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Rocket car challenge

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After the dramatic disaster of the Koyota Kundra Flying Truck, Gene  decided that the KSC needed a reliable astronaut vetting program.  To do this, Bill was tasked with designing a stress test for KSC hopefuls. The result? The Rocket Car.



Score is determined by distance traveled( on the ground), multiplied by the max speed.

Bonus: 100 points for every Kerbal onboard

50  points for every external seat.



Normal Mode: Go down the runway

Hard mode: bring your sled/car to the Mün or Minmus and test it there.

Extreme mode: bring your car/sled to any planet (except Jool), test it, and return it to Kerbin

Crazy mode: land your car/sled on Laythe, test it, and return it to Kerbin

Jedediah Mode: Do the the Jool-5 challenge with your car/sled.




No Cheats ( if you think its cheating, It is cheating)

No jet engines

No part adding mods, like procedural parts.

photos or videos are required for competition

One a wheels leaves the ground, your drive is finished.

Please include name of ship

distance is measured in Kilometers.






1.   5644.96 "the Dragster"

2. 3475  "Bring Your Own Airbags"

3. 382  "The rebellious armidillo.


1. 325.75   The Minmus Rover



















Here is my Submission, "The Rebellious Armadillo".


Edited by notsodeadjeb
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I have 2 entries in this post.  I just call this car the "Dragster".  It's all stock and powered by close to 300 Sepratrons.  I've had the basic design since like 0.25 or so and every time an update comes out, I always begin by tweaking it to make it work in the new version of the game.  Originally, this vehicle could exceed 700m/s but now it's lucky to break 500.

NOTE:  The rover wheels on the back are a new addition for 1.2.1 just to get it off the runway, as explained below.

01 Spawning


I tried to go down the runway but, in 1.2.1, this thing destroys the runway.  Still, the smooth surface did allow for the highest speed obtained, 515m/s.

08 Early Failure


09 Best Speed

Still, max speed of 515m/s * 2315m = 1,192,225 points.  Not too shabby :)  This is my Entry #1.

However, I wanted the vehicle to survive the run.  Besides, 44.1G (probably due to impact with the ground) is a bit too much :D.  So I rotated the thing in the SPH to face west.  However, it couldn't survive the bump at the bottom of the runway slope.  That's when I added the rover wheels on the back, to drive it off the runway to the level ground.  Once on the flat, I stopped and staged off the rover wheels before lighting the Sepratrons.  This worked pretty well going up onto the plateau west of KSC cost a lot of speed and thus coasting distance, so next I rotated the thing in the SPH to face south.  I also added a rudder to help the thing keep going straight ahead on the uneven ground.  There was much tweaking of wheel springs and dampers, too.  Springs down to nearly nothing, dampers maxed out, to keep the thing on the ground.

So, here we are ready to go with the rover wheels staged off.  Distance traveled so far is 127m.  I'll subtract that at the end.

02 Ready to Go


And we're off!  The blast from all the Sepratrons sent the discarded rover wheels tumbling to destruction in glorious gratuitous explosions :)

03 Away We Go


Coasting along after Sepratron burn-out.

04 Burnout


Still going.....

05 Still Rolling



06 And Done


So, 12289m - 127m = 12162m
12162m * 456m/s = 5,545,872 points :D  This is my Entry #2.

I'm not sure why the total distance is 5m greater than the ground distance at the end.  Note that it was already 1m greater at the beginning.  But as far as I could tell, the thing never left the ground in either phase of its run.

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Eh, I'm really tempted to bring a simple electric rover with an RTG to the south pole, first accelerate it to 400m/s, then slow down, set a moderate trim on both accelerator and turn, and leave it driving in circles over the weekend at sedate 20m/s. :)  Good 2000km  times 400m/s and that's if I don't use phys-warp....

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I'm amazed at the perpetual focus on drag races ... we've had these ever since the introduction of wheels more than 4 years ago.

Now that we have reasonable wheel mechanics at last, you'd expect a change of focus towards normal racing.

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