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Stock Community Base for 0.16


Should we allow multiple launches on the one flight window?  

  1. 1. Should we allow multiple launches on the one flight window?

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I only ask that if anyone wants to play around in the rover, please do so AFTER posting the new persistence file, so that everyone gets it with full fuel. If that doesn\'t work, I\'ll just launch a replacement in the future ;)

Can I also get on the list for a mission to Mun to put this same rover there?

EDIT: Also wanted to say that the plane that olex landed on Kerbin is on a hill, and so it falls apart and explodes if you try to load it.

Thought: I propose that we make a deal to keep all Kerbalnauts inside their spaceships when uploading the new file. After only a couple flights, the flight list is very long because we all left our Kerbals outside.

Booked and agreed with both points.. anyone disagree with these ideas?

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I would like to sign up for another flight to Mote base!


I knew when I made that base last round, I should of called it mote base, its so much more popular this round :)

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Another Question... I it okay if I use modded parts to get there, but they are destroyed during the process?

Um, it\'s Stock Community Base.

Also, maybe you should have read the rules. Rule number one is

1. All flights must be flown with the latest KSP build, Presently KSP 0.16, no mods
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You booked me for flight to Minmus, please change to Mote base on Mun (I think you just misread my post).

Done, sorry :)

Nope, they seem pretty straightforward to me, I agree too.

Also, sign me up for a flight to Minmus.

Booked :)

Forgot to mention on my last post I\'d like another flight D: book me for a flight to Mote base please.

Good to see more flights! booked!

Is there a mod base for 16.0 yet? I can’t find it….

Indeed their is, they started before us!


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I\'ve tried twice now, and on the junker laptop I have with me (I\'m out on vacation) I\'m having issues with the landing. The lag gets worst right when I come within 200m of the base - right when I most need it to, y\'know, NOT lag.

I\'m going to give it one more try later today with the different flight plan of coming in straight down and very slowly. Even if I do end up lagging out in that last 200m, I plan to already be in a stable 2 m/s straight down hover before then to basically auto-land.


Hooray for drop straight in to a landing while keeping the camera angled up as much as possible! There is something about terrain that my laptop\'s graphics card hates a lot more in 0.16 than it did in 0.15... not sure why. Whatever the case, the 'Underling' lander has been added to Mote base.


It\'s the one in the background of that shot, with the pod slung underneath everything.

MikeMC, it\'s your turn!

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Just to ask, so are we allowed to put satellites in orbit?

At this stage, not satellites..

When docking comes in we may move upto space stations :)

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At this stage, not satellites..

When docking comes in we may move upto space stations :)

Ah. Okay.

Sign me up for a Kerpan Island Holiday Resort, please.

EDIT: Also, on the OP, it should read \'Minmus\', not \'Minimus\'

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I can set up a colony of landers with some rovers at the southern pole of minmus.

Heh, the whole point of this is that the colonies are set up as a group. So feel free to fly a ship up to Minmus\'s south pole on your turn, and then others will join you there, and soon enough there will be a whole colony of landers (and maybe some rovers) there.

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I\'m a bit disappointed that I can\'t put up a satellite but anyway I\'ll like to sign up for a flight to Minmus, for now I\'ll go to Kronos base. (Can I get an Image of it\'s location so I plan my turn accordingly.)

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(Can I get an Image of it\'s location so I plan my turn accordingly.)

You can go one better and grab one of the save files with the base on it, to practice landing at the actual location! Just, y\'know, make sure you grab the latest file before your actual turn. ;-)

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