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Hi all,

I'm going to be writing a small part module, called ModuleSelectableDataTransmitter. It's going to inherit from ModuleDataTransmitter, the change will be that in the editor, you will be able to select the antennaType, so that a single antenna can be used either for a DIRECT or a RELAY antenna.

I was thinking about making it possible to flip it in flight.  Before I get started, I'd like any input or comments as to the viability and usability of this.


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Maybe it would be better to make a separate part module that looks for a ModuleDataTransmitter and switches the type. That way you don't mess up any mods that look for ModuleDataTransmitter (even if most of the time they should probably be using IDataTransmitter). 

I imagine that if you want to flip the type in flight you might need to re-initialize the CommNet aspects of the transmitter. That seems like something that would only be set once.

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