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Need some help aligning a parachute, probably a Quaternion question

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I'm the new maintainer of the EVA Parachutes mod.

This mod uses the standard drag to do the chute, using the following: 

part.maximum_drag = chute.transform.localScale.x * chute.transform.localScale.y

I'm able to add a horizontal vector (for a Parachute) using the following:

vessel.rootPart.Rigidbody.AddForceAtPosition(dragForce / 8, this.part.transform.position);

I have three problems.

The first is that the only way I can control the kerbal is to turn on the rcs.  This is kind of acceptable for now, although eventually I want to see if I can have control without that. That's mostly a matter of adding code to catch the keys, which I haven't done yet.

The second is a bit more problematic.  The rectangular chute acts as if it was a regular chute, and ends up being back at a 60-70 degree angle from vertical behind the kerbal.  Is there anyway to avoid this?

The last is even more problematic.  When the chute is deployed, it is aligned properly with the kerbal and flight.  But, when I rotate the kerbal, while the chute moves with the kerbal, it isn't aligned.  See the images below for what I'm referring to.  

The first image shows the chute tailing behind the kerbal, because of the forward motion.

The second image shows how it isn't properly aligned when the kerbal has turned 90 degrees.  It is behind the kerbal, but the alignment is still the same as before



Thanks in advance

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Hi, a couple of things ,  regarding the chute alignment, this misalignment seems to be because the actual chute joint rotates, with the SM eva chutes (which the one in the images was derived from)  the chute attachment is locked from rotating and the chute turns with the Kerbal and i believe it's the same for vanilla chutes (yes it is just checked).  The chute joint isn't in the SM chutes on the center of mass of the Kerbal, it's right up near the Kerbals shoulders.

  Regarding the propulsion, when i was trying it out (making a para sail) I made a chute pack with a shielded propeller motor built in, it wasn't issue free but showed great potential, if I've not binned it I'll send it over.  I've been wondering if in this case a force applied to the chute may work more effectively than a force applied to the kerbal, it would in any case prevent the chute being dragged behind in flight, thinking on though, it's likely to need a force on both the chute and the Kerbal. 

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