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[1.9-1.10] Global Construction


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Some of the NFT mods like SSPX should have you covered for that. This is the best choice TBH because of the high quality of those parts. 

KPBS may have some options for storage of material kits as well. 

Alternatively, you can install only the Kontainers folder from USI. I wrote some patches to convert it to B9PartSwitch so you do not need to install the rest like USI Tools, Firespitter, etc.

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21 minutes ago, Grimmas said:

Some of the NFT mods like SSPX should have you covered for that. This is the best choice TBH because of the high quality of those parts. 

That is perfect, thank you! I'd completely forgotten about MKIV Spaceplanes too, might just slip that in while I'm there :)

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1 hour ago, Domestic Cat said:

Hello, what a fantastic mod! Is it compatible with latest version of the game (12.5)? CKAN claims I can only play on 12.3 max. Thanks

It's been working fine for me in 1.12.5; I've built kits, launched, docked and constructed them in orbit with no problems. 

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  • 2 months later...
On 5/26/2023 at 6:36 PM, ahmedfathy92 said:

How can I produce SP in site 
It always says that machinery is full 


Normally in order to produce specialized parts you need material kits and a bit of machinery.

The fact that mahcinery is full  should not cause this.

Can you send a screenshot and a KSP.log?

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  • 5 months later...

I'm a bit confused as to how to tell how expensive a kit will be to build.

I made a kit for a base, and the right-click menu in the VAB said it would take about 180,000 kits to build. When I put it in the field and used the workshop window to deploy and build it, it still said it needed about 180k matkits.

But I took my total number of matkits, and subtracted what I had left over when building was done, and found that the construction had only used a bit over 18k, instead of 180k. Another time when I used the same kit, it took 80k...which is still not 180k.

I'm quite confused and this makes it hard to plan. Am I missing something?


Edited to add: I'm using MKS and the other USI mods. To be clear, building works, and I know how to do it. It's just the material cost that is giving me trouble by being unpredictable.

Edited by Tokamak
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  • 3 weeks later...

Is it just me or are rockets with DIY kits in the stack REALLY floppy. Even when I load them down with struts, they are wobbly and bendy and hard to control, but if I keep the same rocket and swap out the kits for tanks or something, for testing, they are fairly rigid like you'd expect. Is this just a part of how the mod works, or am I likely doing something wrong?

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To elaborate, when I say floppy, I mean REALLY floppy. So floppy the craft is totally unusable...which is making GC unusable because I can't sent big kits anywhere.


It actually bent considerably more than that, but that was the best screenshot I could catch. It went as far as 90 degrees at one point...though didn't break, which is odd.

This *only* happens when I have a kit as part of the vessel. If I launch the exact same craft with a test weight, it's fine. Any flexing is so slight as to not be visible. But just having the heavy kit *anywhere* on the vessel makes parts of it floppy like space noodles. Oddly, not necessarily at the spot where the kit is connected, like you can see above.


Does anybody have any idea what's going on? Or how I might fix it?

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1 hour ago, Tokamak said:

To elaborate, when I say floppy, I mean REALLY floppy. So floppy the craft is totally unusable...which is making GC unusable because I can't sent big kits anywhere.


It actually bent considerably more than that, but that was the best screenshot I could catch. It went as far as 90 degrees at one point...though didn't break, which is odd.

This *only* happens when I have a kit as part of the vessel. If I launch the exact same craft with a test weight, it's fine. Any flexing is so slight as to not be visible. But just having the heavy kit *anywhere* on the vessel makes parts of it floppy like space noodles. Oddly, not necessarily at the spot where the kit is connected, like you can see above.


Does anybody have any idea what's going on? Or how I might fix it?

Nice screenshot. I don't have use Global construction yet, just installed in my current game.

Maybe you can use this mod :

For me it works very well as i make very bad rocket at the beggining of my game.

For unknown reasons the other one called "next" isn't working on my 1.12.5 version.




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2 hours ago, LTQ90 said:

Nice screenshot. I don't have use Global construction yet, just installed in my current game.

Maybe you can use this mod :

For me it works very well as i make very bad rocket at the beggining of my game.

For unknown reasons the other one called "next" isn't working on my 1.12.5 version.




I'm already using "Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Continued". However, going through all of the major parts and enabling Autostrut->heaviest part made it rigid enough to be functional.

I'd still be curious as to what is up with it, though. Like I said, it's ONLY with a kit onboard. A test weight doesn't cause the behavior.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/13/2023 at 12:51 AM, LTQ90 said:

Nice screenshot. I don't have use Global construction yet, just installed in my current game.

Maybe you can use this mod :

For me it works very well as i make very bad rocket at the beggining of my game.

For unknown reasons the other one called "next" isn't working on my 1.12.5 version.




Sorry a little off topic cause i made a mistake.

The mod Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Next IS working GOOD. I just don'k take time (so silly) to read the first page as asked by the modder (Sorry Rudolf Meier)


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have another question. I tried googling it but got zero hits.

I have a ground assembly line set up, and I've used  it to make kits on site. (which is an amazing tool, by the way. I love this mod!) But for a craft I'm trying to make a kit of, whenever I use the "add vessel" button, I get the message "no suitable assembly space was found". My guess is that it's just because the craft is huge, so the kit would probably be bigger than the physical space inside the ground assembly line.

But, in a case like this, what am I meant to do? Does it mean I just can't build it on site and need to deliver the kit? Or am I missing something? I see that there is a option for "builtin assembly space" in the workshop window, which suggests I can use an other assembly space somehow? I'm unclear.

Any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated!

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Because the kit box will not fit in the GroundAssemblyLine, you need to create an empty kit.  Click the "Create Empty Kit" button next to the "Builtin Assembly Space" text.  Make sure "Ground Kit Container" is selected when you do this.  This will create an empty kit.  The empty kit will be pushed out of the GroundAssemblyLine.  The empty kit is treated as another vessel.  You must switch back to your GroundAssembly line vessel.

The workshop window should now show Builtin Assembly Space AND Container.  Select Container, then select the vessel/assembly/part you want to build.  The animation will transform your empty kit to the oversize box needed to contain the parts for your build.

It's a good idea to move the empty kit some distance away before selecting something to build.  This way, the resulting box will not block the Builtin Assembly Space - allowing you to build more stuff.

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I just had the weirdest thing happen. Not so much asking for help as sharing the absurdity. But if someone DOES know what happened, I'd be curious.

I was building a somewhat big vessel in orbit, but when deployed the kit while attached to my construction station, it got big. I mean really big. Kilometers on a side. It took like 20 days to deploy.


Other than taking weeks to deploy, everything mostly worked fine, though when the ship finally spawned, it was about 10km away from the station, which was a nuisance.

The ship wasn't even all that big... It fit in the VAB



Like I said, not asking for support, though I would be curious if anybody knows what happened.

(also odd was the fact that for this specific vessel, there was no "docked nodes" section of the GC info panel in the VAB, and no option for docking nodes in the workshop window either)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry, I know this question was asked before and I looked but could not find the answer! The square white containers that are pictured in the graphic on the first page are what I'm looking for. Could someone point me to the mod these parts come from please. They don't seem to be the primary mods. Thanks so much sorry for the trouble.

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  • 1 month later...

Maybe a silly question.

But how do you create materialkits?

I've searched around and can only find mention of the stock ISRU, but there is no option to create material kits.  I also have rational resources and kerbalism, and restock+.  Maybe these other mods are interfering.

There are config files in GC that's suggest there are different parts like ISRURefinery parts.  But those don't show up anywhere.

Is there another mod I need?

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@Ker Ball One Rational Resources, especially with the Kerbalism opt-in makes significant changes to the way ISRU works, including removing the module that this mod uses to create material kits. I can't see a recipe there for material kit production, but perhaps if you ask on the RR thread someone there will be able to help?


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2 hours ago, Aelfhe1m said:

@Ker Ball One Rational Resources, especially with the Kerbalism opt-in makes significant changes to the way ISRU works, including removing the module that this mod uses to create material kits. I can't see a recipe there for material kit production, but perhaps if you ask on the RR thread someone there will be able to help?


The Rational Resources recipe for MaterialKits is here:

I checked, and I do have this file.  I do have this part, but I do NOT have what is shown in the screenshot below.



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So it's the Rational Resources Kerbalism config that is doing it, not the base of each mod?
I am not seeing which file " removes all the ModuleResourceConvertors ".  Which mod should I look?

Global Construction (GroundConstruction 2.7.1)
Global Construction Core (GroundConstruction-Core 2.7.1)

Rational Resources (RationalResources 2.0.4)
Rational Resources Companion (RationalResourcesCompanion 2.0.4)
Rational Resources Kerbalism (RationalResourcesKerbalism 2.0.4)
Rational Resources Parts (RationalResourcesParts 2.0.4)
Rational Resources Squad (RationalResourcesSquad 2.0.4)

Kerbalism (Kerbalism 3.19)
Kerbalism - Default Config (Kerbalism-Config-Default 3.19)
Kerbalism Side Patches (KerbalismSidePatches 1.0)
Kerbalism System Heat (Kerbalism-SystemHeat 0.5.0)

ReStock (ReStock 1.4.3)
Restock Waterfall Expansion (RestockWaterfallExpansion 2.2.0 (PR))
ReStock+ (ReStockPlus 1.4.3)
Edited by Ker Ball One
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7 hours ago, Ker Ball One said:

So it's the Rational Resources Kerbalism config that is doing it, not the base of each mod?
I am not seeing which file " removes all the ModuleResourceConvertors ".  Which mod should I look?

It's part of the Kerbalism patch on this line.

DO NOT remove that line. It is supposed to remove the modules as part of the way it configures Kerbalism to work.

Instead to get RR and Kerbalism to work together to make material kits for GC, RR would need to be updated to correctly insert the correct processor into the Kerbalism chemical plant controller patch; to add a new Process sub node into the Profile definition in 00_Kerbalism.cfg and add a new pseudo RESOURCE_DEFINITION node for that process.

There may be other steps involved. I have little experience with configuring Kerbalism.

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Thanks for your help.  I'm actually going to instead modify the mobile processing lab instead of the ISRU.  Kerbalism does not touch it so it's free to modify

Also it makes more sense that a processing lab, requiring an engineer, could have the capability of machining material kits and maybe specialized parts.  While the ISRU, is more for lower level chemical conversion.

I found a config file from SCON that was doing something similar for RocketParts.  So I modified that.


Now I'm looking for the best way to store Metal and MetallicOre.  RR and GC neither seem to provide tanks for them.  And thinking about requiring different resources for SpecializedParts.  Maybe minerals or exotic metals.

It really does seem like Global Construction isn't really for in situ production of the materials needed, rather assume that supplies will be delivered to the construction site.  Makes sense for orbital, but ground construction should have a path from mineral extraction to shipbuilding.  But I guess that was left to other mods like MKS.

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