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Part Requests?

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17 hours ago, EricSan said:

Any in particular? I'm down to help with the art. I'm experienced but a bit rusty.

For example the Hangar mod, its Github repo even has all the .blender files, Unity projects and a 'wiki for Modders' in case someone would like to help. ZodiusInfuser is looking for someone to help retexture his Infernal Robotics Model Rework pack. You will notice that model rework uses plain colors and almost no texturing in its models, only the pack of robotic trusses has an actual texture which was done by Porkjet. If that project catches your fancy, forum user @Ziw can invite you to their dev chat where you'll get all the model and texture files. I promised to help with that project but unfortunately RL has torn me apart from my hobbies for quite a while.

The Stock-alike Station Parts Expansion by @Nertea needs help with making IVAs to make a full doll house for kerbals. If this project catches your fancy, same IVAs done for this mod will help the FreeIVA mod which deperately needs a set of IVAs to patch all station parts around the globe and give a full station living experience to players.

Edited by Enceos
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On ‎11‎/‎16‎/‎2016 at 8:29 AM, Enceos said:

For example the Hangar mod, its Github repo even has all the .blender files, Unity projects and a 'wiki for Modders' in case someone would like to help. ZodiusInfuser is looking for someone to help retexture his Infernal Robotics Model Rework pack. You will notice that model rework uses plain colors and almost no texturing in its models, only the pack of robotic trusses has an actual texture which was done by Porkjet. If that project catches your fancy, forum user @Ziw can invite you to their dev chat where you'll get all the model and texture files. I promised to help with that project but unfortunately RL has torn me apart from my hobbies for quite a while.

The Stock-alike Station Parts Expansion by @Nertea needs help with making IVAs to make a full doll house for kerbals. If this project catches your fancy, same IVAs done for this mod will help the FreeIVA mod which deperately needs a set of IVAs to patch all station parts around the globe and give a full station living experience to players.

The stock alike station parts project sounds really interesting! I will for sure check that out. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

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@EricSan An idea for a part that I have not seen is a tiny object that can be surface attached (clipped and hidden) and has engine emitters, but with no thrust at all. This could be used along with a clever RealPlume cfg to simulate high G wing contrails.

-If possible at all

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5 hours ago, SkyKaptn said:

@EricSan An idea for a part that I have not seen is a tiny object that can be surface attached (clipped and hidden) and has engine emitters, but with no thrust at all. This could be used along with a clever RealPlume cfg to simulate high G wing contrails.

-If possible at all

Have you seen


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