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Female Kerbal


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We\'ve had this discussion before, and the thread got locked (as in it might be an indicator of an ensuing debate.) I think it was decided that Kerbals were unisexual. No male or female, just Kerbal. Forgoing genders doesn\'t require creating more pronounced male and female characteristics to differentiate them, saving development time.

EDIT: I\'m looking for the thread.

EDIT 2: Delivery!

As evidenced by the general sentiment (judging by the content of the first few posts,) Kerbals are unisexual. One thing that was suggested was adapting the name generator to generate less masculine names. They do tend to feel more masculine than feminine, so I think that addition would satisfy your request.

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Here\'s a female Kerbal for ya!

Arguably the same kerbal, but in a different style:


I think the first female kerbal needs to be named Sally in memory of Sally Ride

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Cool Comic, Timmon26! Where do you have this from? Would like to see more!

Both comics have really nice female Kerbals. Just like I imagine them! I would love to see them too in game.

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Personally, I would prefer to keep Kerbals unisexual (or asexual?), to keep focus on the space program, which I find a safe haven from imposition of gender stereotypes. (I wasn\'t too keen on that comic\'s first female character being referred to as 'fresh meat', by the way).

In my own imagination, the Kerbals are grafted and grown like plants and later develop limbs the way that tadpoles develop into frogs. They are cute the way they are, and although I use male pronouns to describe them I don\'t feel there\'s a great need to add another gender (and if so, why stop at just two?). Weird for me to be defending the status quo. though!

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I imagine that once crew selection comes into the game there will need to be differences in the models to tell them apart, I imagine that a few randomly generated physical features like the randomly generated names could throw up some female kerbals.

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Unisex is fine but they should have unisex hairlines (not receding!) and unisex names.

Id like to see a txt file with names we can fill ourselves and the prog can choose from random.

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Hairline receding? How do you know without a 'before' picture? I guess we all have our own 'background stories' for them, which is a good reason for the developers to leave some things undefined. The fan fiction and role-playing forums seem to have taken off based on pure speculation and imagination filling in the blanks, which is fine (just not my thing).

So I was surprised that the developers recently gave Kerbals a voice on video, and allowed us to see them without space suits in the 0.16 VAB, but I guess that more details will slowly be filled in as the game progresses towards crew selection.

Yes, eventually having some flexibility with Kerbals\' features and names for users to choose, without explicitly acknowledging a gender binary, seems like a good way to go.

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Right now I have Kerbals named Elrie, Patly, and Rosy, among others. One could just as easily imagine those names to be female as male, and I like that the game doesn\'t specify. When appearences can vary in later versions, I hope that same philosophy applies: a given feature is not tied to one gender or the other. Leave the presence, absence, or type of gender up to the player\'s imagination. As for myself, I like to believe that some of my little green dudes are little green dudettes. :D

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I\'ve seen some feminine sounding names turn up among the randomly generated kerbonaut names too, but the ratio is way too far from parity and needs adjustment.

As I understand it, the names are built from syllables, so adding some more suffixes ending in a, ee, ey, lie, nie, dottir, and ko, for example, should push the names closer to even

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Something about the unblinking eyes and the shape of the mouth always makes me think of kerbals as reptiles, which I suppose would not fit at all, but nevertheless, they do look distinctly gecko-ish.

But I reckon they should stay asexual, to avoid work for the devs adding unecessary things to the game, and, more importantly, an unavoidable influx of, shall we say, dubious, fan-art.

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Something about the unblinking eyes and the shape of the mouth always makes me think of kerbals as reptiles, which I suppose would not fit at all, but nevertheless, they do look distinctly gecko-ish.

But I reckon they should stay asexual, to avoid work for the devs adding unecessary things to the game, and, more importantly, an unavoidable influx of, shall we say, dubious, fan-art.

You think that haing no canon \'female\' kerbals will stop dubious fan art? Welcome to the Internet!

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