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[Minimum KSP: 1.12.2] Heisenberg - Airships Part Pack

Angelo Kerman

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@Angel-125 Still enjoying this mod, Just rolled out the newest version of extra large airships for my Kerbin based Explorers to use:


Was sadly disappointed to discover these 2 'hatches' can't be used:


so I couldn't actually walk Kerbals out onto the cool little catwalk I made for screenshot purposes. :)

Thanks for what you do, and thanks for all the help with bug reports, and problems we make ourselves! :blush:

Edited by vardicd
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2 hours ago, vardicd said:

@Angel-125 Still enjoying this mod, Just rolled out the newest version of extra large airships for my Kerbin based Explorers to use:

Was sadly disappointed to discover these 2 'hatches' can't be used:

so I couldn't actually walk Kerbals out onto the cool little catwalk I made for screenshot purposes. :)

Thanks for what you do, and thanks for all the help with bug reports, and problems we make ourselves! :blush:

The airship hulls don't have any crew spaces, so those hatches are just for show. You could stick another part there to provide a small crew space. Nice designs though. :) 

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2 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

So, all I need from Hooligan Labs is the DLL itself, right? I can delete the parts?

I ask because I am just trying to trim my parts database...


I deleted all the Hooligan parts from my game, hasn't negatively impacted me.

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1 hour ago, JEB Kerman. said:

the mod is not working for me. All i have is this, HL airships, Konstruction, and ground construction. 

Your bug report is not working for me. All I have is a complaint, a small list of mods, and no details, logs, or screenshots.


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6 hours ago, DerekL1963 said:

The AS-2s, prototype exploration airship.

Looks great! Thanks for sharing that. :) I do have plans to add conformal solar arrays and an electric engine at some point, I'm just busy on other projects right now. Speaking of which,

Heisenberg 2.2 is now available:

New Parts
- HL-10 Side Elevator: This huge 10m by 10m elevator unfolds from the side of the airship. You can then raise and lower the elevator to the hangar deck.
- Windowed Walkway: Courtesy of @Enceos, this part is a crew corridor that can hold up to 3 kerbals. It currently has no IVA, but one might be included in a future release. Thanks for creating the part, Enceos! :)

Wide Width
The Flight Deck System parts (Flight Deck, Flight Deck Fairing, Aircraft Elevator, Side Elevator) now have the ability to toggle their meshes between Standard Width and Wide Width. Wide width changes the models so that their sides are perpendicular to the hangar deck, giving you the full 10-meter width to store your vehicles. In Wide width mode, there's just enough room to store a stock Aeris 3A in the hangar.

Sample Craft
Found in the Heisenberg/SampleCraft folder are 3 sample airships and one support plane:
- Heisenberg (SPH): made entirely from the parts pack and stock parts, she has two first-class cabins, two passenger cabins, and can carry cargo as well.
- Macon (SPH): a modified Heisenberg-class airship, the Macon has been turned into a flying aircraft carrier. Macon has a wider hangar deck than her sister ship, the Akron. Macon is of course named after the USS Macon, a flying aircraft carrier that was once stationed nearby...
- Skydancer (VAB): This airship is equipped with rocket booster to achieve orbit. She has an array of science equipment on her back, two hab modules, two science labs, a pair of greenhouses, and a power pack of Nerve engines. Just launch Skydancer into orbit, refuel her, and fly the airship to Laythe.
- Aeris 3V (SPH): This is a highly modified Aeris 3A that's equipped with VTOL engines and an underbelly docking port. It's a nice complement to the Macon.

Sample craft pics:





Bug Fixes
- Fixed sound effects issue with the cargo lift.
- You can now select the default image for the Plasma Screen in addition to screens in the Screenshots folder.
- Moved the kPad and plasma screens to the Utility tab.
- Fixed COM issues with the HL-10 hulls.


Edited by Angel-125
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Omg so happy, now Ivan use my konstruction crane to carry capsules on to my airship better rather then having them swinging below it (2 kraken attacks so far).

Soon I may even be good enough to land planes on the deck, need to download the mod so I can make craft bigger then the sph.


Ty tyty ty south for this mod! 

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18 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

Looks great! Thanks for sharing that. :) I do have plans to add conformal solar arrays and an electric engine at some point, I'm just busy on other projects right now.


Some further fiddling around lead me to some other (I hope) useful ideas:

- A non-propulsive Ec powered method of replenishing Compressed Air.  Since the Gyro Rings are the primary storage for Compressed Air, maybe just integrate the function there rather than adding parts?
- Given the vast volumes of Compressed Air that can be consumed while maneuvering, it would be nice if the Storage Gondola could be configured to store Compressed Air.

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29 minutes ago, DerekL1963 said:


Some further fiddling around lead me to some other (I hope) useful ideas:

- A non-propulsive Ec powered method of replenishing Compressed Air.  Since the Gyro Rings are the primary storage for Compressed Air, maybe just integrate the function there rather than adding parts?
- Given the vast volumes of Compressed Air that can be consumed while maneuvering, it would be nice if the Storage Gondola could be configured to store Compressed Air.

Thanks for the suggestions. The GyroRing actually does produce CompressedAir via EC/Atmosphere already. I'll look at a template to store CompressedAir as well.

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6 hours ago, Lord_intet said:

is there any chance we could have a longer cargo lift to aid in loading the airship? :)

You can double them up by flipping them so they're back to back and flush, and then use control group keys to raise and lower them.  Haven't had an issue yet.

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Amazing mod but it has a couple of issues:

the airships become very unstable if you try to launch a plane from the runway(due to the plane not being attached to the airship, it will not count the weight of the plane which will make the ship crash)

it randomly flips upside down even though I have the center of mass in the right place.

the pitch control sometimes makes your ship go completely vertical.

when I try to attach something radially on the dirigible sections it will simply fall off if I do not strut it with 20 struts.

I really love the mod but the aircraft problem needs to be fixed as it kinda makes it useless.

I can't find the new part from your latest update.

this mod is really awesome if you have a VTOL and you use extraplanetary launchpads because it is attached until you manually release it and after that, you can directly take off making sure that the airship will stay (mostly) straight.


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10 hours ago, DerekL1963 said:

The latest addition to my exploration airship...  droppable navigation beacons, using an inverted hangar deck.   The general idea is that I can drop them and use them as target for later navigation if I don't want to land and plant a flag.


You may want to take a look at this mod, to help you out:


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4 hours ago, Dark_Derp said:

Amazing mod but it has a couple of issues:

the airships become very unstable if you try to launch a plane from the runway(due to the plane not being attached to the airship, it will not count the weight of the plane which will make the ship crash)

it randomly flips upside down even though I have the center of mass in the right place.

the pitch control sometimes makes your ship go completely vertical.

when I try to attach something radially on the dirigible sections it will simply fall off if I do not strut it with 20 struts.

I really love the mod but the aircraft problem needs to be fixed as it kinda makes it useless.

I can't find the new part from your latest update.

this mod is really awesome if you have a VTOL and you use extraplanetary launchpads because it is attached until you manually release it and after that, you can directly take off making sure that the airship will stay (mostly) straight.


I don't have any of the issues you're complaining about. If flown right the airships fly just fine with no issues.

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2 hours ago, Ze Grim Reaper said:

Hi, The mod looks AWESOME, but there is one problem, i look all over the page and i cannot find the download link for the mod, could i please get some help finding the download link? thanks!

Its litterally at the very top of the op! Click on either the github repo of the spacedock mirrior...

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