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[Minimum KSP version - 1.12] Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) v1.29


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18 minutes ago, Caerfinon said:

Many thanks! I really prefer working with KIS rather than EVA Construction or Stock inventory. I find it more flexible.  

KIS is my preference too :)  I'm working on the convergence, but it's harder than I anticipated.

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I've tried searching the thread and the Github issue list open and closed tickets but I can't find any mention of this.

Has this been encountered by anyone before?

I have an issue where when I drop or attach any part stock or modded the game hitches/stutters/freezes/lags for anywhere from 1-4 seconds.


Could this be some sort of conflict or is this a known issue?

Thanks for the help!

(KSP Log in case anyone wants it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qg44dio0rlbcz8x/KSP.log?dl=0)

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14 hours ago, rudemario said:

Could this be some sort of conflict or is this a known issue?

KIS doesn't do anything that long after the action. It may postpone some things for a one or two frames, but definitely not seconds.

It's hard to say anything from the logs. Try enabling the verbose mode and capturing the log again. Check this out:

[LOG 14:26:10.035] [Part:LifeSupportMiniPack (Life Support MiniPak (Supplies)) (id=F2738830408)] End part pickup
[LOG 14:26:10.039] KIS UI lock acquired
[LOG 14:26:10.040] Set pointer mode to: Drop
[LOG 14:26:12.464] Move part
[LOG 14:26:12.465] Set pointer mode to: Nothing
[LOG 14:26:12.465] KIS UI lock released
[LOG 14:29:05.237] Flight State Captured
[LOG 14:29:05.237] Saving Achievements Tree...

~3 minutes between the last KIS action and the other game action. Anything could happen in between, but we have no logs to get an idea.

All in all, I'd say we have a mods conflict situation here. I use KIS myself. Trust me, if there was a such significant freeze on each KIS action, I'd notice it and have it fixed. For the start, try a pristine game: no other mods except KIS. Then, start adding your usual mods until the issue shows up. Given what you report, I'd say it should be reproducible at the launchpad, which is easy to verify.

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8 hours ago, IgorZ said:

KIS doesn't do anything that long after the action. It may postpone some things for a one or two frames, but definitely not seconds.

It's hard to say anything from the logs. Try enabling the verbose mode and capturing the log again. Check this out:

~3 minutes between the last KIS action and the other game action. Anything could happen in between, but we have no logs to get an idea.

All in all, I'd say we have a mods conflict situation here. I use KIS myself. Trust me, if there was a such significant freeze on each KIS action, I'd notice it and have it fixed. For the start, try a pristine game: no other mods except KIS. Then, start adding your usual mods until the issue shows up. Given what you report, I'd say it should be reproducible at the launchpad, which is easy to verify.

So, I tested out the difference in delay between a fresh install and my modded install since I wasn't able to get the delay to speed up after adding half of my mod list and figured I should see the difference between a clean slate and a modded one.

I downloaded a new version and used a new sandbox game. I recorded a video and also got a log after toggling verbose mode and restarting the game before running the test in case verbose mode needed a restart to activate.


Video: https://i.imgur.com/buIqgMT.mp4

Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t1cqyjeg0nis7qp/Stock%2BKISKAS KSP.log?dl=0

Then, I did the same for the modded game.


Video: https://i.imgur.com/v8VU7OF.mp4

Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/keapch4xjiu92d2/Modded KSP.log?dl=0


You can notice that the base game still has a delay, so I'm not sure what's up with that, but I understand that the delay is likely the expected delay and is considered normal, then.

The modded game has more noticeable delay, but I won't speculate as to why until I figure out which mod adds the delay, but knowing that the delay is still present in the only KIS+KAS install of the game at least reassures me some delay is supposed to be present.

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I'm having a real hard time try to get to grips with KIS. I've read to documentation that's with it but still not quite grasping it. when I press H it only gives me detach mode, parts that I want to place that have a ModuleCargoPart in the configs wont let me put it in a KIS Kerbal inventory. Basically I'm trying to place a PDGF onto a PMA so that i can grab it with an arm to move it, but I just cannot figure how to do it in construction mode or KIS. Construction mode will only let me place parts onto another part that has a node attachment and not surface place, and KIS I'm at a loss with all together which is a shame. Any help would be appreciated.

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8 hours ago, si2504 said:

I'm having a real hard time try to get to grips with KIS. I've read to documentation that's with it but still not quite grasping it. when I press H it only gives me detach mode, parts that I want to place that have a ModuleCargoPart in the configs wont let me put it in a KIS Kerbal inventory. Basically I'm trying to place a PDGF onto a PMA so that i can grab it with an arm to move it, but I just cannot figure how to do it in construction mode or KIS. Construction mode will only let me place parts onto another part that has a node attachment and not surface place, and KIS I'm at a loss with all together which is a shame. Any help would be appreciated.

When you need to grab a part (e.g. to place it into inventory) you should press and hold "G", not "H". The "H" shortcut activates the equipped tool. Also, do not activate the stock construction mode - it will disable all KIS operations. Well, it ideally should do that, and it's intentional.

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On 5/24/2021 at 10:59 AM, rudemario said:

So, I tested out the difference in delay between a fresh install and my modded install since I wasn't able to get the delay to speed up after adding half of my mod list and figured I should see the difference between a clean slate and a modded one.

I downloaded a new version and used a new sandbox game. I recorded a video and also got a log after toggling verbose mode and restarting the game before running the test in case verbose mode needed a restart to activate.


Video:  https://i.imgur.com/buIqgMT.mp4 

Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t1cqyjeg0nis7qp/Stock%2BKISKAS KSP.log?dl=0

Then, I did the same for the modded game.


Video: https://i.imgur.com/v8VU7OF.mp4

Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/keapch4xjiu92d2/Modded KSP.log?dl=0


You can notice that the base game still has a delay, so I'm not sure what's up with that, but I understand that the delay is likely the expected delay and is considered normal, then.

The modded game has more noticeable delay, but I won't speculate as to why until I figure out which mod adds the delay, but knowing that the delay is still present in the only KIS+KAS install of the game at least reassures me some delay is supposed to be present.

I see some jitter in the video, but no log records can explain it. And I cannot reproduce it on my system. Checkout this video. I noticed, you're not using the latest KIS&KSP versions. It may or may not be the reason, I cannot verify the versions you're using.

I also noticed you've managed to buy an  RTX 3080, which I was hunting for more than half of an year with no success. Congrats! :) 

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Do parts that are KIS friendly that can be placed in a KIS inventory need to have a specific MODULE in the config? Is the standard ModuleCargoPart sufficient? The part I want to place I am unable to transfer to Kerbal inventory, the mass isn't an issue and the volume isn't an issue.

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4 hours ago, IgorZ said:

When you need to grab a part (e.g. to place it into inventory) you should press and hold "G", not "H". The "H" shortcut activates the equipped tool. Also, do not activate the stock construction mode - it will disable all KIS operations. Well, it ideally should do that, and it's intentional.

So as you can see, I am grabbing a part to try and move it to Kerbal inventory so I can place it, but it will not go into Kerbal inventory. The mass of the part isn't an issue and also the available volume isn't an issue. In its config it just has ModuleCargoPart. Is there something I am missing here?


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5 minutes ago, si2504 said:

Is there something I am missing here?

You cannot directly transfer objects from stock inventory to KIS inventory.  The only way I've found to do this is remove item from stock inventory and drop it. Then use KIS grab function to pick it up and place inside KIS inventory. Easy on the ground. More challenging in space.

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6 minutes ago, Caerfinon said:

You cannot directly transfer objects from stock inventory to KIS inventory.  The only way I've found to do this is remove item from stock inventory and drop it. Then use KIS grab function to pick it up and place inside KIS inventory. Easy on the ground. More challenging in space.

you my man are my saviour! I removed it with construction mode and grabbed and placed with KIS. Thanks a BUNCH!!

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3 hours ago, Caerfinon said:

You cannot directly transfer objects from stock inventory to KIS inventory.  The only way I've found to do this is remove item from stock inventory and drop it. Then use KIS grab function to pick it up and place inside KIS inventory. Easy on the ground. More challenging in space.

OK so it turns out that I didn't actually place the part onto a surface, it just slowly drifted away. Now I've tried attaching with the X key and the H key, and I get and error that says "This node cannot be surface attached". the part only has two nodes, one is a Module Docking port and one is a bottom node attachment point. doesn't attach on either node.

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15 minutes ago, Caerfinon said:

@si2504 hmmm could be that the part itself is a little picky about where it goes. Would really need to see a ksp.log / player.log that captures the period of time you try to attach it.

This is the most recent part of my KSP.log



[LOG 16:19:29.376] 5/26/2021 4:19:29 PM,kOS-IRWrapper,Attempting to Grab IR Types...
[LOG 16:19:29.614] [FlightIntegrator]: Reloaded drag cube for zeroed cube root part ht.PDGF (WIP RO - Canadarm™Grapple fixture) on vessel WIP RO - Canadarm™Grapple fixture
[LOG 16:19:29.614] [FlightIntegrator]: Vessel WIP RO - Canadarm™Grapple fixture has been unloaded 1.79769313486232E+308, applying analytic temperature 4
[LOG 16:19:29.740] Unpacking WIP RO - Canadarm™Grapple fixture
[LOG 16:19:31.995] [FAR v0.16.0.1]: Updating vessel voxel for WIP RO - Canadarm™Grapple fixture
[LOG 16:19:32.123] [FAR v0.16.0.1]: Voxel Element CrossSection Area: 0.000126809710881515
Std dev for smoothing: 3 voxel total vol: 0.357000461267552 filled vol: 0.0231082197530798

[LOG 16:19:35.996] Start pickup in mode Move from part: [Part:ht.PDGF (WIP RO - Canadarm™Grapple fixture) (id=F3100850)]
[LOG 16:19:35.997] Jetpack mouse input disabled
[LOG 16:19:36.043] Jetpack mouse input re-enabled
[LOG 16:19:36.063] [Part:ht.PDGF (WIP RO - Canadarm™Grapple fixture) (id=F3100850)] End part pickup
[LOG 16:19:36.083] KIS UI lock acquired
[LOG 16:19:36.084] Set pointer mode to: Drop
[WRN 16:19:41.115] [CHATR] Initial chatter set is empty
[WRN 16:19:41.115] [CHATR] Response chatter set is empty
[LOG 16:19:42.427] Set pointer mode to: Attach
[LOG 16:19:43.398] Set pointer mode to: Drop
[LOG 16:19:44.364] Set pointer mode to: Drop
[LOG 16:19:44.407] Set pointer mode to: Drop
[LOG 16:19:45.047] Set pointer mode to: Attach
[LOG 16:19:46.464] [RealAntennasCommNetwork] CommNode walk
Node: DSS 63 - Madrid Links=2 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] DSNTrackingStation [20.0 dBi VHF 50 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] DSNTrackingStation [34.0 dBi UHF 50 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  [+RA] DSNTrackingStation [63.6 dBi S 73 dBm [TL:9] QPSK 660.0 Kbps]  [+RA] DSNTrackingStation [74.3 dBi X 73 dBm [TL:9] QPSK 2.72 Mbps]  [+RA] DSNTrackingStation [79.0 dBi Ka 54.8 dBm [TL:9] QPSK 40.00 Mbps]  
Node: DSS 43 - Canberra Links=2 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] DSNTrackingStation [20.0 dBi VHF 50 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] DSNTrackingStation [34.0 dBi UHF 50 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  [+RA] DSNTrackingStation [63.6 dBi S 73 dBm [TL:9] QPSK 660.0 Kbps]  [+RA] DSNTrackingStation [74.3 dBi X 73 dBm [TL:9] QPSK 2.72 Mbps]  [+RA] DSNTrackingStation [79.0 dBi Ka 54.8 dBm [TL:9] QPSK 40.00 Mbps]  
Node: DSS 14 - Goldstone Links=3 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] DSNTrackingStation [20.0 dBi VHF 50 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] DSNTrackingStation [34.0 dBi UHF 50 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  [+RA] DSNTrackingStation [63.6 dBi S 73 dBm [TL:9] QPSK 660.0 Kbps]  [+RA] DSNTrackingStation [74.3 dBi X 73 dBm [TL:9] QPSK 2.72 Mbps]  [+RA] DSNTrackingStation [79.0 dBi Ka 54.8 dBm [TL:9] QPSK 40.00 Mbps]  
Node: DSA 3 - Malargüe Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] ESTRACKTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] ESTRACKTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: KSAT - Svalbard Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] KSATTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] KSATTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: KSAT - Troll Station Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] KSATTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] KSATTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: MGS - McMurdo Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] MGSTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] MGSTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: MSFN - BDA Bermuda Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] MSFNTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] MSFNTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: MSFN - Kano Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] MSFNTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] MSFNTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: MSFN - Grand Canary Links=2 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] MSFNTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] MSFNTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: MSFN - Guaymas Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] MSFNTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] MSFNTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: MSFN - Kauai Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] MSFNTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] MSFNTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: STDN - Carnarvon Links=2 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] STDNTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] STDNTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: STDN - Tananarive Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] STDNTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] STDNTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: STDN - Johannesburg Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] STDNTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] STDNTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: STDN - Ascension Links=2 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] STDNTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] STDNTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: STDN - Quito Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] STDNTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] STDNTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: US - Wallops Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: US - Vandenberg Links=2 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: US - Kodiak Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: US - Cape Canaveral Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: US - Brownsville Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: RU - Yasny Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: RU - Svobodny Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: RU - Plesetsk Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: RU - Kapustin Yar Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: NZ - Mahia Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: MH - Omelek Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: KZ - Baikonur Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: JP - Uchinoura Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: JP - Tanegashima Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: IR - Semnan Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: IN - Satish Dhawan Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: IL - Palmachim Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: FR - Kourou Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: DZ - Hammaguir Links=2 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: CN - Xichang Links=2 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: CN - Wenchang Links=2 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: CN - Taiyuan Links=2 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: CN - Jiuquan Links=2 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: AU - Woomera Links=1 : Home  Control  MultiHop [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [1.0 dBi VHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 12.5 Kbps]  [+RA] LaunchSiteTrackingStation [3.0 dBi UHF 40 dBm [TL:9] BPSK 31.5 Kbps]  
Node: Comms SAT - 3 Probe Links=21 :   [+RA] RO.probeCoreCubeEarly [1.5 dBi UHF 30 dBm [TL:9] 32-QAM 157.5 Kbps]  
Node: Comms SAT - 3 Probe Links=25 :   [+RA] RO.probeCoreCubeEarly [1.5 dBi UHF 30 dBm [TL:9] 32-QAM 157.5 Kbps]  
Node: Comms SAT - 3 Probe Links=16 :   [+RA] RO.probeCoreCubeEarly [1.5 dBi UHF 30 dBm [TL:9] 32-QAM 157.5 Kbps]  
Node: Mars Orbiter - 1 Links=2 :   [+RA] ROT-ProbeCore [1.5 dBi S 45 dBm [TL:9] 32-QAM 1.65 Mbps]  
Node: International Space Station Links=3 :  Control  [+RA] ht2.truss.Z1 [1.5 dBi UHF 30 dBm [TL:9] 64-QAM 189.0 Kbps]  [+RA] HighGainAntenna [27.7 dBi S 30 dBm [TL:9] 64-QAM 1.98 Mbps]  ->Kerbin (CelestialBody) [+RA] eridani.node.adapter.s1p5.s0p5.1 [1.5 dBi UHF 30 dBm [TL:9] 64-QAM 189.0 Kbps]  [+RA] aquila.crew.s1p5.2.1 [0.0 dBi UHF 30 dBm [TL:9] 64-QAM 189.0 Kbps]  [+RA] aquila.control.s2.1 [0.0 dBi UHF 30 dBm [TL:9] 64-QAM 189.0 Kbps]  [+RA] aquila.crew.s2.s0p5.1 [1.5 dBi UHF 30 dBm [TL:9] 64-QAM 189.0 Kbps]  [+RA] eridani.node.adapter.s1p5.s0p5.1 [1.5 dBi UHF 30 dBm [TL:9] 64-QAM 189.0 Kbps]  [+RA] eridani.crew.s1p5.1 [0.0 dBi UHF 30 dBm [TL:9] 64-QAM 189.0 Kbps]  [+RA] eridani.high.gain.antenna.srf.1 [25.8 dBi S 30 dBm [TL:9] 64-QAM 1.98 Mbps]  ->Kerbin (CelestialBody) [+RA] eridani.low.gain.antenna.srf.2 [25.8 dBi S 30 dBm [TL:9] 64-QAM 1.98 Mbps]  ->Kerbin (CelestialBody) [+RA] eridani.low.gain.antenna.srf.2 [25.8 dBi S 30 dBm [TL:9] 64-QAM 1.98 Mbps]  ->Kerbin (CelestialBody) [+RA] ShuttleCabin [1.5 dBi UHF 30 dBm [TL:9] 64-QAM 189.0 Kbps]  [+RA] ht2.moduleDestiny [1.5 dBi UHF 30 dBm [TL:9] 64-QAM 189.0 Kbps]  [+RA] tantares.crew.s1.1 [1.5 dBi UHF 30 dBm [TL:9] 64-QAM 189.0 Kbps]  [+RA] tantares.fuel.tank.s1.1 [1.5 dBi UHF 30 dBm [TL:9] 64-QAM 189.0 Kbps]  
Node: Soyuz-FG (w/craft) Probe Links=3 :   [+RA] rn.r7.blok.i [1.5 dBi UHF 30 dBm [TL:9] 64-QAM 189.0 Kbps]  
Node: Isaby Kerman Links=0 :   
Node: WIP RO - Canadarm™Grapple fixture Links=0 :   

[LOG 16:19:46.465] [RealAntennasCommNetwork] CommLink walk
DSS 63 - Madrid -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 1.00/1.00 : 15.8 Kbps/15.8 Kbps (40.312/40.312)
DSS 63 - Madrid -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 1.00/1.00 : 15.8 Kbps/15.8 Kbps (40.312/40.312)
DSS 43 - Canberra -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 1.00/1.00 : 15.8 Kbps/15.8 Kbps (40.312/40.312)
DSS 14 - Goldstone -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 1.00/1.00 : 15.8 Kbps/15.8 Kbps (40.312/40.312)
DSS 14 - Goldstone -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 1.00/1.00 : 15.8 Kbps/15.8 Kbps (40.312/40.312)
DSA 3 - Malargüe -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
KSAT - Svalbard -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.91/0.64 : 3.9 Kbps/62 bps (644.999/2641914.840)
KSAT - Troll Station -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.91/0.64 : 3.9 Kbps/62 bps (644.999/2641914.840)
MGS - McMurdo -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.91/0.64 : 3.9 Kbps/62 bps (644.999/2641914.840)
MSFN - BDA Bermuda -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
MSFN - Kano -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
MSFN - Grand Canary -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.91/0.64 : 3.9 Kbps/62 bps (644.999/2641914.840)
MSFN - Grand Canary -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.91/0.64 : 3.9 Kbps/62 bps (644.999/2641914.840)
MSFN - Guaymas -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
MSFN - Kauai -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
STDN - Carnarvon -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
STDN - Carnarvon -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.91/0.64 : 3.9 Kbps/62 bps (644.999/2641914.840)
STDN - Tananarive -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
STDN - Johannesburg -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
STDN - Ascension -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.64 : 7.9 Kbps/62 bps (161.250/2641914.840)
STDN - Ascension -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.91/0.64 : 3.9 Kbps/62 bps (644.999/2641914.840)
STDN - Quito -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
US - Wallops -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
US - Vandenberg -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.91/0.64 : 3.9 Kbps/62 bps (644.999/2641914.840)
US - Vandenberg -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
US - Kodiak -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.91/0.64 : 3.9 Kbps/62 bps (644.999/2641914.840)
US - Cape Canaveral -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
US - Brownsville -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
RU - Yasny -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
RU - Svobodny -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.64 : 7.9 Kbps/62 bps (161.250/2641914.840)
RU - Plesetsk -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.91/0.64 : 3.9 Kbps/62 bps (644.999/2641914.840)
RU - Kapustin Yar -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
NZ - Mahia -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
MH - Omelek -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
KZ - Baikonur -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
JP - Uchinoura -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
JP - Tanegashima -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
IR - Semnan -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
IN - Satish Dhawan -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
IL - Palmachim -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
FR - Kourou -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
DZ - Hammaguir -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
DZ - Hammaguir -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.91/0.64 : 3.9 Kbps/62 bps (644.999/2641914.840)
CN - Xichang -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.91/0.64 : 3.9 Kbps/62 bps (644.999/2641914.840)
CN - Xichang -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.91/0.64 : 3.9 Kbps/62 bps (644.999/2641914.840)
CN - Wenchang -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.64 : 7.9 Kbps/62 bps (161.250/2641914.840)
CN - Wenchang -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.91/0.64 : 3.9 Kbps/62 bps (644.999/2641914.840)
CN - Taiyuan -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.64 : 7.9 Kbps/62 bps (161.250/2641914.840)
CN - Taiyuan -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.91/0.64 : 3.9 Kbps/62 bps (644.999/2641914.840)
CN - Jiuquan -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.91/0.64 : 3.9 Kbps/62 bps (644.999/2641914.840)
CN - Jiuquan -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.91/0.64 : 3.9 Kbps/62 bps (644.999/2641914.840)
AU - Woomera -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.95/0.68 : 7.9 Kbps/123 bps (161.250/660478.710)
Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.58/0.58 : 123 bps/123 bps (660478.710/660478.710)
Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.58/0.58 : 123 bps/123 bps (660478.710/660478.710)
Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) -> Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) : 0.58/0.58 : 123 bps/123 bps (660478.710/660478.710)
ht2.CBM (International Space Station) -> rn.r7.adapter.blok.iv2 : 0.93/0.93 : 78.8 Kbps/78.8 Kbps (1.612/1.612)
DSS 14 - Goldstone -> Mars Orbiter - 1 (unloaded) : 0.78/0.52 : 10.3 Kbps/161 bps (94.031/385151.882)
DSS 43 - Canberra -> Mars Orbiter - 1 (unloaded) : 0.78/0.52 : 10.3 Kbps/161 bps (94.031/385151.882)
Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) -> rn.r7.adapter.blok.iv2 : 0.65/0.65 : 492 bps/492 bps (41279.919/41279.919)
Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) -> ht2.CBM (International Space Station) : 0.65/0.65 : 492 bps/492 bps (41279.919/41279.919)
Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) -> rn.r7.adapter.blok.iv2 : 0.62/0.62 : 246 bps/246 bps (165119.678/165119.678)
Comms SAT - 3 Probe (unloaded) -> ht2.CBM (International Space Station) : 0.62/0.62 : 246 bps/246 bps (165119.678/165119.678)

[LOG 16:19:47.968] Set pointer mode to: Drop
[LOG 16:19:50.107] Move part
[LOG 16:19:50.114] Set pointer mode to: Nothing
[LOG 16:19:50.114] KIS UI lock released
[WRN 16:19:55.699] [CHATR] Initial chatter set is empty
[WRN 16:19:55.699] [CHATR] Response chatter set is empty
[LOG 16:19:56.101] Start pickup in mode Move from part: [Part:ht.PDGF (WIP RO - Canadarm™Grapple fixture) (id=F3100850)]
[LOG 16:19:56.102] Jetpack mouse input disabled
[LOG 16:19:56.151] Jetpack mouse input re-enabled
[LOG 16:19:56.170] [Part:ht.PDGF (WIP RO - Canadarm™Grapple fixture) (id=F3100850)] End part pickup
[LOG 16:19:56.191] KIS UI lock acquired
[LOG 16:19:56.191] Set pointer mode to: Drop
[LOG 16:19:58.781] Set pointer mode to: Attach
[LOG 16:20:00.464] Set pointer mode to: Drop
[LOG 16:20:00.758] Set pointer mode to: Attach
[LOG 16:20:08.120] Set pointer mode to: Drop
[LOG 16:20:08.678] Set pointer mode to: Attach
[WRN 16:20:19.436] [CHATR] Initial chatter set is empty
[WRN 16:20:19.436] [CHATR] Response chatter set is empty
[LOG 16:20:22.217] IR: [OnSave] Start
[LOG 16:20:22.217] IR: [OnSave] End
[LOG 16:20:22.217] IR: [OnSave] Start
[LOG 16:20:22.217] IR: [OnSave] End
[LOG 16:20:22.217] IR: [OnSave] Start
[LOG 16:20:22.217] IR: [OnSave] End
[LOG 16:20:22.217] IR: [OnSave] Start
[LOG 16:20:22.218] IR: [OnSave] End
[LOG 16:20:22.218] IR: [OnSave] Start
[LOG 16:20:22.218] IR: [OnSave] End
[LOG 16:20:22.218] IR: [OnSave] Start
[LOG 16:20:22.218] IR: [OnSave] End
[LOG 16:20:22.218] IR: [OnSave] Start
[LOG 16:20:22.218] IR: [OnSave] End
[LOG 16:20:22.218] IR: [OnSave] Start
[LOG 16:20:22.218] IR: [OnSave] End
[LOG 16:20:22.218] IR: [OnSave] Start
[LOG 16:20:22.218] IR: [OnSave] End
[LOG 16:20:22.250] Flight State Captured
[LOG 16:20:22.250] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 16:20:22.250] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 16:20:22.250] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 16:20:22.251] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 16:20:22.251] [FAR v0.16.0.1]: saved
[LOG 16:20:22.251] [FAR v0.16.0.1]: Saving FAR Data
[LOG 16:20:22.251] [FAR v0.16.0.1]: Save AG actionGroupSpoiler as Brakes
[LOG 16:20:22.251] [FAR v0.16.0.1]: Save AG actionGroupIncreaseFlapDeflection as None
[LOG 16:20:22.251] [FAR v0.16.0.1]: Save AG actionGroupDecreaseFlapDeflection as None
[LOG 16:20:22.252] KK: [WindowManager] SavePresets: 
[LOG 16:20:22.252] KK: [WindowManager] SavePresets: Saving: GrassEditor : (0.4, 0.3)
[LOG 16:20:22.253] KK: [KerbalKonstructsSettings] OnSave: KKScenario saving career state
[LOG 16:20:22.266] 5/26/2021 4:20:22 PM,BackgroundResources,OnSave: 
[LOG 16:20:22.266] [PR] Saving Data.
[LOG 16:20:22.271] [MessageSystem] Save Messages
[LOG 16:20:22.279] -INFO- Tac.AddLifeSupport[930B0B1C][3320.14]: AddLifeSupport Constructor
[LOG 16:20:22.583] Game State Saved to saves/Sandbox/persistent
[LOG 16:20:22.584] [AutoSave]: Game Backed Up and Saved
[WRN 16:20:22.623] [CHATR] Initial chatter set is empty
[WRN 16:20:22.623] [CHATR] Response chatter set is empty
[WRN 16:20:28.300] [CHATR] Initial chatter set is empty
[WRN 16:20:28.300] [CHATR] Response chatter set is empty
[LOG 16:20:31.179] Set pointer mode to: Drop
[LOG 16:20:37.132] Set pointer mode to: Nothing
[LOG 16:20:37.149] KIS UI lock released
[LOG 16:20:46.924] Stop KIS behavior due to construct mode
[LOG 16:20:46.924] Set pointer mode to: Nothing
[LOG 16:20:46.924] KIS UI lock released
[LOG 16:20:48.481] -INFO- Tac.LifeSupportController[FFB5F7F6][3341.50]: Vessel Destroyed [65c213e3-d0c5-4c20-99d8-7f4d1135499c] WIP RO - Canadarm™Grapple fixture
[LOG 16:20:48.481] [PR] Deleting WIP RO - Canadarm™Grapple fixture as reference.
[LOG 16:20:48.494] IR: [ServoController] OnVesselUnloaded, v=WIP RO - Canadarm™Grapple fixture
[LOG 16:20:48.494] IR: [ServoController] OnVesselUnloaded, v=WIP RO - Canadarm™Grapple fixture




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5 hours ago, IgorZ said:

I see some jitter in the video, but no log records can explain it. And I cannot reproduce it on my system. Checkout this video. I noticed, you're not using the latest KIS&KSP versions. It may or may not be the reason, I cannot verify the versions you're using.

That's okay, I appreciate you looking things over and confirming it's nothing obvious. I am using KSP version 1.10 and using a compatible KIS+KAS version for two reasons: 1, I built a modlist to explore EventHorizon's Gargantua system which is quite outdated in terms of official support but I have to explore since it's based off of Interstellar (2014)'s Gargantua system, and boi, the views from the planets orbiting the black hole are really something. 2, I prefer having KIS as my main implementation of the inventory system for now, and man did it take a while to assemble all these mods and learn them (MKS by Roverdude, I'm looking at you).

In regards to your video, I had stuttering on place, not on grab. That could explain the reason things look so smooth for you. I was spinning the camera and clicking to place during my spin to show the jitter but I couldn't notice it in your video since you stopped moving the camera when placing. I tried watching the MET time in the top left and I think it did look like there was some delay or deviation from counting perfect seconds.

6 hours ago, IgorZ said:

I also noticed you've managed to buy an  RTX 3080, which I was hunting for more than half of an year with no success. Congrats!

I seriously only believe I was able to grab one was because here in Canada, the absolutely horrible reputation Canada Computers was offering the ability to backorder GPUs around the holiday months. They were also forthcoming with information about how many of each unit they've received in the last few weeks, and which ones they were having regular stock come in of. Originally I wanted a ASUS TUF 3080 since it happened to have the best cooler and best looks (to me), but that one was very rarely moving since it was a lower class SKU. The more expensive SKUs, the ones with factory overclocking and fancy RGB and better binning were what happened to be coming in stock regularly. I believe one company, might have been Asus, straight up cancelled manufacturing indefinitely of their MSRP cheapest 3080 and everyone went ballistic over that decision, since they had preorders going back months. I switched my preorder for the $200 more expensive EVGA FTW3 Ultra card, which was their highest sku, and even though I didn't like the looks of it very much I considered it the price to pay to get one (this was still MSRP of the card, just more money for the higher SKU). I waited 3 and a half weeks and I got the call it was ready to pickup. The RGB strip actually looks really cool and grew on me, it looks really high-class, not tacky at all.

The 5600x on the other hand, man, that one took a month and a half to come in.

But since then, Canada Computers at many locations have cancelled their backorders I believe because of lower stock refills. Longer waitlists with no guarantees probably doesn't look good for business. If I had to order a card like everyone else does by watching internationally exposed online stores like Amazon etc I would not have been quick enough to get one at all. Seriously, Newegg removing captchas and shopping cart reservations for a few minutes?

I heard that for the US one of the surefire ways has been EVGA's step-up program, where you buy a lower tier card and they refund you the difference when stock is available to upgrade and you've got the cash. I'm not sure if they've continued doing this through the 3000 series shortage, but it was available to do back in November-January.

Good luck on the hunt!

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3 minutes ago, Caerfinon said:

Can you attach the part to any other location successfully?

nope.  Just get an error saying this node cannot be surfaced attached. But I know it can be surfaced attached because I already attached a couple onto a surface in the VAB.

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Just now, Caerfinon said:

If you want you can list the specific parts and the mods they are  from (or stock) and I 'll load it up and see what I can see.

so the part I am trying to attach is a PDGF from Benjee10 HTRobotics which I believe is bundled with his Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit. And I am trying to attach it to The Pressurized Mating Adapter from Habtech2.

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11 minutes ago, si2504 said:

so the part I am trying to attach is a PDGF from Benjee10 HTRobotics which I believe is bundled with his Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit. And I am trying to attach it to The Pressurized Mating Adapter from Habtech2.

KIS/KAS allows parts to be either attached by a particular node or surface (depending on the part). That part can either be surface-attached or node-attached. Unlike in the editor though you have to tell it which mode you want it in. Notice how in the screenshot it says Attach (bottomNode)? That means it is trying to attach its bottom node to a node on the craft. Hit R until it gets to surface and I think you should be good.

Edited by Alphathon
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