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Are we united?


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I wondered if this brilliant game was going where I wanted it to be stable!

After many updates to the game and developers of mods trying to keep up with it, I had the thought that maybe we have lost the

plot, will we ever achieve the point where we would all be satisfied in a single version of KSP that would unite the whole

community on the forum?

WOW, yes that is some thought to digest, but do you really think it could happen sometime?

I think, maybe, we are all doing the best we can with the version of our choice, maybe waiting for certain mods to be updated

to give satisfaction in that version.

I know we are all united in playing this brilliant game, and the very clever ones amongt us are very commited to updating

their thing, but I wonder if will it reach a point where everyone will unite on a single playing field?

As you will see from my profile, I am just a fan of the game, I love it, and I am not trying to stir anything up, it's just a

thought, maybe you have thought the same? It is outside of my power and comprehension to take this game to anyones dreams, it

has already surpassed mine and I would not have a clue where to start to achieve the unity that is encompassed on the forum.

Do you think it can be achieved?  Would you want it?  How could it be done? Why can't it be so? So many questions,

I know it's controversial, Peace to all...


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Some people want the most realistic space program, concering resources like food, oxygen, water, and all the like. Some people want a game that looks breathtaking or adds clouds to planets with atmospheres. Some people want more contracts, parts and reasons to explore.

...and some people just want to launch rockets for the hell of it.


There is no united opinion for what we want KSP to be. This is why we have mods; to shape the game (mostly) to our heart's desire.

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5 minutes ago, Fred Cop said:

Some people want the most realistic space program, concering resources like food, oxygen, water, and all the like. Some people want a game that looks breathtaking or adds clouds to planets with atmospheres. Some people want more contracts, parts and reasons to explore.

...and some people just want to launch rockets for the hell of it.

And all that is possible with your choice of mods, I don't see the problem. *shrug*

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7 hours ago, Alshain said:

Many people want this to be a simulator despite the fact that Harvester always said it would be a game.

It's too bad it plays so much better as a simulator than as a game.

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30 minutes ago, regex said:

It's too bad it plays so much better as a simulator than as a game.

Could not agree more. It's weird...when you first start playing KSP, you think it couldn't be any more addicting....then you give RSS/RO a try, and it just takes that to a whole new level. Suddenly you're making realistic rockets in the real solar system with a game engine that just makes the whole thing so gosh darn incredible and fun. And 1.2 is going to make it run soooo smoooooth....the waiting is the hardest part.

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I just want KSP stable and with better fps. All the rest is what mods are for.

I also think this reason might be the reason of the majority also. Sure, better graphics are cool, more parts, more...whatever. But nothing of that will be good if the game crash or we get a rocket with 100 parts and it takes 10 min real time just to get that thing in orbit.

Edited by Kar
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1 hour ago, regex said:

It's too bad it plays so much better as a simulator than as a game.

Yeah, it does. I do think it also can play as a game, but much more fun to take it seriously, the sense of accomplishment is incredible and is what makes this game so special.


I just called it a game back there.


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6 hours ago, regex said:

It's too bad it plays so much better as a simulator than as a game.

Agreed.  Perhaps if they integrated USI and gave it some base building gameplay.  That may even justify the tiny planets by making the challenge less about getting somewhere and more about building somewhere.

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I think it's the best thing of this game that we don't need to unite :) We all have the same game, although everyone has a different version of it. It's quite like us human, we're all human, but all different. And so are our likings for this game. 

Everyone can break uh.. mod the game to his own liking, this massive community gives us the wonderfull option to get what we want. And if someone wants something that doesn't exists? Most of the times it can be made. It's like squad gives us a great basicwork and we can all get our favorite game how we want it. 

I don't need moar features that are quite the same as mod. Ofcourse, I'm not talking about those mods that make the game better for everyone, like delta-v readings, the info KER gives you etc. But more things like live support, not everyone wants them, so just keep them a mod as now. For me it's no difference if a feature is stock of a mod. 

I think the game just have to keep balancing and tweaking how it does now, add some features where many people are happy with, let the other things just be mods. I think that thats the true succes of KSP, That massive amount of mods you can install to your own liking. 

Everyone wants something else in his game, so it cannot be perfect complete without mods, although I think it would be great if squad adds some polls somethings, wether you can vote if a mod, or simplified version, will be added to the stockgame. And for instance when 70% votes yes, they will add it. Ofcourse with close contact and the permission of the mod maker.

Edited by DrLicor
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Hi there,

interesting question. I believe one of the greatest things with KSP is that it is so flexible - both in terms of what one can do and in terms of how difficult do I want to do it. You can play silly-Kerbal-style with massive asparagus-staged booster monstrosities or you can almost make it as realistic as Orbiter through the use of RSS (or anywhere in between). You can play sandbox or follow a career in science or career mode.There is literally so much stuff to do, the possibilities are endless.

To that end, I think the game will never be what one person wishes it to be - or what the community might understand as a consensus! I believe there are a few mods that provide features, that should be stock (e.g. the dV-readout), but by and by, one should see KSP as a platform on which one can build up one's experience with mods (or maybe in the future "official" expansion packs, whatever they might be). At the end of the day, there are so many ideas floating around for features, that the game could be developed further for years to come. However, without having played 1.2 yet, I think we have a base now, which is stable and solid, so that we can enjoy it for a long time... and give the modders some well-deserved time to update all our favorite mods taking up all the time they need, without the next update looming directly on the horizon...

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Right now it's a simulator of barren spheres. Don't get me wrong, I love KSP, but enriching the planetary surface and maybe even adding wind and weather would improve both the simulator and the game aspects of KSP.

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One unified opinion/view for everyone of what KSP should be? Heck no. I'm not even united within myself.

Yesterday I wanted a fully realistic experience recreating the Apollo missions, today I am just laughing at the weird mechanics people can abuse for fun, tomorrow I want to build sci-fi ships mimicking something out of a movie while a moment later trying to make a replica of a real-life fighter jet, and the day after I want to participate in a challenge with something that looks absolutely impossible to fly. This all in stock, not even accounting for the million combinations of mods that can add/change other people's games.

I want it all. Sometimes, I even want several opposite things out of KSP at the same time - and every now and then, this wonderful piece of programming even lets me. Glorious moments.

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1 hour ago, moogoob said:

B) I consider simulators "games". :) Especially if I'm having fun, which in KSP is very likely.

Agreed, which is why I think it's silly to make a hard divide between "simulator" and "game".

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Simulators is one subtype of games. KSP belongs certainly in that class, because it tries to model somewhat realistic physics, even it is not pure simulator which tries to be as authentic as possible.

Of course there are also professional simulators, which are used to model physical systems in industry or train professional users of such systems, but they have absolutely nothing to do with video games and they are out of this discussion.

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Of course we aren't. We're people. Of course, we don't have to like exactly the same thing to still have some common ground in KSP.

For example: Do you like pie?

Chances are pretty good that you said yes.

But chances are also pretty good that you weren't thinking of the same flavor of pie I was.

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