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Kerbal Space Repository Manager Zone


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Hi there!

Recently I began developing a Kerbal Space Repository Installer that installed addons with a single click. Now, the addon-publisher-area is almost done and to make it as great as possible, I need a few testers before releasing it to the public.

The Kerbal Space Repository Manager Zone gives you the ability to add addons to the repository and then manage it.

The Kerbal Space Repository Installer is discussed in this thread:


If you're interested, please PM me here on the forum, send a email to victorbjelkholm at gmail.com or meet me up at irc #ksp@quakenet.org

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  • 9 years later...

Please have something to contribute when reviving old threads.


Being that the link in the OP is dead and that the thread creator hasn't been around for 5 years, locking thread avoid any further confusion.

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