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Zoom into different parts of ship

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HI all!

I've built a rather long ship with all my science is near the front end of the ship. Problem is when I try to activate my science, I have a difficult time targeting the smaller devices. I can't zoom the camera into this particular part of the ship because my center of gravity is near the rear end of the ship. Any tips on how to get my camera zoomed onto my science devices? Can't seem to figure this one out. 

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Thank you for the welcome and the quick reply Snark!

That totally worked, but it took me a while to find the button. For anyone else who can't seem to find the "aim camera here" button, you have to go into settings and enable "Advanced Tweakables." Once you do that you can right click the part and aim to it.

Thanks again Snark, you rock!

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I try to put my small science experiments attached to the probe core, so when I need to I can zoom on it and all the experiments are around it, close by. Also, aiming the camera on a docking port and setting camera mode to "locked" makes for a very different docking experience, you might want to try that!

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On 12/15/2016 at 0:19 AM, blueturtle22 said:

For anyone else who can't seem to find the "aim camera here" button, you have to go into settings and enable "Advanced Tweakables."



Thats really strange thing for the devs to have done, seeing as an aim camera button isn't really a tweakable?  You're not tweaking focal length or shutter speed or some aspect of the camera.

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8 hours ago, klesh said:

Thats really strange thing for the devs to have done, seeing as an aim camera button isn't really a tweakable?  You're not tweaking focal length or shutter speed or some aspect of the camera.

Everyone felt it was getting to be just too darn many buttons in some of the context menus -- and that camera button doesn't get used that often. So it went into advanced just to hide it a bit.


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  • 3 weeks later...

There is also a mod, Camera Focus Changer, which does the same, except that it does not require you to AWKWARDLY RIGHT-CLICK THE PART AND FIND, AIM FOR, AND CLICK A BUTTON IN A CONTEXT MENU THAT IS ONLY THERE WHEN YOU TOGGLE SOME OBSCURE SWITCH IN THE SETTINGS just to refocus the camera.

(Instead, you just move the mouse pointer over the part and press the O key. Unfocus by pressing O while pointing at empty space. In fact, you can even focus an inactive vessel using this mod. Fun!)

Seriously, does SQUAD never ever learn from Good Practice in usability?

Edited by Andersenman
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