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[1.2] SpaceX Interplanetary Transportation System by Thrimm Aerospace [0.91]


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I'm happy to share with you the first public release of this mod. Most of the parts are done and ready to use and you can now properly replay the Mars colonization mission in KSP.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This mod is absolutely overpowered for the stock game. The engine performance and ship stats are as close to their real counterparts as I could make them, and as of now it works just fine in RSS with FAR and RealHeat installed. You don't need RO for this to work 'realistically' in terms of performance, except the fact that the fuel is not right (liquid fuel/oxidizer instead of liquid methane/oxygen) and engines don't suffer from ullage and other great features that RO brings. DeltaV stats, Isp, masses and all related parameters are nevertheless more or less correct.


  • Crew Transport Ship with 4 crew and 100 passenger capacity.
  • Tanker Ship for orbital refueling.
  • Reusable Booster with attachable fins and gridfins. Built-in decoupler, probe core and antenna.
  • Dedicated shielded side docking port. Matches stock senior docking port.
  • Raptor engines for atmospheric and vacuum use.
  • Ship landing legs
  • Deployable Gridfins that act as control surfaces and airbrakes
  • Booster fins
  • Solar Panels, RCS etc.


  • Booster has a built-in decoupler for stage separation. Built-in docking ports can be activated in config files (as an alternative).
  • Currently uses Liquid Fuel/Oxidizer mixture but with correct masses for the ship and booster
  • Engine Isp and thrust are set to values given by Elon Musk in his presentation
  • All sizes are as accurate as I could estimate
  • Ship and booster masses are as specified by Elon Musk. Raptor engine mass is estimated based on Merlin mass
  • Tested in KSP 1.2.
  • Backwards compatibility for KSP 1.1.3 and some extra config files for RSS are available on GITHUB
  • Landing legs are missing landing leg module. They are still animated and act as landing legs, and are by default activated by Gears action group. They cannot overstress.


  • Internals
  • IRSU module
  • RSS/RO configuration for proper fuel usage - partly done
  • Configuration for stock KSP that is not game-breaking
  • Split body flaps for the ship


A quick video I made how to assemble the ship:




Kottabos review:



DOWNLOADS: SPACEDOCK CURSE GITHUB   - Backwards compatibility and extra configs are available here.

DEVELOPMENT THREAD is where all the important updates and future features, as well as current issues (there are some) are discussed.

I hope you will enjoy this mod! It took me a long time to (sort of) finish and I wasn't even sure if I could do it. Because of that, I'm even more excited to share it with you!

A big THANK YOU to Marcus House for the support and testing, as well as config adjustments!

Edited by Thrimm
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The monster of the monster ships. Looks cool, well done. But i don't know if i will ever have 100 kerbals in my carrer game :D

Now a version without the passengers, but with a payload section with wide doors instead. That would interest me :)

Edited by LeLeon
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5 hours ago, pheenix99 said:

Love it.

Are there any plans for a ladder by the hatch or perhaps USI/TAC life support integration planned for future releases?

Yes and yes! I actually would like to make the hatch animated with an extendible ladder (because right now it kind of doesn't fit visually). Life support will probably be added as soon as I figure out what has to be done exactly.

4 hours ago, LeLeon said:

The monster of the monster ships. Looks cool, well done. But i don't know if i will ever have 100 kerbals in my carrer game :D

Now a version without the passengers, but with a payload section with wide doors instead. That would interest me :)

Cargo version is definitely coming.

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As career player your parts are cheatlike. 13.000 for 225.000 - 603.000 liters fuel + oxidizer. I go into VAB, take the tanker, the transporter or a 450 creds probe + solid stage. I empty the tanks and press launch. and tadaa i earn between 220.000 to 600.000 creds because your parts are WAY WAY WAY too cheap. :wink:

I do some suggestions here for a comparable not-just-a-gift career version (i changed your configs for personal use)

ITS Crew Transport: 616.000 credits



- costs of Fuel 166.010 cr

- tank capacity of 175,5 k lq (jumbo64 hold 2880 lq, costs empty 2812 cr) 60,9 parts x 2812 cr = 171.251 cr /// 243 tons

- 100 Passengers (compared to MK3 crew cabin with 16 seats) 6,25 parts x 30.000 cr =  187.500 cr  /// 40,6 tons

- 4 seat Cockpit (compare MK3) 10.000 cr /// 3,9 tons

- 5k battery bank (compare 4000 ec stock bat.) 4.500 cr /// 0,2 tons

150 torque Reaction Wheel (MK3 cockpit 40 =>  110 torque over, compared with stock Wheel large)  3,7 parts x 2100 cr =  7.770 cr /// 0,7 tons

288,4 tons total weight of separate components

Costs: 547.031 cr (not taking in account any adapters, nodes needed to fit all the parts together, so the hull is without any additional price)

For lightweight components with a reduction of (288,4 tons - 150 tons (shuttle weight)) = 138,4 tons i give a multiplier of 500 cr per tons = 69.200 cr

(very fair sum for weight that is not needed to be moved additionally with more fuel to orbit)

Total sum: 616.231 cr


ITS Orbital Tanker: 572.000 Credits



- costs of fuel 216.500 cr

- tank capacity of 225k lq (jumbo64 hold 2880 lq, costs empty 2812 cr) 78,13 parts x 2812 cr = 219.702 cr /// 312,5 tons

- 4 seat Cockpit (compare MK3) 10.000 cr /// 3,9 tons

- 5k battery bank  (compare 4000 ec stock bat.) 4.500 cr /// 0,2 tons

150 torque Reaction Wheel (MK3 cockpit 40 =>  110 torque over, compared with stock Wheel large)  3,7 parts x 2100 cr =  7.770 cr /// 0,7 tons

317,3 tons total weight of separate components

Costs: 458.472 cr (not taking in account any adapters, nodes needed to fit all the parts together, so the hull is without any additional price)

For lightweight components with a reduction of (317,3 tons - 90 tons (shuttle weight)) = 227,3 tons i give a multiplier of 500 cr per tons = 113.650 cr

(very fair sum for weight that is not needed to be moved additionally with more fuel to orbit)

Total sum: 572.122 cr

ITS Booster: 1.310.000 Credits


- costs of fuel 602.060 cr

- tank capacity of 603k lq (jumbo64 hold 2880 lq, costs empty 2812 cr) 209,38 parts x 2812 cr = 588.777 cr /// 837,5 tons

- simple probe core (compared to stock) 450 cr /// 0,1 tons

- 2k battery bank (compare 4000 ec stock bat.) 2.250 cr /// 0,1 tons

50 torque Reaction Wheel (probe 0 torque =>  50 torque over, compared with stock Wheel large)  1,7 parts x 2100 cr =  3.570 cr /// 0,3 tons

838,0 tons total weight of separate components

Costs: 1.197.107 cr (not taking in account any adapters, nodes needed to fit all the parts together, so the hull is without any additional price)

For lightweight components with a reduction of (838 tons - 275 tons (shuttle weight)) = 563 tons i give a multiplier of 200 cr per tons = 112.600 cr

(lower multiplier, because just booter stage. very fair sum for weight that is not needed to be moved additionally with more fuel to orbit)

Total sum: 1.309.707 cr

Raptor Atmospheric: 73.000 Credits


Hard to find a price for the engines, 

Made a vessel in VAB with SpaceX-Passenger + Booster (9.079 tons)

Now i compared the vessel stats with 42 RaptorSL on booster and a single stock "Vector" with Tweakscale (in Brackets) on comparison TWR.

TWR Launchpad: 1,33/5,03  (1.34/4,42) -1%/+14%

Delta-V: 4.365 (3449) +27%

the "Vector" engine at that comparison had Diameter: 8,9m

Mass: 541 tons

Costs: 2.434.852 cr : 42 =  57.972 cr (divided with 42 single Raptor on Booster stage) * 1,26 (TWR @ Launch + DeltaV Multiplier) ) = 73.045 cr

imo, ISP Vac too high. If concepted to launch the booster.

Total sum: 73.045 cr

Raptor VAC: 111.500 Credits


Hard to find a price for the engines, 

Made a vessel in VAB with SpaceX-Passenger (2.100 tons)

Now i compared the vessel stats with 6 RaptorVAC on shuttle and 6 stock "Dart" with Tweakscale (in Brackets) on comparison TWR.

TWR 70km: 1,02/13,83  (1.02/8,31) +-0%/+66%

Delta-V: 9.777 (6.980) +40%

the "Dart" engine at that comparison had Diameter: 4,2m

Mass: 20,7 tons

Costs: 79.672 cr * 1,40 (TWR @ 70km + DeltaV Multiplier) ) = 111.540 cr

(seems high, but its an outstanding uber-engine)

Total sum: 111.540 cr

ITS Twin-Nozzle RCS: 1.400 Credits (your costs are good to me. high weight, high mass, high thrust, normal ISP)

ITS Shipside Docking Port: 1.200 Credits  (because its shielded lightweight Dock Senior size (stock 980 cr)

ITS Ship Solar Panel: 31.000 Credits 


for example:

ITS Ship Solar Panel, retract: 2,0 tons @ 200ec/ sec (100ec/t)

Near Future OKEB-100 panel, no retract engine: 0,83 tons @ 100.0ec/ sec: costs 12.500 cr (120ec/t)

Near Future OKEB-500 panel, no retract engine: 4,15 tons @ 500ec/ sec: costs 60.000 cr (120ec/t)

Stock Gigantor XL @290% Tweak, retract, 2,52 tons @ 205 ec/ sec: costs 25.230 cr (81ec/t) 

compared to retractable Giganotor the ITS has better ec/ tons, so a Multiplier of 23%.

Giganotor 25230 cr * 1,23 = 31.033 cr

Ship Landing Leg: each 15.000 Credits (because they sucessfully hold a 2.240 tons vessel, while launchpad exploded)

ITS Booster Control GridFin: 3.000 Credits (compared to other gridfins in wing area and functionality (ITS: controlable with 4 wing area)

ITS Booster Fin: 2000 Credits (compared to other wing area parts for 1 wing area / 500cr (ITS: 3,75 wing area) 


My ship calculation:

Tanker, no legs just orbit, 1 solar panel, docking port, 24 RCS, 6 Raptor VAC

572.000 + 31.000 + 1.200 + (24*1400) 36.600 + (6*111.500) 669.000 = 1.309.800 Credits

Booster Stage, 42 Raptor Atmo, no fins (worked without to me)

1.310.000 + (42*73.000) 3.066.000 = 4.376.000 Credits

Total: 5.685.800 for 9.000 DeltaV Super Freighter

I play with Stage Recovery*, so Booster can be returned for 50%-70% of dry mass costs (4.376.000 - fuel 602k = 3.774.000)

 *need around 20 MK2-R @ 400% Tweakscale

No part calculation left, I'm ready for discussion. Career Point-of-View welcome.

Edited by LeLeon
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34 minutes ago, LeLeon said:

As career player your parts are cheatlike. 13.000 for 225.000 - 603.000 liters fuel + oxidizer. I go into VAB, take the tanker, the transporter or a 450 creds probe + solid stage. I empty the tanks and press launch. and tadaa i earn between 220.000 to 600.000 creds because your parts are WAY WAY WAY too cheap. :wink:

I do some suggestions here for a comparable not-just-a-gift career version (i changed your configs for personal use)

Crew Transporter:

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- costs of Fuel 166.010 cr

- tank capacity of 175,5 k lq (jumbo64 hold 2880 lq, costs empty 2812 cr) 60,9 parts x 2812 cr = 171.251 cr /// 243 tons

- 100 Passengers (compared to MK3 crew cabin with 16 seats) 6,25 parts x 30.000 cr =  187.500 cr  /// 40,6 tons

- 4 seat Cockpit (compare MK3) 10.000 cr /// 3,9 tons

- 5k battery bank (compare 4000 ec stock bat.) 4.500 cr /// 0,2 tons

150 torque Reaction Wheel (MK3 cockpit 40 =>  110 torque over, compared with stock Wheel large)  3,7 parts x 2100 cr =  7.770 cr /// 0,7 tons

288,4 tons total weight of separate components

Costs: 547.031 cr (not taking in account any adapters, nodes needed to fit all the parts together, so the hull is without any additional price)

For lightweight components with a reduction of (288,4 tons - 150 tons (shuttle weight)) = 138,4 tons i give a multiplier of 500 cr per tons = 69.200 cr

(very fair sum for weight that is not needed to be moved additionally with more fuel to orbit)


Total sum: 616.231 cr



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- costs of fuel 216.500 cr

- tank capacity of 225k lq (jumbo64 hold 2880 lq, costs empty 2812 cr) 78,13 parts x 2812 cr = 219.702 cr /// 312,5 tons

- 4 seat Cockpit (compare MK3) 10.000 cr /// 3,9 tons

- 5k battery bank  (compare 4000 ec stock bat.) 4.500 cr /// 0,2 tons

150 torque Reaction Wheel (MK3 cockpit 40 =>  110 torque over, compared with stock Wheel large)  3,7 parts x 2100 cr =  7.770 cr /// 0,7 tons

317,3 tons total weight of separate components

Costs: 458.472 cr (not taking in account any adapters, nodes needed to fit all the parts together, so the hull is without any additional price)

For lightweight components with a reduction of (317,3 tons - 90 tons (shuttle weight)) = 227,3 tons i give a multiplier of 500 cr per tons = 113.650 cr

(very fair sum for weight that is not needed to be moved additionally with more fuel to orbit)


Total sum: 572.122 cr



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- costs of fuel 602.060 cr

- tank capacity of 603k lq (jumbo64 hold 2880 lq, costs empty 2812 cr) 209,38 parts x 2812 cr = 588.777 cr /// 837,5 tons

- simple probe core (compared to stock) 450 cr /// 0,1 tons

- 2k battery bank (compare 4000 ec stock bat.) 2.250 cr /// 0,1 tons

50 torque Reaction Wheel (probe 0 torque =>  50 torque over, compared with stock Wheel large)  1,7 parts x 2100 cr =  3.570 cr /// 0,3 tons

838,0 tons total weight of separate components

Costs: 1.197.107 cr (not taking in account any adapters, nodes needed to fit all the parts together, so the hull is without any additional price)

For lightweight components with a reduction of (838 tons - 275 tons (shuttle weight)) = 563 tons i give a multiplier of 200 cr per tons = 112.600 cr

(lower multiplier, because just booter stage. very fair sum for weight that is not needed to be moved additionally with more fuel to orbit)


Total sum: 1.309.707 cr


other parts follow

It's not really intended for career playthrough, nor for the stock game to be honest. The prices aren't optimized at all, and the engines are vastly overpowered for Kerbol system. The main goal of this mod was to bring the SpaceX ITS system to life with RSS in mind, following the specifications they used in the presentation given in September. If you feel like getting involved and adjusting the prices, I would be very happy to include them and credit you for that.

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23 minutes ago, Thrimm said:

It's not really intended for career playthrough, nor for the stock game to be honest. The prices aren't optimized at all, and the engines are vastly overpowered for Kerbol system. The main goal of this mod was to bring the SpaceX ITS system to life with RSS in mind, following the specifications they used in the presentation given in September. If you feel like getting involved and adjusting the prices, I would be very happy to include them and credit you for that.

I'm on engines now. thats so crazy to calculate.

for me passenger shuttle is no option (never need 100 seats (bad to handle in VHB with right click seat spam)). 

I love the tanker. it is highly recommended (same for cargo), but i don't wanna cheat in the career (then i better play sandbox), just because i like your shuttle and want to see it fly.

in comparison your engines kill the right to exist for all other fuel based engines. if your engines are compatible just with your pack, it would be easier, they could stayat that price/weight.

But here, compared to stock same sized "Vector" the RapierSL should cost around 60.000-80.000 cr. then i need 42 of them for the booster. what brings me to the calculated 1,1 millions for booster additional  2,5 - 3,4 millions for the engines. with that in mind i have to do many many missions for my super tanker. :D  Thats okay for me for a absolutely special thing. If i let the price where it is, all my other craft will wear your engines, for just a tip. That's not sense of career mode and use of different mods.

I try to calculate all the parts for your mod, i compare it to stock and have a look to other mods of same size/power/service to find a balance in a well modded game. in career many parts are too cheap compared to other mods, you went the other way. :D

PS: i don't need credits.

Edited by LeLeon
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1 hour ago, Thrimm said:

It's not really intended for career playthrough, nor for the stock game to be honest. The prices aren't optimized at all, and the engines are vastly overpowered for Kerbol system. The main goal of this mod was to bring the SpaceX ITS system to life with RSS in mind, following the specifications they used in the presentation given in September. If you feel like getting involved and adjusting the prices, I would be very happy to include them and credit you for that.

I was about to say that once the main components are in place & working as intended, minor details like thrust & price can always be tweaker. I'm definitely looking forward to watching this mod evolve.

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1 hour ago, pheenix99 said:

I was about to say that once the main components are in place & working as intended, minor details like thrust & price can always be tweaker. I'm definitely looking forward to watching this mod evolve.

clicked me through the 42 engines stage and started a passenger vessel with booster. with a full stage list it's tricky to move stages. combine the booster stage with own on top multi stages and parachutes feels a bit meeh. i have no idea, if its hard to make a engine plate with fixed engines, so only a small stage list appear, but i would love it. best for both, booster and shuttle.

going into space: crazy, you easily reach stable orbit with booster (around 4500 delta-v on boosterstage), this stage can be throttlecontrolled, so not a real booster.

In orbit after throwing away that booster u have a full ship with 9800 delta-v on the spacex big vacuum engines and a TWR 1.5 in low orbit. For stock universe the fuel consumption should be higher and/ or the thrust should be less. it's way too much delta-v.

bringing this vehicle to orbit was a huge framedrop for my i5 2500 with r9 280. don't know if part count or flames of 40 engines costs me so much fps. Its a freaking nice looking bullet.

perhaps more power drain for that flagship too.

torque 150 -> 200-250 would be fine too.

Edited by LeLeon
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25 minutes ago, Turtles4Life said:

On Kerbin re-enter it does not slow down :P I hit the ground at 1800m/s, is this a problem with anyone else?

star cruisers hate gravity, i have no idea what parachute size that can do it.

i will try it with 2 x ballute 3,75m ("can" handle 120ton each)


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More info from Elon himself after his AMA yesterday about craft tail control surfaces for landing in full atmosphere... 


" The spaceship and tanker would have split body flaps for pitch and roll. Probably just use the attitude control thrusters for yaw. "

So SPLIT FLAPS like on the Space Shuttle's vertical stabilizer might be what we end up with for atmospheric control surfaces, something like AirBrakes or GridFins possibly on the base of the tri-'wings'.   Also important is the Center of Lift positioned so we can properly Stall the craft upwards at the last moment in Kerbin/Earth air to let the gimbaling engines set us down gentle and not nose-dive so easy.
Great, fun work, Thrimm! :D 

Edited by reekchaa
additional details for revisions
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The mod is great. Good Job!!

The textures are identical to what I have seen in the SpaceX presentations.

But, there are a couple of things that are problematic: 

1. There is no reentry drag. The spaceship is not slowed down by the atmosphere. I think that even for that weight it should be a drag and it should slow down to terminal velocity.

2. The legs have nice tolerance, and thats great, but they make the ship to bounce as soon as they touchdown and land on the side because they don't have springs. They should have tweakable spring and dampening like other legs.

Those two things make the reentry-landing process really difficult, even in Grasshopper kind of trials.

It could be great to be able to scale the legs to use them in other ships.


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53 minutes ago, Blastermaster said:

The mod is great. Good Job!!

The textures are identical to what I have seen in the SpaceX presentations.

But, there are a couple of things that are problematic: 

1. There is no reentry drag. The spaceship is not slowed down by the atmosphere. I think that even for that weight it should be a drag and it should slow down to terminal velocity.

2. The legs have nice tolerance, and thats great, but they make the ship to bounce as soon as they touchdown and land on the side because they don't have springs. They should have tweakable spring and dampening like other legs.

Those two things make the reentry-landing process really difficult, even in Grasshopper kind of trials.

It could be great to be able to scale the legs to use them in other ships.


Regarding the drag, I think the main issue is the sheer mass of the ship. I've landed it successfully both in stock and in RSS/RO, but you must reenter on a very flat trajectory and use RCS to angle yourself correctly. All of this is possible when you're almost out of fuel. Activating the atmospheric engines at right point in time makes it even possible to flip the ship around for proper landing. When it's empty it actually flies pretty well, and I've jumped off the atmosphere two times before finally landing.

Regarding the legs - they are absolutely rigid. There are no tweakable stats because they are not considered landing legs by the game (they are missing the right modules and wheel colliders). I'm going to correct that in the future, but so far the process was very buggy and not quite successful.

On 24/10/2016 at 7:56 PM, LeLeon said:

As career player your parts are cheatlike. 13.000 for 225.000 - 603.000 liters fuel + oxidizer. I go into VAB, take the tanker, the transporter or a 450 creds probe + solid stage. I empty the tanks and press launch. and tadaa i earn between 220.000 to 600.000 creds because your parts are WAY WAY WAY too cheap. :wink:

I do some suggestions here for a comparable not-just-a-gift career version (i changed your configs for personal use)

ITS Crew Transport: 616.000 credits

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- costs of Fuel 166.010 cr

- tank capacity of 175,5 k lq (jumbo64 hold 2880 lq, costs empty 2812 cr) 60,9 parts x 2812 cr = 171.251 cr /// 243 tons

- 100 Passengers (compared to MK3 crew cabin with 16 seats) 6,25 parts x 30.000 cr =  187.500 cr  /// 40,6 tons

- 4 seat Cockpit (compare MK3) 10.000 cr /// 3,9 tons

- 5k battery bank (compare 4000 ec stock bat.) 4.500 cr /// 0,2 tons

150 torque Reaction Wheel (MK3 cockpit 40 =>  110 torque over, compared with stock Wheel large)  3,7 parts x 2100 cr =  7.770 cr /// 0,7 tons

288,4 tons total weight of separate components

Costs: 547.031 cr (not taking in account any adapters, nodes needed to fit all the parts together, so the hull is without any additional price)

For lightweight components with a reduction of (288,4 tons - 150 tons (shuttle weight)) = 138,4 tons i give a multiplier of 500 cr per tons = 69.200 cr

(very fair sum for weight that is not needed to be moved additionally with more fuel to orbit)

Total sum: 616.231 cr


ITS Orbital Tanker: 572.000 Credits

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- costs of fuel 216.500 cr

- tank capacity of 225k lq (jumbo64 hold 2880 lq, costs empty 2812 cr) 78,13 parts x 2812 cr = 219.702 cr /// 312,5 tons

- 4 seat Cockpit (compare MK3) 10.000 cr /// 3,9 tons

- 5k battery bank  (compare 4000 ec stock bat.) 4.500 cr /// 0,2 tons

150 torque Reaction Wheel (MK3 cockpit 40 =>  110 torque over, compared with stock Wheel large)  3,7 parts x 2100 cr =  7.770 cr /// 0,7 tons

317,3 tons total weight of separate components

Costs: 458.472 cr (not taking in account any adapters, nodes needed to fit all the parts together, so the hull is without any additional price)

For lightweight components with a reduction of (317,3 tons - 90 tons (shuttle weight)) = 227,3 tons i give a multiplier of 500 cr per tons = 113.650 cr

(very fair sum for weight that is not needed to be moved additionally with more fuel to orbit)

Total sum: 572.122 cr

ITS Booster: 1.310.000 Credits

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- costs of fuel 602.060 cr

- tank capacity of 603k lq (jumbo64 hold 2880 lq, costs empty 2812 cr) 209,38 parts x 2812 cr = 588.777 cr /// 837,5 tons

- simple probe core (compared to stock) 450 cr /// 0,1 tons

- 2k battery bank (compare 4000 ec stock bat.) 2.250 cr /// 0,1 tons

50 torque Reaction Wheel (probe 0 torque =>  50 torque over, compared with stock Wheel large)  1,7 parts x 2100 cr =  3.570 cr /// 0,3 tons

838,0 tons total weight of separate components

Costs: 1.197.107 cr (not taking in account any adapters, nodes needed to fit all the parts together, so the hull is without any additional price)

For lightweight components with a reduction of (838 tons - 275 tons (shuttle weight)) = 563 tons i give a multiplier of 200 cr per tons = 112.600 cr

(lower multiplier, because just booter stage. very fair sum for weight that is not needed to be moved additionally with more fuel to orbit)

Total sum: 1.309.707 cr

Raptor Atmospheric: 73.000 Credits

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Hard to find a price for the engines, 

Made a vessel in VAB with SpaceX-Passenger + Booster (9.079 tons)

Now i compared the vessel stats with 42 RaptorSL on booster and a single stock "Vector" with Tweakscale (in Brackets) on comparison TWR.

TWR Launchpad: 1,33/5,03  (1.34/4,42) -1%/+14%

Delta-V: 4.365 (3449) +27%

the "Vector" engine at that comparison had Diameter: 8,9m

Mass: 541 tons

Costs: 2.434.852 cr : 42 =  57.972 cr (divided with 42 single Raptor on Booster stage) * 1,26 (TWR @ Launch + DeltaV Multiplier) ) = 73.045 cr

imo, ISP Vac too high. If concepted to launch the booster.

Total sum: 73.045 cr

Raptor VAC: 111.500 Credits

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Hard to find a price for the engines, 

Made a vessel in VAB with SpaceX-Passenger (2.100 tons)

Now i compared the vessel stats with 6 RaptorVAC on shuttle and 6 stock "Dart" with Tweakscale (in Brackets) on comparison TWR.

TWR 70km: 1,02/13,83  (1.02/8,31) +-0%/+66%

Delta-V: 9.777 (6.980) +40%

the "Dart" engine at that comparison had Diameter: 4,2m

Mass: 20,7 tons

Costs: 79.672 cr * 1,40 (TWR @ 70km + DeltaV Multiplier) ) = 111.540 cr

(seems high, but its an outstanding uber-engine)

Total sum: 111.540 cr

ITS Twin-Nozzle RCS: 1.400 Credits (your costs are good to me. high weight, high mass, high thrust, normal ISP)

ITS Shipside Docking Port: 1.200 Credits  (because its shielded lightweight Dock Senior size (stock 980 cr)

ITS Ship Solar Panel: 31.000 Credits 

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for example:

ITS Ship Solar Panel, retract: 2,0 tons @ 200ec/ sec (100ec/t)

Near Future OKEB-100 panel, no retract engine: 0,83 tons @ 100.0ec/ sec: costs 12.500 cr (120ec/t)

Near Future OKEB-500 panel, no retract engine: 4,15 tons @ 500ec/ sec: costs 60.000 cr (120ec/t)

Stock Gigantor XL @290% Tweak, retract, 2,52 tons @ 205 ec/ sec: costs 25.230 cr (81ec/t) 

compared to retractable Giganotor the ITS has better ec/ tons, so a Multiplier of 23%.

Giganotor 25230 cr * 1,23 = 31.033 cr

Ship Landing Leg: each 15.000 Credits (because they sucessfully hold a 2.240 tons vessel, while launchpad exploded)

ITS Booster Control GridFin: 3.000 Credits (compared to other gridfins in wing area and functionality (ITS: controlable with 4 wing area)

ITS Booster Fin: 2000 Credits (compared to other wing area parts for 1 wing area / 500cr (ITS: 3,75 wing area) 


My ship calculation:

Tanker, no legs just orbit, 1 solar panel, docking port, 24 RCS, 6 Raptor VAC

572.000 + 31.000 + 1.200 + (24*1400) 36.600 + (6*111.500) 669.000 = 1.309.800 Credits

Booster Stage, 42 Raptor Atmo, no fins (worked without to me)

1.310.000 + (42*73.000) 3.066.000 = 4.376.000 Credits

Total: 5.685.800 for 9.000 DeltaV Super Freighter

I play with Stage Recovery*, so Booster can be returned for 50%-70% of dry mass costs (4.376.000 - fuel 602k = 3.774.000)

 *need around 20 MK2-R @ 400% Tweakscale

No part calculation left, I'm ready for discussion. Career Point-of-View welcome.

Amazing job, thanks a lot. I'll add this to the configs for the next update, probably the same that will bring stock-friendly performance for the parts.

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Thanks for the tips. I will try less angle and more friction time with the atmosphere. 

The change in the legs would help a lot. 

I also had problems to attach the three Vacuum Ramptors in the central attachment points because the big attachment point for the Booster made it impossible. It is huge and very close to the other three small ones. 

I have to congratulate you and thank you again. This is a really good Mod!!! 

It is such an amazing time to live, to be able to see this things happening and being able to toy with it in Kerbal, is just amazing!!!

It is unfortunate that the original SpaceX mod with the Dragon-Falcon components is not working with the new versions, but now we have the ITS thanks to you!!!


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Probably want to double check the cost of the fuel tanks as I forget if it's cost or mass.  One of them the cfg configures the wet value of, the other it configures the dry value, or maybe both are the same.

If you add stock balance, please make sure to leave the RSS values as a patch!

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10 minutes ago, FutureMartian97 said:

Will you make the engines for the Booster 3 parts instead of having 42 engines? It really makes my game lag having all those engines going at once. You could make an Outer Ring, Middle Ring, and Inner Ring. 

This is actually really tricky, because what is probably causing the lag is not the part count, but the complex engine effects (it's the stock Vector). What I can try to do is replace those with some less demanding effects and make it an alternative.

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On 29/10/2016 at 2:11 AM, Thrimm said:

This is actually really tricky, because what is probably causing the lag is not the part count, but the complex engine effects (it's the stock Vector). What I can try to do is replace those with some less demanding effects and make it an alternative.

Well I did say this in the development thread by accident, by why not use something like Shadowmage has for his SSTU labs mod where you can change the engine layout to whatever amount of engines you want? :) Will make it all go down to one part. By the way, I'm pretty sure it is the part count, having 42 engines running simultaneously kind of necks my game, however if I use a clustered F1B engine from the SSTU Labs mod, there is no more FPS problems other than the usual performance drop that I usually have. Too bad I need more F1B's to fit in the diameter. :/

Edited by Duski
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