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CZ-5 maiden flight; November 3rd


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 The first of the new Chinese CZ-5 heavy lift launcher was rolled out to the pad today; launch is currently scheduled for the 3rd, and is very likely to be livestreamed.

The launcher is capable of about 24 metric tons to LEO and 13 tons to GTO, meaning it will be the second most powerful lifter in the world. Intended missions include launching space station modules, large planetary missions such as Mars landers, and large communications satellites. 

The payload on this launch specifically is called SJ-17, and is being inserted directly into GSO. We don't have many details on it at this time, but we do know it's fitted with ion propulsion systems, and that it's somehow involved in rendezvous and proximity operations. 

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nice. Here is some more on CZ-5: 


Includes some nice HD closeups of the tank fittings, CAD shots, engine fittings, engine tests (boosters (yellow flames) and core stage (clear flames)), tank temps, fairing schematics and thermal analysis, stage separators.

I would love to hear an english translation over the top of the mandarin (?) or subtitles.

Interesting to see how close they mount the YF-100s. Compared to the major separation between the YF-77s.

Also the lox pipes down the side of the boosters look heavily recessed compared to other modern boosters (angara).

http://spaceflight101.com/spacerockets/long-march-5/  867t, 23t (25t ?) to LEO, thrust at liftoff 1066t, twr 1.23

booster https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YF-100 , 1200-1340kN, 300-335s (x2) OxRich staged combustion

core https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YF-77, 510-750kN,  310-430s (x2) Gas generator cycle

upper https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YF-75D, 88kN, 442s (x2) Expander cycle

The amount of technical footage coming out of china is awesome.

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