with this as long as you can launch separate rockets to get the crew up there onto said Lunar Rocket. My whole concept was creating a big rocket that has multiple landable parts, such as DJY\'s crewtank, and using smaller LKO rockets to transfer the crew. It adds an extra stage to getting to the moon that I think is thoroughly enjoyable! (Not to mention filled with tension when faced with the possibility of losing the astronauts in orbit with no Jetpack fuel to get them anywhere.

SPEAKING OF WHICH. Made it Mun with the cobbled-together Mayflower. Contains DJY\'s Crewtank. Pics and Persistence below!

The wonderful Mayflower II gets the Lander into orbit around Kerbin for crew transfer.


Bill makes the first jump towards the EVA


Jebediah, the pilot, ventures over from the Pilgrim V to the Mayflower to complete the crew transfer. (Yes it took 5 different designs to get the damn crew up there. :/ )


Finally, A Successful Landing, A little left of where I wanted it, but a landing nonetheless.


Awesome post! How far away were the two ships and at what altitude is the orbit? I\'ll try out the persistence tomorrow or something and give it a go myself.

I ask because I did my first rendezvous in .15.2 (I mostly play it while I wait for mod packs to update to .16) and matched orbits. I got to 40m before pulling away and returning the rendezvous craft to Kerbin. I could\'ve gotten closer, but there wasn\'t really much more to prove as I could\'ve done an crew exchange at that distance anyway, I imagine.

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The CRAP actually makes it to the Mun... however, it feels like it\'s missing something.... solar panels? Room for crew? It\'s only got space for an extra 5, 7 if you remove two kerbals on launch. Whatever, I guess I\'ll pull two on launch then... it\'s coated in ladders for EVAs, but runs out of RCS fuel as you are circularizing your lunar orbit... still needs tweaking, but it\'s a good thing I\'ve got time.

Oh, and I\'ll be adding something with solar panels... if I can find good station panels...

EDIT: Expect Kosmos station parts pack unless announced otherwise later.

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I\'d say if you add Kosmos for now, avoid using any of the station parts themselves because those will need to have airlocks added and the whole thing will likely get a rescale as well. Maybe we should make a temporary parts pack of just the solar panels & trusses from it?

Of course, by the time your turn comes around it might have been updated. We can hope!


There is currently a very ugly bug and we should expect a fix soonish. For now, if engines are run at low throttle, you get hugely reduced fuel consumption compared to what it\'s supposed to consume. 50% throttle uses half the fuel it\'s supposed to, 10% throttle uses 1/100th as much fuel as full throttle, etc. The engine itself will report the correct usage, but if you watch the fuel amount in the tank it\'s pulling less than it\'s reporting. I thought some of my designs were doing a lot better than they should - now I know why!

What this means for the thread is, if you\'re running close on fuel, do your landing maneuvers with the lowest throttle setting possible if you want to exploit the bug, and never use anything but full throttle if you want to avoid exploiting it. :D

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  dogon11 said:

The CRAP actually makes it to the Mun... however, it feels like it\'s missing something.... solar panels? Room for crew? It\'s only got space for an extra 5, 7 if you remove two kerbals on launch. Whatever, I guess I\'ll pull two on launch then... it\'s coated in ladders for EVAs, but runs out of RCS fuel as you are circularizing your lunar orbit... still needs tweaking, but it\'s a good thing I\'ve got time.

Oh, and I\'ll be adding something with solar panels... if I can find good station panels...

EDIT: Expect Kosmos station parts pack unless announced otherwise later.

Use POWERTECH! :D They have awesome solar panels! (They follow the sun!) :)

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  wildkittyv1 said:

Awesome post! How far away were the two ships and at what altitude is the orbit? I\'ll try out the persistence tomorrow or something and give it a go myself.

Well, they only thing left of the Mayflower in Kerbin orbit is the two large fuel tanks that helped serve as its launcher, which have nothing to hold an EVAing Kerbal. The Pilgrim, which got the crew into orbit, was de-orbit\'d and then landed by the original pilot of the Mayflower.

For the crew transfers, I used 250km as my base orbit where the Mayflower sat to keep one end of the planned reandevous constant. I had the Pilgrim go about +-20km above or below 250 to get it into position where I could send the next astronaut over. I\'ve found that a good distance to start a EVA from is 50km Maximum. Anything other than that and you have to be real conservative with fuel and clever with your thrusters. My worst occasion where I almost lost a kerbal in space was when I accidentally hit the > button when I left to go get a drink. I came back and the Mayflower was now more than 100km away and the Pilgrim was 68! I managed to completely reverse my relative direction so I made it back to the Pilgrim with 1.11% fuel left! Thankfully, it all worked out in the end.

  GabrielG.A.B.Fonseca said:

So, griffen, the top module returned to Kerbin?

Actually, that was going to be my emergency 'Get the hell out of dodge' option. In case I ran out of fuel for the Lander. I was going to pack my two kerbals up on the ladders and punch it the hell out of there to try to get to a stable orbit around the Mun for later pick up.

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I\'ve given it considerable thought and i will only add Mechjeb. In a prior post i suggested to add mechjeb and some other plugins at the start. Although Khyron42 kindly allows me to add them, i feel it would be cheating on my part if i did so. One of the rules clearly states that one mod may be added each turn. As a plugin is considered a mod, more plugins would constitute breking that rule. As my piloting skills (especially my landing skills) are such that even Jebediah would soil his undergarments, i will add Mechjeb.

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Zekes, this time around you don\'t need to name a destination - read the revised rules in the first post, this time around I changed it precisely because you and others wanted more flexibility. The only real limit any more is only one mod, and only one new landing site.

I\'m currently on a really limited laptop so I am going to be doing only a small lander, but I\'ll go ahead and add the fixed camera mod on my turn.

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I guess that\'s me!

I\'m working on a lander right now. Since TheCardinal wasn\'t able to add mechjeb and my landing attempts on the stock base aren\'t going well, I\'m going to add mechjeb.


Landings were still a problem, so I went with a station.

The 'Mechjeb Orbiting Space Habitat' or M.O.S.H has been delivered to a 420x355 km Kerbin orbit. It has room for 28 Kerbals, but currently is operated only by the launch crew of 3. It completes 6 orbits per Kerbin day and has enough stationkeeping fuel to alter its orbit slightly if needed. Unfortunately, no solar panels are available yet, but the crew will make due with bicycle-powered electronics.

The launch configuration holds the station out of the way from the launch tower with launch clamps. Lots and lots of launch clamps.




Safely in orbit.


While one crew member takes the first watch on the bike, the others retire to sleeping quarters.


Tiger336, it\'s your turn! Also, I\'m requesting a new flight reservation.

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well after some time of me driveing to here i finally gave up on a north pole base so i\'ll set up shop here welcome to outpost S.C.A.N. i will get pic up soon it\'s late here and i\'m tired and going to play X3 AP for a cuple of hours

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  khyron42 said:

The 'Mechjeb Orbiting Space Habitat' or M.O.S.H has been delivered to a 420x355 km Kerbin orbit. It has room for 28 Kerbals, but currently is operated only by the launch crew of 3. It completes 6 orbits per Kerbin day and has enough stationkeeping fuel to alter its orbit slightly if needed. Unfortunately, no solar panels are available yet, but the crew will make due with bicycle-powered electronics.

NICE station! rendezvousing might be a problem though without a circular orbit. Any chance on your next turn up you could round that out?

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I\'ve updated the OP with tiger336\'s base (I took a picture, but feel free to upload more!) and more of the mods people have said they\'re adding.

GabrielG.A.B.Fonseca has a 48 hour launch window starting now!

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