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[1.2.2] Contract Pack: Defense Combat Advisors [DCA]


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Defense Combat Advisors [DCA]

DCA is a BDArmory military contract pack for Contract Configurator

DCA contains 18 missions of enemies from the Air, Land & Sea.




Contract Configurator: 
Download on SpaceDock & CKAN:
Extract Zip File
Drop GameData folder from either Legacy Aim Mode or Default Aim Mode folder into the KSP installation directory.
May need to launch game and open contract configurator and select DCA contract, may need to turn off other contracts to make DCA contracts visible.
This mod for Kerbal Space Program is developed by Tazius and distributed under the license CC-BY-SA 2.0.
Please read about the license at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/
Compatibility with KSP v1.2.2
Ended legacy aim support.
Removed craft files without missions.
Invalidated possible dependencies with Mechjeb & Engineer for All.
Adjusted mission rewards to minimize impact on player careers.
Redesigned enemy crafts with probe cores more exposed, to increase likelihood of triggering completion conditions.
Edited by Tazius
[mod edit] Added license contents from zip file.
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  On 11/26/2016 at 7:48 PM, Teox said:

I have a problem on Mission 03! After accepting the contract I can't see any target, even in map view!
Also the contracts have a white icon



Thank you for testing my contract pack! I just did a fresh install of KSP, installed BDArmory, Contract Configurator and my DCA contract and everything loaded up fine, no white contracts, the targets show up on both the Space Center and Map view. Check to see if you have any conflicting mods, check to see if the DCA folder is in the Contract Pack folder. There's a default aim branch and a legacy aim branch you only choose one, not both. If all else fails try a fresh install and install the 3 mods and work back in your other mods until they break something.

Thank you for your feedback! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/10/2016 at 12:36 AM, The solid fuel chemist said:

do you plan on expanding this mod or supporting early ww1/2 tech missions using aviator arsenal and naval artillery systems?


Hello, Yes, I am planning on expanding this mod. I'm working on setting up a new mission chain / agency that depends on some modular planes for some of my missions as flying from home base to the combat location would be tedious.

I really do like the naval combat, my existing mod has some air & sea missions, nothing super complex. My concern is using add-ons to bdarmory or naval mods that it might affect compatibility.

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  On 12/12/2016 at 8:27 PM, Tazius said:

There's no tech tree requirements for this mod outside of any BDarmory might have, use whatever weapons, craft configurations you would like. 


Yeah, but, stock and CTT aren't very good since you have to go a ways before airplanes, and a really long way before ground vehicle wheels. I was hoping you knew of a more suitable one.

Edit: Or anyone else, for that matter. :)

Edit 2: Ah, I see, doesn't matter since you give 4500 science before any building is really needed. Never mind then!

Edited by Maeyanie
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  • 1 month later...

I'm running into a few problems with this pack. I don't know whether this is a problem with the pack (possibly the design of the vessels) or interference from another mod.

1) enemy naval vessels sink upon loading (possibly design flaw)

2) enemies don't appear to fire back. I managed to complete nearly all contracts using a single bomber. they also don't give a target lock with radar guided missiles.

3) Game prone to crashing when coming into proximity of the naval vessels.

I know that these problems may not be the result of the pack but I want to know if anyone else has these problems.

Edited by patton446
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I have a problem also, how o I install it properly, what folder will i put inside gamedata. Plus when its inside the game there is no logo from control room, when I accept there are no targets visible, i think it's not loading the enemies or i think idk how to install.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This is really cool. I love the idea and it definitely gives a new dimension to the old "fly to space, go here, come back" monotony. That said, I wish it balanced a little better into the stock career mode. Mission 2 or 3 (the retaliatory debriefing one) gives something around 3k Science if I remember right for literally doing nothing. I had access to this on like day 1 of career mode, and it kind of blows away all the contemporary stuff and catapults me to what would have realistically been day 200 or so to get that far ahead in money/science. I realize that for a lot of people they just want to fly the combat missions without worrying about budgeting and such, and that's fine, but I feel like sandbox works for that. The other camp that wants to still play the space game just with an added aerospace military edge, however, basically has to shelf this contract pack until very well into the game or it just overpowers everything. Long complaint I know, but basically if you could just tone down that single mission's payout by like... 99%, in my opinion that would improve the stock integration.

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  On 2/20/2017 at 10:29 PM, smokytehbear said:

Mission 2 or 3 (the retaliatory debriefing one) gives something around 3k Science if I remember right for literally doing nothing.


I think the idea there is to give you access to plane and/or rover parts, which are pretty late in the stock tech tree, and needed for the following mission. If you're planning to mix this with a normal game, it's really simple to edit the GameData/ContractPacks/DCA/DCA02.cfg file and turn down the rewards.

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  On 2/21/2017 at 12:03 AM, Maeyanie said:

I think the idea there is to give you access to plane and/or rover parts, which are pretty late in the stock tech tree, and needed for the following mission. If you're planning to mix this with a normal game, it's really simple to edit the GameData/ContractPacks/DCA/DCA02.cfg file and turn down the rewards.


Yes, I agree. That's what I have done personally. I would argue however that this setting would be more appropriate as the default, and that if you wanted to do this contract on day 1, for instance, then those people could go change the .cfg file. It's just my opinion, and only a suggestion to the mod author that anyone can absolutely disagree with, but I think anyone would be pretty hard pressed to say that a contract that requires "wait one second" as its only condition to complete, and gives one of the largest rewards out of any contract in the entire game, is in fact balanced for career mode.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just wanted to let people know that I updated DCA on spacedock.info, feel free to check out the changelog there or the original post on this forum. It may take a while for CKAN to update the file.

I did a fresh install with just BDArmoryContinued, Contract Configuration, Contract Pack: Defense Combat Advisors installed and was able to have a successful playthrough.

I went through the mission rewards and adjusted the science rewards to have minimal impact on careers and adjusted funds rewards to correlate with the costs of the crafts needed to complete missions.

Edited by Tazius
Forgot to include info.
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  • 5 weeks later...

Hy! I realy love your mod but I want to add my own more realistic crafts to the missions for my own joy. One of my main problem is that the aircrafts just dont want to take off or start the engine... I renamed my crafts to match with whatever their names are in the contract pack and placed them in the contract ship directory. They have Wep.Man. and Auto pilot also .... I almost tried everything. Could you Help me please? :) 

A fan from Kungary

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 4/18/2017 at 9:38 PM, Comedem said:

Hy! I realy love your mod but I want to add my own more realistic crafts to the missions for my own joy. One of my main problem is that the aircrafts just dont want to take off or start the engine... I renamed my crafts to match with whatever their names are in the contract pack and placed them in the contract ship directory. They have Wep.Man. and Auto pilot also .... I almost tried everything. Could you Help me please? :) 

A fan from Kungary


You have to open the craft files in notepad or a program such as KML and you need to activate the engines & the AI Autopilot. You have to make sure the the crafts have the right orientation so they don't spawn upside down, on their side, etc. What I usually do is create a craft with engines, AI modules, Weapon Manager and set all the setting I can inside the SPH or VAB, then I do editing of the craft file to get the engines & autopilot to activate on spawn.

If you want to make it easier on yourself, look through my mission crafts folder and grab one of the planes craft file and copy it into your SPH in your save folder. Open it in the SPH, Launch the craft to verify it auto starts the engines & AI Autopilot. If they activate, go back into the SPH and disassemble the engine, AI Autopilot & Weapon Manager and save them as Sub Assemblies. Then add them to your existing crafts and their engines should auto start, the craft should have AI Pilot along with the weapon manager settings.

Here's a link for KML:


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  On 4/12/2017 at 8:27 PM, Prototype516 said:

Are there any plans to expand this contract pack with more missions?


I've thought about creating separate contact packs that revolve around BDArmory because I love the mod. I've been toying around with the idea of 3 different mods:

1) Manual Outfitting Combat Contracts:

2) Orbital Strike Contracts:

3) Naval Mod Contracts (No Video yet)


Let me know your thoughts...

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  On 5/5/2017 at 4:28 AM, Tazius said:

I've thought about creating separate contact packs that revolve around BDArmory because I love the mod. I've been toying around with the idea of 3 different mods:

1) Manual Outfitting Combat Contracts:

2) Orbital Strike Contracts

3) Naval Mod Contracts (No Video yet)


Let me know your thoughts...


The concepts definitely look interesting, Specifically for me I think the orbital strike demo looked pretty cool. The outfitting one I am not interested in personally. It looks exhausting and time consuming, but I am only one voice among many ...and I think you're in the early stages, perhaps? Ultimately I guess it comes down to the final execution. I don't know what your plans are and how all of this will play out in the end, I may love it.  

This mod is a favorite of mine too. I actually (feebly) tried to start making my own part mods for BDArmory, but couldn't get the project off the ground. I may try again someday soon as I still have the 3D models; couldn't get them into the game working. I just wish there were more mission packs out there to keep playing.

Edit: A thought I had regarding the #1 mod. Having special made templates for crafts would be a another way about loading... granted it's not exactly "manual loading" anymore, but it's an idea I had. Might be relatively easy using stock parts without the need for any robotics.

Edited by Prototype516
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