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[Minimum KSP: 1.12.2] Snacks! - Friendly, Simplified Life Support

Angelo Kerman

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  On 8/3/2019 at 3:15 AM, Angel-125 said:

Well damn, I saw @BadOaks issue once, but can't reproduce it when I restarted KSP...


I think I found how to reproduce it. If a kerbal's level is zero then it won't label stress and cold recovery. In this screenshot, Jeb and Bill are level one, and Maxbert is level zero. I'm playing in sandbox with experience levels enabled, in case that somehow affects it. Also, what is supposed to happen with the cold recovery stat? I've had a few colds so far, but cold recovery stays at zero.


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I'm using Snacks without the stress components.  Every time I open the Snacks overview to see how my vessels are doing, my CPU goes from running at 40-50% to 100% causing studdering in KSP and Youtube in the background.  The only way to fix this is to restart KSP.  Log files below:



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I have a fix for the missing resource names, should have a new release either tonight or tomorrow. If you open the Snacks window it runs simulation s to estimate resource consumption. That might be what is going on. I can look into adding a kill switch to stop simulations.

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See if Snacks 1.22 clears things up:

- Added support for Dynamic Batteries.
- Added ability to interrupt the resource consumption simulator. NOTE: duration estimates will be unavailable.
- Fix Inability to view vessels not on or around the current world.
- Fix Missing roster resource names when added to the kerbal.

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  On 8/6/2019 at 2:47 AM, Angel-125 said:

See if Snacks 1.22 clears things up:

- Added support for Dynamic Batteries.
- Added ability to interrupt the resource consumption simulator. NOTE: duration estimates will be unavailable.
- Fix Inability to view vessels not on or around the current world.
- Fix Missing roster resource names when added to the kerbal.



just updated the latest version of Snacks.  When clicking on the "snacks" button, it seems to be stuck in "Calculating......"


Rolling back to the previous version , the calculations are back! :)

Edited by gamerscircle
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  On 8/6/2019 at 11:12 AM, gamerscircle said:


just updated the latest version of Snacks.  When clicking on the "snacks" button, it seems to be stuck in "Calculating......"


Rolling back to the previous version , the calculations are back! :)


Oh nuts, I probably didn’t remove some test code. I should have that fixed tonight..

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  On 8/7/2019 at 12:52 AM, gamerscircle said:

Wait!  Just hold on a sec, they have planter nuts for snacks?!?!


Actually, you can make "planter nuts" as a resource, and Snacks can track it...

Anyway, hopefully Snacks 1.22.1 will clear up the issues you had.

Edited by Angel-125
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Gave this a try, and while the inability to view vessels orbiting other bodies appears to be fixed, I'm still having issues with the electrical power. Do I need an update from Dynamic Batteries as well?

Edit: Again, it only affects vessels not in focus. I tried stacking ridiculous amounts of EC on a station (almost 75k EC) for just 2 Hitchhikers, recycling 9.6 soil/day. Still runs out. I have recycling efficiency set at 80% for now. I'll probably set it back to 40% once I'm done with some test flights.

Edit2: It just occurred to me; since this might involve a new module, will it only affect newly launched craft?

Edited by AmpCat
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In my game, neither the recycler in the Hitchhiker or the processor in the lab is consuming any electricity. Everything else is working, it's taking the ore or the soil and turning it into snacks, but it's not costing any electric charge. I've been running a single career for a year-plus (though the issue also affects my Sandbox save). I have used Snacks in the past and the recyclers and processors had been consuming electricity but it had been quite a while since I had used them for any missions, so there had been updates and the addition of Breaking Ground in the meantime and I didn't recognize when or with which version the issue began.

I created a copy of my game folder and deleted all the mods and files from GameData, leaving only the Squad and SquadExpansions (both Making History and Breaking Ground). I installed only the Snacks mod with its latest version of Module Manager. I launched the game. Created a new Sandbox. Built a simple craft with a crew pod, a big battery, no solar panels, a Hitchhiker, a Lab, and an ore tank. I removed half the snacks, half filled the modules with soil, filled the ore tank, and launched it.

Ore went down, soil went down, snacks went up, the charge in the battery stayed constant.

I read through a lot of the thread but couldn't find another occurrence.

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  On 8/15/2019 at 9:45 PM, CaptKordite said:

In my game, neither the recycler in the Hitchhiker or the processor in the lab is consuming any electricity. Everything else is working, it's taking the ore or the soil and turning it into snacks, but it's not costing any electric charge. I've been running a single career for a year-plus (though the issue also affects my Sandbox save). I have used Snacks in the past and the recyclers and processors had been consuming electricity but it had been quite a while since I had used them for any missions, so there had been updates and the addition of Breaking Ground in the meantime and I didn't recognize when or with which version the issue began.

I created a copy of my game folder and deleted all the mods and files from GameData, leaving only the Squad and SquadExpansions (both Making History and Breaking Ground). I installed only the Snacks mod with its latest version of Module Manager. I launched the game. Created a new Sandbox. Built a simple craft with a crew pod, a big battery, no solar panels, a Hitchhiker, a Lab, and an ore tank. I removed half the snacks, half filled the modules with soil, filled the ore tank, and launched it.

Ore went down, soil went down, snacks went up, the charge in the battery stayed constant.

I read through a lot of the thread but couldn't find another occurrence.


It is possible that you have infinite electricity turned on.

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I created a copy of my KSP folder. Deleted all the mods. Installed the latest version of Snacks clean. Same result.

I loaded a number of previous versions of Snacks. Same result.

I went back to my original install. Made a backup. Deleted everything from the Game Data folder, including the Squad and Squad Expansion folders. Had Steam Verify integrity and reinstall. Installed the latest version of Snacks. Same result.


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  On 8/17/2019 at 6:26 PM, CaptKordite said:

I created a copy of my KSP folder. Deleted all the mods. Installed the latest version of Snacks clean. Same result.

I loaded a number of previous versions of Snacks. Same result.

I went back to my original install. Made a backup. Deleted everything from the Game Data folder, including the Squad and Squad Expansion folders. Had Steam Verify integrity and reinstall. Installed the latest version of Snacks. Same result.



The problem is that there's no flow mode defined on some of the configurations. I've fixed that up and patched the plugin to default to STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW if the flow mode is undefined.

Anyway, 1.22.2 fixes the issue.

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  On 8/17/2019 at 10:17 PM, CaptKordite said:

That did the trick! The modules are now consuming electricity as they should. The Lab converter is eating 30 e/s  and the Recycler is using 36 e/s. Wasn't the recycler supposed to be using 3 e/s?



Snacks grinder in the MPL uses 30 ec/sec. The recycler uses 3 ec/sec per kerbal.

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  On 8/18/2019 at 1:50 AM, CaptKordite said:

Yes, my mileage is varying, but I don't understand the math. I have a single level-5 kerbal in a craft. How does that equate to 36 ec/sec?


More experienced kerbals will run the resource converters faster, just like stock ISRU. But running faster also means consuming more resources.

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The ability to stop the Snacks calculations appears to be removed, or not functioning in the latest release of Snacks.  I am seeing my processor maxing out again whenever I open the Snacks panel to check my vessel's status.  The button to stop calculations is present but has no effect when pressed.

Edited by overkill13
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I am closing in on understanding how the recycling formula works, though it still doesn't seem to follow with the 3 ec/sec per kerbal claim, even with experience factored in.

With level-5 pilots or scientists, the recycler consumed 36 ec/sec. It did not matter how many pilots or scientists were aboard, the recycler consumed 36 ec/sec and turned approximately 0.0006 soil/sec into 0.0002 snacks/sec.

But, add a level-5 engineer and the recycler was consuming 59.40 ec/sec, almost but not quite twice as much electricity. For that extra electricity, it is turning 0.0009 soil/sec into 0.0004 snacks/s. Twice as many snacks for not quite twice as much electricity and only half-again-as-many snacks. And engineer is much more efficient in making snacks but you have to give him a lot more electricity to do it.

That was relatively easy to work out because Sandbox mode makes everyone level-5. I have a Career mode ongoing and, near as I can tell, the level-3 engineer on my Minmus base is using 52.2 ec/sec to convert approximately 0.0005 soil/sec into 0.0002 snacks/sec. There does seem to be a progression but I still can't figure out a formula. Close enough, perhaps.

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I was just using Snacks for the first time. I don´t see the fresh air thing/s. Also I was adding Snacks container and the GUI recognized it but my estimated time was stuck in 1.00 years and 407 days, no matter I had 3000 or 5000 snacks recognized in the same GUI. Weird. There were placed before the last stage maybe that´s taken into account and it doesn´t use the snacks in the previous stage?
I am using 1.7.3

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  On 8/20/2019 at 4:47 PM, Agustin said:

I was just using Snacks for the first time. I don´t see the fresh air thing/s.


Go to GameData/WildBlueIndustries/Snacks/LifeSupportResources and you'll see some files ending in .txt, change the ones you want to use to .cfg. Opening the other text files will give you descriptions of what they do.

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