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[1.4.x] Porkjet's Legacy and How to Integrate It


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With the newly upgraded mk1 Pod and FL-T100/200/400/800 parts in the latest patch, a lot of the parts in this are now obsolete; the engines however are still significant visual improvements over stock. I've edited @Jognt's MM patch to only apply the engine replacements, as well as fix a side-effect of the "brute force" method of replacement being used, where the "IdenticalPart" setting in the paired engines looks like it's being ignored due to one of each pair ending up with a different part identity (I'm not sure if it does anything anyway, but as things were I'm pretty sure it couldn't even hope to.)

Copy/paste the following into your .cfg file, as described elsewhere in this thread:

	//Implement missing thrust upgrade for Heavy Rocketry node
	name = LVT-Turbopump-heavyR
	partIcon = liquidEngineT15
	techRequired = heavyRocketry
	entryCost = 7500
	cost = 0 // for display only; all parts implementing this will need a PartStatsUpgradeModule with cost = this.
	title = LV Series Thrust Upgrade
	//basicInfo = Whatever\nblah
	manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
	description = Turbopump enhancements and other detail improvements lead to higher flow rates and thus higher thrust.

	//Match thrust on Terrier boattail to standard version
		@maxThrust = 75 //was 80

	//Correct description of Swivel Isp in Precision Propulsion upgrade
				@description__ = Isp now 325/265.

	//Correct description of Pug thrust in Heavier Rocketry upgrade
				@description__ = Thrust now 33kN.

	//Correct part pairing for stock engines being replaced; no idea if this actually affects anything!
	@identicalParts = liquidEngine
	@identicalParts = liquidEngine2
	@identicalParts = liquidEngine3

	//Brute-force swap PorkJet parts in preference to stock parts
-PART[liquidEngine]:FIRST {}
-PART[liquidEngine2]:FIRST {}
-PART[liquidEngine3]:FIRST {}
+PART[liquidEngineT30]:FIRST { @name = liquidEngine }
+PART[liquidEngineT45]:FIRST { @name = liquidEngine2 }
+PART[liquidEngine909]:FIRST { @name = liquidEngine3 }
-PART[liquidEngineT45]:FIRST {}
-PART[liquidEngineT30]:FIRST {}
-PART[liquidEngine909]:FIRST {}

You'll also need to delete both of the PartsOverhaul\Parts\Command and PartsOverhaul\Parts\FuelTank folders, unless you want to keep those parts alongside the new models; either way, they will no longer replace stock. This shouldn't break any ships but there may be minor alignment issues, especially with the command pod - you have been warned! I take no responsibility for lost ships!

Also note that an engine in Tantares uses the same technical name as one of the new engines, the LV-T15. Due to this being baked into the texture, the name cannot be changed on this model; you should be able to tell the difference in the editor though, as they're very distinct in style.

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  • 2 months later...

Has anyone made a patch that makes the engines use PartVariants?

If not, I might make a patch- I just don't want to do the work if its already been done.

Edit: looks like it's been done here:


Edited by EchoLima
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  • 2 months later...

Now that Restock has been released, these engines and fuel tanks have received what will probably be their ultimate, most-polished-possible visual treatment. I've updated my Part Overhaul Integration mod to shift support from the original PartOverhauls to Restock, by copying the PartUpgrade-based rebalancing from the former to the latter.

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  • 7 months later...

As @PocketBrotector says, the game has moved on and already integrates big part of the functionality.
Because of that, I am not likely to be updating this thread anymore. To prevent confusion - I will hence lock it.
It doesn't mean its deleted - it means I can't test how the individual parts play with current version.(NOT mods!).

If anyone wants to continue the work with current version, please open new thread.

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