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Suspiciously Affirm Your Status As A Human


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Because a robot wouldn't choose a human skull for avatar (it would see nothing special in it), while an E.T. wouldn't give a pipe to the skeleton (because it has no lungs).

I don't know how to prove that I'm a human. So, I'm a human, otherwise I wouldn't admit it.

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wont to be/don't want to be

== %% µ@¤ what for /~ not what for *.formatD;

word==meaning & human = none // amount +- atoms and void between star

i m  not that silly thing  most people mean when they use the word " h u m a n" =/^§ it's just a temp sum/soubstratction of stuff wich include writing talking and many others interaction == we re the result of all our interaction and being reminding thoose past present future interaction @one time


Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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You are not only the perfect embodiment of today's humans, but the year 2015. (For reference, the perfect embodiment of 2016 is a kid using a hoverboard to hunt Pokémon.)

Now it's my turn, and to demonstrate my humanity I'll count to ten:  3, 95, 98, ME, XP, Vista, 7, 8*, 10.

*Denotes cursed number. Avoid at all costs.

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