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In 1990 on Mir station 48 quail eggs resulted into 6 alive chickens. They suffered fromr miscoordination and couldn't even eat without human support (couldn't pick up the food). 3 days later the experiment was aborted.

Can't see how many of 6000 mice embryos stayed alive.

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11 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

In 1990 on Mir station 48 quail eggs resulted into 6 alive chickens. They suffered fromr miscoordination and couldn't even eat without human support (couldn't pick up the food). 3 days later the experiment was aborted.

Can't see how many of 6000 mice embryos stayed alive.

As chickens of many birds need to be feed by parents anyway its not surprising. Even if not I expect an new born chicken to mostly run on instinct and would have issues with 0g, had been fun how an adult and pretty smart bird handled it. 
The eggs itself with might also need gravity to work, it breathes after all.  even if the embryo inside does not. 

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