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Xbox One save file issue finally solved!

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@chimpbone you are literally my favorite person in all of the Internets. Take my likes.

Love how a handful of Squad guys liked the OP. We did it guyz! Go us! 


This team is at best incompetent and more likely just dishonest. No more excuses. 


This is like buying bread from a family bakery. You feel great about supporting the little guy at first, but after weeks of excuses for moldy bread you start to wonder if they are just hiding behind being a small company. 

Edited by NuclearMikenetic
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  On 10/11/2016 at 2:04 AM, chimpbone said:

I don't think that the save issue is solved quite yet. Myself and others have still encountered save issues and other issues post patch. Not being able to save, saves being reverted, more crashing, and other bugs that force you to restart the game, or lose hours of progress, or both. I think I remember someone saying that they wouldn't release it until it was "perfect." That's funny. Also, that whole part of about proving yourself to the community only works when you give them respect and communicate with them when they are pressing you for questions about the broken game you sold them. 

I have really come to expect the worst from Squad and KSP. You could still prove me wrong Squad. You probably won't, but you could. You could communicate with us and let us know what is going on with KSP on console. There are huge issues on console that Squad hasn't even addressed. The only issue they have addressed is the save corruption and that isn't even fixed it turns out, after three months. I know 1.2 isn't coming out on consoles tomorrow, even though they never communicated that with us. It seems we are stuck with 1.1.0 on console, which never worked well on PC. In three months, not only have we not seen updates 1.1.1, 1.1.2, and 1.1.3, but they have not even fixed the save issues, crashing, SAS, or other console specific bugs. So when I ask Squad when are consoles going to see 1.2, they are just silent. Probably too scared to be honest. Then they might have to issue refunds or something. 



I wish I could say I am surprised but anyone with an ounce of sense saw this console debacle coming from a mile away.. I am so, sorry you guys are having these issues as the game is so awesome. :(

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@chimpbone - I'm able to trigger the "rollback" game save issue at will now. I believe it's the SAS within the 1.1.0 codebase causing the trouble. The autosave isn't supposed to work when the ship is under acceleration. Depending on parts used, and when using a non pilot in career mode I can cause a hardware reset crash on Xbox One. This is just a guess on my part, but I believe the save system tries to save at an illegal moment causing the troubles players are having. It's possible to cause a rollback on sandbox games too, but it's very much random. Until the console version upgrades to 1.2.0, I don't believe it's possible to fix the problems we see now. :(

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  On 10/13/2016 at 3:37 AM, Dunnfore said:

@chimpbone - I'm able to trigger the "rollback" game save issue at will now. I believe it's the SAS within the 1.1.0 codebase causing the trouble. The autosave isn't supposed to work when the ship is under acceleration. Depending on parts used, and when using a non pilot in career mode I can cause a hardware reset crash on Xbox One. This is just a guess on my part, but I believe the save system tries to save at an illegal moment causing the troubles players are having. It's possible to cause a rollback on sandbox games too, but it's very much random. Until the console version upgrades to 1.2.0, I don't believe it's possible to fix the problems we see now. :(


You're hired!

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  On 10/5/2016 at 11:00 PM, Goitah said:

We're working hard on solving this issue. We tested this problem for weeks on the test kits before it was released without a problem, even Microsoft tested it. We also tested on a retail console as soon as it was released and we didn't found any problem.

Apparently the issue happens if after converting the files you manually delete them, by doing this the files are automatically deleted from the cloud as well. You should just convert the files without deleting anything

Can you tell us who had this problem and who didn't to see how often this happens? also, what steps did you follow? did you manually delete the files?

We apologize for the inconvenience and we understand your frustration. Any information you can give us will be of much help in identifying and solving the issue.



I had two saves on the go post update. My original file from before update and a new science mode after the update. this was because I heard stories of peoples original files being corrupted and i felt like I didn't want to put anymore time into a file if I was going to lose it. New file was going fine, no issues, unlocked all of the 300 tier sciences. then turned the game on one day and it was just gone. my original file was still sitting there so ive just carried on with that one in the hope it doesnt delete. It probably will though. As I progress. I'm not annoyed by the loss of progress. and even if this one goes im ok with that too as i still enjoy playing it. I just hope the console verson doesnt get given up on. :(

I have heard people saying that it happens after a certain level when unlocking science tiers. my suggestion would be to test it by running through the game will high science reward so get up the tier quickly. every 1000 science spent. turn of the game/ console. start up again my guess is eventually you will see data loss quite quickly. I myself dont turn the game off fully xbox likes to keep games running even when im watching tv on my xbox instead. Im fairly sure I lost my data after the first time the game properly restarted.


Edited by AndyChilly
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  On 10/5/2016 at 11:00 PM, Goitah said:

Apparently the issue happens if after converting the files you manually delete them, by doing this the files are automatically deleted from the cloud as well. You should just convert the files without deleting anything

Can you tell us who had this problem and who didn't to see how often this happens? also, what steps did you follow? did you manually delete the files?


You have never tested this conversion issues at all. POINT! MS knows that the steps you posted to delete will not work. They were just not aware what you realy do in your game. As it was clear to me, that deleting the save will delete it also on the cloud, I didn't delete anything manually at all.

So the problem here has nothing to do with deleting the XBL save. The problem was that I had two saves in the Kerbal Profile. One small for testing and one with the real game (more than 100 hours of gameplay!!!). So what I did was just simple to open the test profile first to see if everything goes well. It looked good, so I gone out and tryed to load the real gamsave, but this was not anymore selectable from the kerbal profile. It was just gone!!! Over 100 hours of gameplay lost!

With other words, you have never ever tested the conversion process if there are more than one profile saves. After converting one of them it seems to delete all others.


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Hello everyone, we did some tests on the Xbox trying to replicate the loosing of saves issue, and we couldn't replicate it. We're suspecting it has something to do with cloud settings.
These are the steps we took
After the game updates, a message asking to convert game files will appear, click convert files. Then a message will appear saying it will sync with cloud. click the stop synchronization and don't let the game sync with cloud.

We keep trying to identify the issue, anything you can tell us will be of great help.

Sorry the images are in spanish :)



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  On 10/20/2016 at 11:27 PM, Goitah said:

Hello everyone, we did some tests on the Xbox trying to replicate the loosing of saves issue, and we couldn't replicate it. We're suspecting it has something to do with cloud settings.
These are the steps we took
After the game updates, a message asking to convert game files will appear, click convert files. Then a message will appear saying it will sync with cloud. click the stop synchronization and don't let the game sync with cloud.


I had the message about converting the save file once, that was when it first started up after the update. it referred to converting my current save. I clicked convert and that was that. I then started a new save, progressed through that and it was THAT file that was deleted. my original career is still working at the moment

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  On 10/20/2016 at 11:27 PM, Goitah said:

Hello everyone, we did some tests on the Xbox trying to replicate the loosing of saves issue, and we couldn't replicate it. We're suspecting it has something to do with cloud settings.
These are the steps we took
After the game updates, a message asking to convert game files will appear, click convert files. Then a message will appear saying it will sync with cloud. click the stop synchronization and don't let the game sync with cloud.

We keep trying to identify the issue, anything you can tell us will be of great help.

Sorry the images are in spanish :)


Did you do what I have described in the post above you? I mean did you have more than one kerbal profile save? I had two, one called "Test" and another called "ESA". While the first opened ("test") was converted well, the other was deleted automaticly on the conversion process. After the conversion of the "Test" profile save, my real kerbal profile gamsave was deleted and not anymore listed in the game profile save selection.

Also I believe the error message was different, more something like "this save is corrupt. Trying to resync....". It is now to long since and I can't say exactly what error we got.


But, why do you search this bug at all? We have all lost our saves already and will not get them back. So instead to search a reason for that bug, which doesn't help us anyway, you should concentrate on the bug fixing of all the other disapointing bugs and bring the latest PC version 1.2 or at minimum the 1.1.1 build, which has solved many of bugs we have. Eventually this will also solve the other save issues.




Edited by Monkey-CH
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Just to add to the pool of data, I've noticed my KSC saves and my in flight quicksaves don't pull up the same point in the gameplay. At first I thought that the ksc saves could only be opened in the ksc and the in flight could only be opened in flight, but I now have a save that I made in flight that can only be opened correctly in the KSC.

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And... now my post-patch save files don't show up in the game. Spent 90 minutes with Xbox tech support trying to find a way to get them back but no luck. I still have a 590 KB save data file, but KSP doesn't acknowledge it is there. Uninstalled and reinstalled the game, uninstalled and reinstalled my profile (and all save data). and it is all no use. The file is there, KSP just doesn't see it.

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  • 2 months later...

I downloaded KSP for Xbox One on 12/27/16 and after about 10 hours of game play the game crashed and I lost all my saves.

From reading on the forums here it look like there was a patch sent out to stop this from happening and then it turns out that the patch did not work 100%?  

Not knocking anyone. Just trying to make sure I understand the situation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I recently downloaded KSP and I've been playing it all week but recently I got a notification about my savegame file being synced and I accidentally hit yes because I wasn't expecting any boxes to pop up (never has) and now all my saves /creations are gone. Is this a common bug or just bad luck? I'd like to know so I don't invest time into a game that deletes files at the moment. Other than that I love the game! :)

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  • 5 months later...
  On 6/19/2017 at 4:56 PM, AverageJoeGuy said:


This topic is a lie. :huh:


Salt in old wounds here. It's well known at this point that the patch intended to solve the save issue did not function as intended. Since this announcement and its last response eight months ago, Squad has changed partners for the console ports, pulled the current release from the XBox and PS4 stores, and are working toward a new release for the consoles.

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  • 3 years later...

So I installed Kerbal space program Enhanced edition, and got both of the add-ons, but one of the add-ons the "history and parts won't install and apparently it is corrupted, I deleted the main game which got rid of the two add-on, then I reinstalled it to which the "history and parts" only got corrupted again. How do you fix.

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