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The Hagito Galaxy, a Community Project on constructing an entire galaxy! [REVIVAL]


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  On 11/6/2016 at 3:46 PM, Nailed it! said:


I would like to participate in this but for my idea, I need to know how.


You see, here's the problem.



We're not using KSP to make the solar systems!

Use like, Universe sandbox2 or something to make the system and take screenshots, upload them to Imgur or another website, and copy-paste them onto the page, write down all the stuff you're supposed to, and then rinse & repeat.

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Okkula as seen from an orbit of 1 meter.

Name: Okkula

Age: 2.78 Billion years

Mass: 4.5 Solar masses

Radius: 0.5 Planck Lengths (1.6 x 10-35 x 1/2 m) (Diameter = 1 Planck Length)

Density: Near ∞

Temperature: 9,982o C

Rotation Period: 0 seconds

Semi-major Axis: 3,100,000 light-years from Nee'Kra

Parent Body: Nee'Kra

Eccentricity: 0.000001

Inclination: 68.237

Body Type: Planck star

Description: Okkula is an extremely tiny star at the edge of our galaxy. Yup, this star is a Planck Star without an event horizon that is kept stable by having no nearby neighbors except for it's six planets.

IkoaIkoa as seen from orbit.

Name: Ikoa

Age: 1.01 Billion years

Mass: 1.58 Earth masses

Radius: 7293 km

Density: 5.51 g/cm3

Temperature: 1,899o C

Rotation Period: 1.3 days

Orbital Period: 1.3 days

Semi-major Axis: 5.76 M km

Parent Body: Okkula

Eccentricity: 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001

Inclination: 0.000000000000000001

Body Type: Lava planet

Description: This planet is the first in the Okkula system, and that means it's the hottest. This planet has a thick, Venus-like atmosphere and oceans of lava covering it's surface. This planet is truly a sight to behold!

AkusarAkusar as seen from orbit.

Name: Akusar

Age: 1.05 Billion years

Mass: 0.97 Earth masses

Radius: 6574 km

Density: 4.87 g/cm3

Temperature: 696.3o C

Rotation Period: 19.77 days

Orbital Period: 19.77 days

Semi-major Axis: 35.3 M km

Parent Body: Okkula

Eccentricity: 0.0000000000000000000000000000000001

Inclination: 0.0000000001

Body Type: Hot desert

Description: Akusar is a hot desert planet, and surprisingly (for being the second planet in to Okkula), it has rings! Like Ikoa, this planet has a relatively thick atmosphere, though it's only 5 atmos instead of 56 atmos for Ikoa.

QestulerQestuler as seenfrom orbit.

Name: Qestuler

Age: 0.95 Billion years

Mass: 1.5 Lunar masses

Radius: 1672 km

Density: 5.63 g/cm3

Temperature: 98.4o C

Rotation Period: 43 days

Orbital Period: 43.2 days

Semi-major Axis: 59.5 M km

Parent Body: Okkula

Eccentricity: 0.00000000000001326

Inclination: 0.0001887

Body Type: Warm Serena

Description: Qestuler is a moon-like planet. It looks like the Moon, has a very similar mass compared to the Moon, and even a similar composition to the Moon! The major difference, however, is that this moon-planet hybrid has a thin, Mars-like atmosphere circling it.

SerraSerra as seen from orbit.

Name: Serra

Age: 1.35 Billion years

Mass: 0.65 Jupiter masses

Radius: 58925 km

Density: 1.44 g/cm3

Temperature: 4.22o C

Rotation Period: 7.53 hours

Orbital Period: 100 days

Semi-major Axis: 104 M km

Parent Body: Okkula

Eccentricity: 0.0001326

Inclination: 0.01887

Body Type: Cool Gas Giant

Description: Serra is a beautiful purple gas giant similar to Saturn due to the fact that it's a flattened spheroid rather than a sphere. It also has a mass comparable to Jupiter's mass . But unlike it's earthly counterparts, Serra has no moons.

AubalAubal as seen from orbit.

Name: Aubal

Age: 1 Billion years

Mass: 0.33 Jupiter masses

Radius: 52393 km

Density: 4.03 g/cm3

Temperature: -10.84o C

Rotation Period: 10.12 hours

Orbital Period: 151 days

Semi-major Axis: 137 M km

Parent Body: Okkula

Eccentricity: 0.0141984

Inclination: 0.3233167

Body Type: Cold Gas Giant

Description: Aubal has rings, sort of like Akusar, but more squished and near the planet. This planet, like Serra, has it's similarities with Jupiter and Saturn, like it's yellow-orange color, it's rings, it's swirling bands, and it's relatively high mass. Also like Serra, this planet has no moons.

MahjentahMahjentah as seen from orbit.

Name: Mahjentah

Age: 1.19 Billion years

Mass: 0.35 Earth masses

Radius: 4396 km

Density: 1.04 g/cm3

Temperature: -103.6o C

Rotation Period: 2.33 days

Orbital Period: 268 days

Semi-major Axis: 1.34 AU

Parent Body: Okkula

Eccentricity: 0.0041984

Inclination: 3.811329

Body Type: Frozen Selena

Description: This planet is a beautiful pink with an atmospheric pressure similar to Earth's (0.99 Atmos), just made of different materials. The reason the entire planet is pink however, is still very much a mystery. All we know is that the planet has rings, and is normally associated with Valentine's Day. In fact, because it was associated with Valentine's Day, the planet was almost named "Valentine"!


NOTE: I made these Images at http://planetmaker.wthr.us/ and FINALLY got my own Google account so I could post them to imgur and share them here! - electricpants

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Here's another one of my favorites that I made:

12849 Tycho

6 billion years old

16 solar masses

Radius: 99,000,000 miles

Density: ?

Temperature: 18,000 K

Rotation Period: 56 days

Semi major axis: 78,000 light years

Parent body: Nee 'Kra

Eccentricity: 0.257

Inclination: 18 degrees

Body Type: Red Giant Star

12849 Tycho is near the end of its relatively short life as a star. Its home to an extensive solar system of 8 planets; 4 rocky and 4 gaseous.


Tycho 12849b

1.3 billion years old

0.1 Earth masses

Radius: 320 miles

Density: ?

Temperature: 1212 F

Rotation Period: 78 days

Semi major axis: 78.38 million miles

Parent body: 12849 Tycho

Eccentricity: 0.002

Inclination: 0 degrees

Body type: Rocky planet

Description: A tiny world with no atmosphere. Science suggests that it was an asteroidal planet captured by 12849 Tycho's gravity and pulled into a close orbit. The tidal forces of the star has turned its iron surface into dunes of crumbly and squishy iron-like metal.


Tycho 12849c

98.63 million years

Mass: 0.12 Earth masses

Density: ?

Temperature: 201 F

Rotation Period: 12.3 hours

Semi major axis: 313 million miles

Parent body: 12849 Tycho

Eccentricity: 0.102

Inclination: 2.3 degrees

Body Type: Rocky planet

This small green planet is home to almost boiling, acidic waters that could melt almost any substance. It's atmosphere has the same composition as a few gas planets, meaning that the planet itself might have been the core of a gas giant but most of its atmosphere either failed to form or just boiled away. It has two also tiny moons, one just 200 miles smaller than it.


Tycho 12849d

1.3 billion years old

Mass: .26 Earth masses

Radius: 1,300 miles

Density: ?

Temperature: 75 F

Rotation Period: 28 hours

Semi major axis: 456 million miles

Parent body: 12849 Tycho

Eccentricity: 0.085

Inclination: 35 degrees

Body Type: Rocky planet

This planet stays at a pleasant 75 degrees almost year round, too bad there's no atmosphere to enjoy it.


Tycho 12849d

1.87 billion years old

Mass: .28 Jupiter masses

Radius: 13700 miles

Density: ?

Temperature: 48 F

Rotation Period: 11 hours

Semi major axis: 458 million miles

Parent body: 12849 Tycho

Eccentricity: 0.134

Inclination: 17 degrees

Body type: Gas giant

This primarily red world is home to an intriguing ring system. The top of its atmosphere and the smallest rings are only divided by about 120 miles of empty space. A large moon orbits in one of its outer rings.


Tycho 12849f

78 million years

Mass: .22 Earth masses

Radius: 700 miles

Density: ?

Temperature: -34 F

Rotation Period: 3758 days

Parent body: 12849 Tycho

Eccentricity: 0.302 

Inclination: 1 degree

Body type: Rocky Ice Planet

This ice planet was once covered in deep craters which were all filled with water, along with permanently frozen ice. The water in the craters wasn't frozen due to them being nearer to the unusually hot core of the planet. It also has no rotation, causing one side to be almost 100 degrees colder than the other.


Tycho 12849g

2.34 billion years old

Mass: 1.24 Jupiter masses

Density: ?

Temperature: -245 F

Rotation Period: 15 hours

Semi major axis: 1.7 billion miles

Parent body: 12849 Tycho

Eccentricity: 0.04

Inclination: 0 degrees

Body type: gas supergiant planet

This planet is so large that it shouldn't even really exist at all. Theorists suggest that it's actually a brown dwarf star, but that doesn't explain its bright orange color. One of its moons may harbor extremophile life.


Tycho 12849h

1.03 billion years

Mass: .79 Jupiter masses

Radius: 48950 miles

Density: ?

Temperature: -305 F

Rotation Period: 22 hours

Semi major axis: 2.1 billion miles

Parent body: 12849 Tycho

Eccentricity: 0.0003

Inclination: 0

Body Type: Gas giant

This Saturn-size planet is purple in color, but no scientist really knows why. It has an Earth-like cloud system like Neptune does, but more extensive.


Tycho 12849i

5 billion years old

Mass: .53 Jupiter masses

Radius: 21600 miles

Density: ?

Temperature: -398 F

Rotation Period: 48 days

Semi major axis: 2.4 billion miles

Parent body: 12849 Tycho

Eccentricity: 0.205

Inclination: 4 degrees

Body type: Gas giant

This very dim world was only discovered by finding a perfectly circular black spot on 12849 Tycho. It's as dim as it is because of the lack of activity going on in its gassy atmosphere, mostly due to its long rotational period. It also has faint rings that are almost impossible to spot, only found because they were blocking out light from stars that suddenly "disappeared."

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  On 11/6/2016 at 11:46 PM, electricpants said:

How do you successfully put in custom textures into PlanetMaker? It's never worked for me. :(


I didn't, they're textures on the website. I just tweaked around with a bunch of the settings randomly until I got something I liked!

Edited by The Raging Sandwich
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  On 11/6/2016 at 11:55 PM, The Raging Sandwich said:

I didn't, they're textures on the website. I just tweaked around with a bunch of the settings randomly until I got something I liked!


Just a question: How do I get one of the textures in the "Custom Textures" section onto my planet? I can't seem to click on any.

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  On 11/7/2016 at 12:36 AM, ProtoJeb21 said:

Just a question: How do I get one of the textures in the "Custom Textures" section onto my planet? I can't seem to click on any.


Right above the "Set Custom Textures" box is a thing that says "Earth - Blue Marble/O..." (If you've just opened a new tab/restarted) click on that and a drop-down menus should appear. This has all the texture that you can use. Click on the one you want to use and presto!

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  On 11/7/2016 at 12:40 AM, electricpants said:

Right above the "Set Custom Textures" box is a thing that says "Earth - Blue Marble/O..." (If you've just opened a new tab/restarted) click on that and a drop-down menus should appear. This has all the texture that you can use. Click on the one you want to use and presto!


It worked!


Coming soon to the Hagito Galaxy...

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Bugnaw as seen from orbit.

Name: Bugnaw

Age: 6.77 Billion years

Lifetime: 5.52 trillion years

Mass: 0.08 Solar masses

Radius: 75163

Density: 85.4 g/cm3

Temperature: 2,792o C

Rotation Period: 1.5 days

Semi-major Axis: 1,325,684 light-years from Nee'Kra

Parent Body: Nee'Kra

Eccentricity: 0.01

Inclination: 6.34

Body Type: M9 Main Sequence Star

Description: Bugnaw is an absolutely tiny star. Barely bigger than Jupiter and barely a star, this M9 dwarf has a mass of about 0.08 times that of our Sun, but still manages to host 2 planets in it's gravitational well.

MungilMungil as seen from orbit.

Name: Bugnaw

Age: 6.7 Billion years

Mass: 0.2 Earth masses

Radius: 3725 km

Density: 5.52 g/cm3

Temperature: 18.8o C

Rotation Period: 4.61 days

Orbital Period: 4.61 days

Semi-major Axis: 0.023 AU

Parent Body: Bugnaw

Eccentricity: 0.0001

Inclination: 0.02

Body Type: Habitable Micro-Earth

Description: Mungil is a tiny yet habitable rock orbiting Bugnaw. In ways, it's actually very similar to it's host star. It's tiny compared to Earth and is barely habitable due to that fact. Actually, if you look at the picture above, you'll see a whole lot of green, meaning that life has already occurred on this tiny world!


Sika as seen from orbit.


Name: Sika

Age: 6.72 Billion years

Mass: 0.11 Earth masses

Radius: 3506 km

Density: 3.64 g/cm3

Temperature: -115o C

Rotation Period: 3.22 days

Orbital Period: 56.2 days

Semi-major Axis: 18.2 M km

Parent Body: Bugnaw

Eccentricity: 0.0012

Inclination: 0.067

Body Type: Frozen Ice world

Description: This small planet is even smaller than Mungil, but has a fabulous ring system like Saturn's. What's even cooler is that a small "proto-moon" is forming within these rings! In fact, that moon is the reason there's a gap in Sika's rings at all!

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My system: The Mer-Ilo system 

Age: 100 million years 

It is a binary system of two stars, Mer and Ilo. Mer is a small-ish K-type main sequence, and Ilo is a brown dwarf. This system has just finished forming, and its planets and moons have also just finished forming. The planets and moons have just settled into stable orbits. 

Name: Mer 

Age: 100 million years 

Mass: 0.45 Solar Masses 

Radius: 0.1 Solar Radii 

Density: ~1.4 g/cm3 

Temperature: 3900 K 

Rotation Period: 15 Days 

Semi-Major Axis: 15,000 light years 

Parent Body: Nee'Kra 

Eccentricity: ~0 

Inclination: ~0o 

Body Type: K-Class Main Sequence Star 

Description: An small-ish K-class star, it has some planets and an orbiting brown dwarf. It will stay on the main sequence for 30 billion years. 


Name: Er'lo 

Age: 100 million years 

Mass: 2.5 Earth Masses 

Radius: Slightly larger than 1 Earth Radii 

Density: Similar to Earth's 

Temperature: 5,000o F 

Rotation Period: 1.5 Earth Days 

Semi-Major Axis: 0.01 AU  

Parent Body: Mer 

Eccentricity & Inclination: ~0 

Type: Boiling Super-Earth 

Description: A melting, boiling planet, rivers of lava stream across this deep-fried world. Beware any being or probe who lands... Its atmosphere is composed of VAPORIZED ROCK, it rains MOLTEN IRON. Don't go near this hellish place. 


Name: Solaria 

Mass: 1.5 Jupiter Masses 

Density: Similar to Jupiter 

Temperature: 5 to 15o C 

Rotation Period: 9 Hours 

Semi-Major Axis: 0.384 AU 

Parent Body: Mer 

E&I: ~0 

Type: Pleasant Gas Giant 

Description: This beautiful blue-white gas giant orbits smack in the middle of Mer's habitable zone, and its white clouds are made of water vapor. It has an interesting weather cycle: when the clouds rain, the rain falls for thousands of miles before vaporizing close to Solaria's core. It wafts back up to the cloud banks, where it forms new clouds. It has many moons, the largest of which is Jolton. 


Name: Jolton 

Mass: 0.75 Earth Masses 

Density: Similar to Earth 

Temperature: 59o F 

Rotation Period: 5 Earth Days (Tidally Locked to Solaria) 

Semi-Major Axis: 250,000 miles from Solaria's cloud tops 

Parent Body: Solaria 

E&I: ~0 

Type: Earthlike moon 

Description: Because Solaria orbits in the habitable zone, this large moon is habitable. Life did not develop here, but it was colonized by the Kerbals soon after they invented warp drive. It has become a paradise with spectacular vistas on the near side, with Solaria and its enormous rings taking up much of the sky. Jolton also has its own set of rings, created by a submoon torn apart by Solaria. 

The rest of the Mer-Ilo system is coming soon!

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  On 11/5/2016 at 1:46 AM, The Raging Sandwich said:

Okay, here are some of my favorites:

CO 123572

~3.7 billion years old

Mass: 0.23 Suns

Radius: 48,800 miles

Density: Unknown

Temperature: 4300 K

Rotation Peroid: 34 hours

Semi major axis: 16,000 light years

Parent body: Nee 'Kra

Eccentricity: 0.21

Inclination: 3 degrees

Body type: Red Dwarf Star

Description: Slightly larger than the rest, this red dwarf star is home to two planets, one which has a great possibility of life.


CO 123572b

~56.83 million years old

Mass: 0.43 Earths

Radius: 1650 miles

Density: Unknown

Temperature: 82 F

Rotation Period: 8 hours

Semi major axis: 10 million miles

Parent body: CO 123572

Eccentricity: 0.09

Inclination: 1 degree

Body type: rocky

Description: A small planet that orbits not too far from its star. Its composition is made mostly of Cerium, an element found on Earth. It has no moons and no atmosphere.


CO 123572c

Age: ~1.4 billion years old

Mass: .299 Earth masses

Radius: 1250 miles

Density: Unknown

Temperature: 43 F

Rotation Period: 64 hours

Semi major axis: 14 million miles

Eccentricity: 0.08

Inclination: 0 degrees

Body type: rocky

Description: A small blue planet made almost completely of thallium, also a element on Earth. It has three tiny moons, the biggest of which is 450 miles in diameter. It has 20% more gravity than Earth. It's smallest moon is made completely of ice and is very reflective. Its low but eccentric orbit is place perfectly enough to come down so low to the atmosphere every 4 days at sunset, reflecting the star's light, making the day nearly an hour longer. 

Here is a picture of 123572c:




These planets have proven to be stable. @Galacticvoyager, can you add these to the confirmed star systems list?

The only problem is, the planets and star are quite dense, but that isn't much of an issue.

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NOTE: This is a civilization. Just wanted to announce that so nobody thinks I'm making a weird solar system.

Name: Talicha

Diet: Xylophagy (They eat wood)

Description: The Talicha are a very tall avian species that can grow up to 27 ft tall. They stand upright (Like Mordecai from Regular Show (I don't care if that's the nerdiest thing ever, I can still like Regular Show if I want to!).), and their diet mainly consists of wood/bark from trees. Their language consists entirely of different clicking sounds, and are the most intelligent species on their homeworld, possessing Interplanetary travel and (soon) Interstellar travel. The only difficulty is, if they wanted to live on a habitable world, there would need to be trees or some source of wood. If there isn't a nearby source of wood, they can't live there and will have to search again. Also, because of their small planet (0.2 ME), these avian creatures don't have very powerful chests, have stronger bones, and have a very large wingspan (55 ft) due to the thick atmosphere (Similar to Titan's atmosphere in both thickness and height, just without the large amount of haze). This means that on planets similar to Titan and their homeworld, they can fly, but on more Earth massed planets with Earth like atmospheres they can't fly.

Colonized planets: Mungil, Siva (They transport wood from Mungil to Siva so that colonists living on Siva can eat, thus allowing them to survive.)

Hey @Galacticvoyager, add this to the "Accepted Civilizations" spoiler and remove this message. Thanks!

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  On 11/8/2016 at 3:37 AM, electricpants said:

These planets have proven to be stable. @Galacticvoyager, can you add these to the confirmed star systems list?

The only problem is, the planets and star are quite dense, but that isn't much of an issue.


Did you make the densities?

Because I have no idea how to... 

Can someone please tell me?

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  On 11/8/2016 at 10:20 AM, electricpants said:

NOTE: This is a civilization. Just wanted to announce that so nobody thinks I'm making a weird solar system.

Name: Talicha

Diet: Xylophagy (They eat wood)

Description: The Talicha are a very tall avian species that can grow up to 27 ft tall. They stand upright (Like Mordecai from Regular Show (I don't care if that's the nerdiest thing ever, I can still like Regular Show if I want to!).), and their diet mainly consists of wood/bark from trees. Their language consists entirely of different clicking sounds, and are the most intelligent species on their homeworld, possessing Interplanetary travel and (soon) Interstellar travel. The only difficulty is, if they wanted to live on a habitable world, there would need to be trees or some source of wood. If there isn't a nearby source of wood, they can't live there and will have to search again. Also, because of their small planet (0.2 ME), these avian creatures don't have very powerful chests, have stronger bones, and have a very large wingspan (55 ft) due to the thick atmosphere (Similar to Titan's atmosphere in both thickness and height, just without the large amount of haze). This means that on planets similar to Titan and their homeworld, they can fly, but on more Earth massed planets with Earth like atmospheres they can't fly.

Colonized planets: Mungil, Siva (They transport wood from Mungil to Siva so that colonists living on Siva can eat, thus allowing them to survive.)

Hey @Galacticvoyager, add this to the "Accepted Civilizations" spoiler and remove this message. Thanks!



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Again in the Mer-Ilo system: 

Name: Hoth 

Age: 100 million years 

Semi-Major Axis: 1.3 AU 

Eccentricity: 0.03 

Inclination: 10o 

Density: Similar to Earth 

Temperature: -100o C 

Rotation Period: 30 Hours 

Parent Body: Mer 

Body Type: Frozen Planet 

Description: Named after the frozen planet in Star Wars, this planet is worthy of the title. Completely covered in ice and snow, only extremophiles and lummas (llamas with huge fur coats for warmth) survive here. Lummas are a popular pet for intelligent species in the galaxy (due to lummas being docile and intelligent for an animal), and are kept in cold chambers in such circumstances. The atmosphere is breathable but cold for most intelligent species. 


Name: Ilo 

Semi-Major Axis: 50 AU 

Parent Body: Mer 

E&I: ~0 

Rotation Period: 19 Hours 

Temperature: 2000o K 

Body Type: Brown Dwarf

Description: Ilo is a brown dwarf with no planets orbiting it, but a mineral-rich asteroid belt does orbit it at about 0.3 AU. It is a spectacular sight to behold. 

Hey @Galacticvoyager, can you approve my system?

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  On 11/8/2016 at 12:20 PM, The Raging Sandwich said:

Did you make the densities?

Because I have no idea how to... 

Can someone please tell me?


I just plugged the radius and mass (Turned Radius into Diameter by doing R x 2, where R is the Radius) into Universe Sandbox 1 and got the densities.

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