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[Min KSP: 1.12.2] Mark One Laboratory Extensions (M.O.L.E.)

Angelo Kerman

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  On 2/9/2017 at 5:25 PM, Angel-125 said:

Uh, my guess is nightingale would need to look at it.


If someone can raise a GitHub issue against Contract Configurator it would help me out greatly.

Also what exactly is a "slot available for experiment"?  I assume it's some sort of placeholder experiment that I should simply disallow?

Edited by nightingale
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  On 2/9/2017 at 10:26 PM, Bombaatu said:

Are there any tutorials around on making/modifying IVAs? I've love to take a crack at making an IVA for the Brumby & Backseat in this style:



Both the Appaloosa and the Brumby already have ASET versions of the IVA, actually. :) I have to do an update to support the new ASET 1.4 release, but they're there.

  On 2/10/2017 at 3:06 AM, nightingale said:

If someone can raise a GitHub issue against Contract Configurator it would help me out greatly.

Also what exactly is a "slot available for experiment"?  I assume it's some sort of placeholder experiment that I should simply disallow?


In MOLE and Pathfinder, I have an experiment system where you can load various experiments both while in the VAB/SPH and while out in the field. Here is a link that describes how it works.What you're seeing is the title and description for an experiment that's empty and available to receive a new experiment. All of the experiment "slots" that are ready to receive a new science experiment are identified with the "WBIEmptyExperiment" moniker. Not sure if it'll help, but here is an example of an experiment that can be transported from the ground and into an experiment lab on a station:

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  On 2/10/2017 at 3:24 AM, Bombaatu said:

What does the "Sky Watch" feature of the DenEye telescope do?


Some experiments require ScopeTime to complete, and the Sky Watch is used to generate ScopeTime. It's similar to how the MOLE lab generates LabTime, which is consumed by various experiments.

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  On 2/10/2017 at 4:49 AM, Bombaatu said:

I know about the ASET versions, but they are "high tech". The IVA I linked to is an older, "analog"-style, using Apollo-era instruments. While I love the high tech MFDs, the older style send to fit better with the early game spacecraft.


In that case, what you'd need is Unity, the KSP Part Tools, and the ASET props that you want to use. Part Tools gives you the ability to load IVAs and the props used in IVAs. Then it's just a matter of placing the props in the positions that you want. Those new ASET props from 1.4 look pretty cool, it would be nice to see the Brumby and Appaloosa use the new props. :)

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Quick question on the greenhouse in the MOBL in USI-LS setup. Does the food take time to 'grow' in the sense that once the timer in the 'manage operations' menu finishes, all of the supplies will be dumped into my storage at once? 

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  On 2/10/2017 at 5:53 PM, drhay53 said:

Quick question on the greenhouse in the MOBL in USI-LS setup. Does the food take time to 'grow' in the sense that once the timer in the 'manage operations' menu finishes, all of the supplies will be dumped into my storage at once? 


Yup, once you have grown the plants long enough, you can harvest the supplies. It is different than continually producing supplies as USI-LS does, and the resource requirements account for the potential for larger than normal crop yields.

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  On 2/10/2017 at 6:08 PM, Angel-125 said:

Yup, once you have grown the plants long enough, you can harvest the supplies. It is different than continually producing supplies as USI-LS does, and the resource requirements account for the potential for larger than normal crop yields.


One thing that I'm not totally clear on; I think the USI parts require one of the new MKS crew specializations for the greenhouse. What is the requirement for MOLE? It seems like the resources are still used and the timer counts down even if there's no Kerbal in the MOBL at all. 

Just trying to make sure I know how everything fits together.

Edited by drhay53
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  On 2/10/2017 at 6:25 PM, drhay53 said:

One thing that I'm not totally clear on; I think the USI parts require one of the new MKS crew specializations for the greenhouse. What is the requirement for MOLE? It seems like the resources are still used and the timer counts down even if there's no Kerbal in the MOBL at all. 

Just trying to make sure I know how everything fits together.


For the greenhouse, you just need someone with the ScienceSkill. In the stock game, Scientists have that skill. You can set up and start a greenhouse going- automatic sprinklers will keep the plants watered, and automated life support will keep them happy. A kerbal just enhances the process.

Side note. My mods don't really support MKS other than tying into the resource distribution system, adding Supplies to various parts, and replacing Equipment with MaterialKits because RD didn't bother to standardize on the use of Equipment to reconfigure a part, something I've used for over a year (I've had configurable parts for over two years now, but they used to use RocketParts until I realized that I treated the density like it was a 1-liter resource instead of a 5-liter resource). Since my template list is growing, I might just drop the Equipment to MaterialKits conversion altogether as it's not worth the effort to maintain something I don't use. It's easier to simply go into the settings menu and turn off the requirement for Equipment to reconfigure the module.

My question is: how many use my mods with MKS, and do they bother with the resource requirements to reconfigure modules or just turn that feature off.

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  On 2/10/2017 at 6:49 PM, Angel-125 said:

My question is: how many use my mods with MKS, and do they bother with the resource requirements to reconfigure modules or just turn that feature off.


Well I recently sent up a MOLE in the wrong configuration as part of a station core, and I shipped up some material kits to change configuration. Thought it was pretty interesting that way.

Mainly I installed MOLE for the crew capsule options, especially for the ability to make 2-crew vehicles early in the tech tree. Only after I installed it did I realize there were these other parts that were fun and interesting and flexible. 

I'm using CTT and I find the MOLE parts to be easier for building early tech tree stations that are useful and low part-count. 

I probably have too many mods installed, as sometimes I don't really know where options came from in the right-click menu :)

I'm guessing you use MOLE + Pathfinder + snacks for all of your bases, stations, and LS needs? 

The truth is I suffer from "too many options paralysis". I don't want to NOT play with MKS because it seems like fun, you know? I like all the resources and resource chains and all of that. Or at least, I like it in theory. In practice I usually end up frustrated. Pathfinder looks really awesome, but I already have MKS that I want to use.... I usually end up just not doing anything from all of the conflict between mods I'd like to play with. It'll probably happen again soon :)

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I use your mods with MKS, but I still consider myself a novice at using most WBI stuff. I understand MKS better, but am still learning WBI things. Right now, I mostly treat them as separate entities. That is, I imagine that WBI and USI are competing organizations that don't really work together.

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I play with both - and at various times will use resource requirements or not, depending on a long list of things.  (What I mostly do is have a 'general setting' for the save, but I'll change it on a spot basis if for some reason I don't feel like it should apply right then - usually when something's changed templates behind my back or a part gained access to the template system when I wasn't expecting it to.) 

I do tend to treat it the same as Merkov though: That WBI and USI are different companies, and have different resources that they need for things.  I had forgotten there even was a converter between MaterialKits and Equipment.

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Having a minor issue and I'm not sure whether to chock this up to Kerbalism or MOLE, but the Solar Battery Module does not produce Electric Charge in the background for Kerbalism's purposes. I've been fiddling with it and noticed that the config itself shows 0 for it, but since this solar panel setup is unique, messing with it just causes it to generate electricity even when closed/no sun. Unfortunately, I'm not super sure if this is Kerbalism's fault or the part itself. I attached both a screenshot and the part's config modules.

"Deployable Solar Panel" produces 0.0 electric charge, so Kerbalism sees it as producing none in the background.

	//Y-axis of SARJ is the pivot
	//Z-axis of suncatcher2 points to the sun.
		name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
		animationName = empty
		resourceName = ElectricCharge
		chargeRate = 0
		isBreakable = false
		pivotName = SARJ
		raycastTransformName = suncatcher2
		windResistance = 5
		trackingSpeed = 0.25		

	//Y-axis of SolarArrayPivot is the pivot
	//Z-axis of suncatcher points to the sun.
		name = WBIDualAxisSolarArray
		rotationModuleIndex = 0
		animationName = Deploy
		resourceName = ElectricCharge
		chargeRate = 24.0
		retractable = true
		isBreakable = true
		pivotName = SolarArrayPivot
		raycastTransformName = suncatcher
		windResistance = 5
		trackingSpeed = 0.25		

Edit: I did find a temporary solution in renaming the "WBIDualAxisSolarArray" module to "ModuleDeployableSolarPanel" and vice versa, but it does cause the part to rotate even when the panel is not deployed. Doesn't seem to be a massive issue as long as I don't have any other undocked craft in the vicinity and there's no massive amount of time warping or rotation involved.

Edited by IggyHitokage
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  On 2/14/2017 at 1:11 AM, IggyHitokage said:

Having a minor issue and I'm not sure whether to chock this up to Kerbalism or MOLE, but the Solar Battery Module does not produce Electric Charge in the background for Kerbalism's purposes. I've been fiddling with it and noticed that the config itself shows 0 for it, but since this solar panel setup is unique, messing with it just causes it to generate electricity even when closed/no sun. Unfortunately, I'm not super sure if this is Kerbalism's fault or the part itself. I attached both a screenshot and the part's config modules.


"Deployable Solar Panel" produces 0.0 electric charge, so Kerbalism sees it as producing none in the background.

	//Y-axis of SARJ is the pivot
	//Z-axis of suncatcher2 points to the sun.
		name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
		animationName = empty
		resourceName = ElectricCharge
		chargeRate = 0
		isBreakable = false
		pivotName = SARJ
		raycastTransformName = suncatcher2
		windResistance = 5
		trackingSpeed = 0.25		

	//Y-axis of SolarArrayPivot is the pivot
	//Z-axis of suncatcher points to the sun.
		name = WBIDualAxisSolarArray
		rotationModuleIndex = 0
		animationName = Deploy
		resourceName = ElectricCharge
		chargeRate = 24.0
		retractable = true
		isBreakable = true
		pivotName = SolarArrayPivot
		raycastTransformName = suncatcher
		windResistance = 5
		trackingSpeed = 0.25		

Definitely a Kerbalism issue.

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Question:  Should the snap angle be off or on to stop the ship from spinning to the angle. 

I have the option in the VAB set to off but in space it will spin to the 90 degree. 

When docking rovers on the ground it don't seem to care about the snap angle.

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  On 2/16/2017 at 11:46 PM, Vaga said:

Question:  Should the snap angle be off or on to stop the ship from spinning to the angle. 

I have the option in the VAB set to off but in space it will spin to the 90 degree. 

When docking rovers on the ground it don't seem to care about the snap angle.


For which docking port? I thought I turned off snap angle.

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  On 2/17/2017 at 12:56 AM, Angel-125 said:

For which docking port? I thought I turned off snap angle.


I was using the MK1 docking port to connect to the MK1 Radial docking port. 

I don't mind the snap angle but it needs some visual to see what direction the ports are facing.   Kind of like the PicoPort mod has for snap angle ports.


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  On 2/17/2017 at 1:30 AM, Vaga said:

I was using the MK1 docking port to connect to the MK1 Radial docking port. 

I don't mind the snap angle but it needs some visual to see what direction the ports are facing.   Kind of like the PicoPort mod has for snap angle ports.



Yup, that's something I'm looking at as I work on the DSEV update. I just checked, all the ports don't have angle snap turned on. Are you seeing angle snap?

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  On 2/17/2017 at 1:53 AM, Angel-125 said:

Yup, that's something I'm looking at as I work on the DSEV update. I just checked, all the ports don't have angle snap turned on. Are you seeing angle snap?


Like I said on land the ports act normal.  In space It will spin the ship 90 degrees then connect. Setting for both ports is set to off.  I'll see if I can get a video of it spinning my ship after I get back from Mun.

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  On 2/17/2017 at 1:57 AM, Vaga said:

Like I said on land the ports act normal.  In space It will spin the ship 90 degrees then connect. Setting for both ports is set to off.  I'll see if I can get a video of it spinning my ship after I get back from Mun.


Thanks, I'm really curious about this. I can't figure out why you're getting angle snap when I can see that the ports have all their angle snap parameters turned off.

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