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Kerbal Survivability

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I was reading more suggestions regarding life support and thought "Why are we considering Kerbal life support before we consider Kerbal crash protection?".

Right now we can subject our Kerbals to rapidly oscillating 15g accelerations along multiple axes for indefinite periods of time without killing them.  This is silly.

We should have our Kerbals black out/red out at 6g of normal or anti normal acceleration depending on Kerbal seat or capsule orientation.  A blacked-out Jeb no longer provides pilot SAS.  At 12g our Kerbals should not be reviveable until the craft is recovered.

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46 minutes ago, Jonfliesgoats said:

I was reading more suggestions regarding life support and thought "Why are we considering Kerbal life support before we consider Kerbal crash protection?".

Right now we can subject our Kerbals to rapidly oscillating 15g accelerations along multiple axes for indefinite periods of time without killing them.  This is silly.

We should have our Kerbals black out/red out at 6g of normal or anti normal acceleration depending on Kerbal seat or capsule orientation.  A blacked-out Jeb no longer provides pilot SAS.  At 12g our Kerbals should not be reviveable until the craft is recovered.

As @GluttonyReaper said, for your 12g problem is an option in ksp 1.2. 

And the life support is just not a thing that everyone wants so bad I think. You can always mod it when you want.

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47 minutes ago, DrLicor said:

And the life support is just not a thing that everyone wants so bad I think. You can always mod it when you want.

I don't think it's a bad idea to add in to the stock game as an option, but it would be best for it to be done as an optional addition (like the new communications network).

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