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[1.4.x] BDArmory Continued v1.2.2.2 [8/8/2018] + Vessel Mover, Camera Tools, BDMk22, Destruction Effects, Burn Together


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  On 7/5/2017 at 4:50 PM, Next_Star_Industries said:

I'll accept any help :) and appreciate all advice as I am new to this scene. I'm heading in a different direction with my mod then Harpwner is with his. After what you have said it really has me thinking it's because of the way I'm calling on explosionFX to create the explosion(pemiiter) for the mushroom cloud of nukes.


do you intend to realease them?

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  On 7/5/2017 at 4:54 PM, dundun92 said:

No 1.2.2 versions?


The 1.2.2 v I have is just NKD without Harpwners module to allow nukes to work just through BDAc and it's on Curse. BDArmory Weapons Extension v1.3 that's what got me started doing this was needing an update to KSP 1.3 and noone released one so I did. Once Harpwner released his update I removed all ties to NKD and have continued on with my own stuff.


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  On 7/5/2017 at 4:55 PM, Next_Star_Industries said:

The 1.2.2 v I have is just NKD without Harpwners module to allow nukes to work just through BDAc and it's on Curse. BDArmory Weapons Extension v1.3 that's what got me started doing this was needing an update to KSP 1.3 and noone released one so I did. Once Harpwner released his update I removed all ties to NKD and have continued on with my own stuff.



Do the explosion FX work on the one without the dll?

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My end goal with my mod is to simply extend and compliment BDAc's weapon list and to help push things into space. Started with nukes well because everyone loves big explosions. While KSP is a flight sim, and it's fun to nuke the KSC, it's also a space sim and is the final direction I want to go with my mod.

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  On 7/5/2017 at 5:14 PM, Next_Star_Industries said:

My end goal with my mod is to simply extend and compliment BDAc's weapon list and to help push things into space. Started with nukes well because everyone loves big explosions. While KSP is a flight sim, and it's fun to nuke the KSC, it's also a space sim and is the final direction I want to go with my mod.


What do you mean with 'push things into space'? 

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  On 7/5/2017 at 5:16 PM, jrodriguez said:

What do you mean with 'push things into space'? 


I'm wanting to be able to make space fighters and have battles in space. Missiles aren't really an option up there so brainstorming weapon systems that would work in space. With real physics not "Star Wars" type physics.

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  On 7/5/2017 at 5:18 PM, Next_Star_Industries said:

I'm wanting to be able to make space fighters and have battles in space. Missiles aren't really an option up there so brainstorming weapon systems that would work in space.


Sounds nice. Although it will require a big investment of time. You will need to re-write/extended a lot of the BDArmory code base for such an ambitious feature :)

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  On 7/5/2017 at 5:18 PM, Next_Star_Industries said:

I'm wanting to be able to make space fighters and have battles in space. Missiles aren't really an option up there some brainstorming weapon systems that would work in space.


Not without creating a whole new targeting and control system you wont,

Some kind of love child between BDA mechJeb and ker is what it would take in order to hit a ship moving at X1000m/s,  and I don't think I'm speaking out of place when I say it's not something that BDA can or wants to currently do.

PS i think the time to switch to space battles is when you've exhausted all the in atmosphere  possibilities, and i can tell you right now that we have not, and will not do so for some time ,  so you are not even close

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  On 7/5/2017 at 5:22 PM, jrodriguez said:

Sounds nice. Although it will require a big investment of time. You will need to re-write/extended a lot of the BDArmory code base for such an ambitious feature :)


No code at all needs changed for what I'm thinking. It seems likely that realistic space battles would most likely just be laser type systems/turret and would be close quarter type battles do to how we travel in space. It would be to easy to shot down any projectiles unless they were close as well.

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  On 7/5/2017 at 5:27 PM, Next_Star_Industries said:

No code at all needs changed for what I'm thinking. It seems likely that realistic space battles would most likely just be laser type systems/turret and would be close quarter type battles do to how we travel in space.


I'll be waiting for the video proof of your assertions, Realistic space battles:lol::lol::lol:

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Solved/found work around to the problem with craft exploding outside of the blastRadius. It is because of my call to blastRadius in code it's adding it's value to BDA's, but I need it there. So if I simply make the configs o for the blastRadius, blastPower, and blastHeat in my module and place those values just into the misslelauncher module everything works perfect. :)  Imagine it's Harpwner's problem as well.

Update: I found the problem in the code as well. Had to change from a public field to private for blastRadius, blastPower, and blastHeat and told them to get that info from misslelauncher instead and it has solved the problem.

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  On 7/5/2017 at 7:50 PM, Cdodders said:

Is there a Tweakscale config for weapons?


Well this has been a touchy subject in other places :) Inside joke, I digress...

We do not have this enabled everywhere as it can cause issues in balance which then leads to "Why is this not working right" support questions...

How I handle this with other mods is I create a folder in my /gamedata/ called  "zzzz_gomker" and in that folder I create some MM (Module Manager) configs such as 


        %name = TweakScale
        %type = free

This way you can have whatever tweaks *you* would like 

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I was just wondering, with respect to the circular radar dome for the Boeing E-3 Sentry, would it be possible to get one of a smaller size for something like an E2-Hawkeye? I was going to build one for my naval fleet, but the radar dome is just way to huge... 

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  On 7/5/2017 at 5:23 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Not without creating a whole new targeting and control system you wont,

Some kind of love child between BDA mechJeb and ker is what it would take in order to hit a ship moving at X1000m/s,  and I don't think I'm speaking out of place when I say it's not something that BDA can or wants to currently do.

PS i think the time to switch to space battles is when you've exhausted all the in atmosphere  possibilities, and i can tell you right now that we have not, and will not do so for some time ,  so you are not even close


Your thinking as in missile type weapons, I'm not. It would be no more then targeting just like you would for docking, could even use that system or mechjeb, put some laser turrets on a ship and there you go. Have you not ever flown out to an asteroid or space station and done high speed orbital maneuvers around it at close range? Looks to me like a new type of fighter pilot is what will be needed. The other issue would be armor, you wouldn't take thick armored craft up either, do to weight, but you could have a shield system that simply increases your maxTemp value to act like armor. I don't know about you but I see this as being very feasible and it requires a small part module for the shields, that I about have done, and some laser turrets.

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  On 7/8/2017 at 1:06 AM, Next_Star_Industries said:

Your thinking as in missile type weapons,


no, i'm not

  On 7/8/2017 at 1:06 AM, Next_Star_Industries said:

you wouldn't take thick armored craft up either


armor does not have to be thick in order to work or in fact weigh anything, i feel that you don't as yet fully appreciate all of BDA or are aware of it's capabilities and for that matter limitations

and once again in reference to

  On 7/8/2017 at 1:06 AM, Next_Star_Industries said:

new type of fighter pilot is what will be needed



  On 7/5/2017 at 5:27 PM, Next_Star_Industries said:

realistic space battles



  On 7/5/2017 at 5:29 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Realistic space battles:lol::lol::lol:


And as a complete irrelevance but worth a mention lasers if properly set up not sci fi hacked will be useless for your purposes, and probably worse than any other projectile.  unless your real space battles involve tickling battle cruiser to death at 100 mtrs ....

Apologies if i sound somewhat jaded and unimpressed, this subject his been discussed to death over the history of BDA,      It's not like it's an original idea, if it's not nukes or fantasy weapons,   it's space combat most new users ask for ,   and it's no more feasible now than it was 4 years ago,  however if you want to spend several months bashing your head pointlessly against a wall, as many have before, I certainly am not going to stop you.

And of course there's always the outside chance that i (and the rest of the dev team, the RnD group etc)  are completely wrong. 

In which case I'm still eagerly awaiting video proof,  not of two ships 100 mtrs apart in the same orbit  firing lasers at each other ( thats called an aggressive rendezvous not a battle)  , but ships in slightly different orbits being able to engage at will at any time.  Just as they could when in atmosphere

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  On 7/8/2017 at 1:35 AM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

And as a complete irrelevance but worth a mention lasers if properly set up not sci fi hacked will be useless for your purposes, and probably worse than any other projectile.  unless your real space battles involve tickling battle cruiser to death at 100 mtrs ....


Lasers aren't toys any longer and are in use by our Navy today. I refer to this AN/SEQ-3 Laser Weapon System or XN-1 LaWS and there are stronger ones already in production. I don't want any one to do anything with BDA nothing needs done and I do know the limits of it. jrodrigue had asked what meant by a post I made and I answered him and it seems to me (could be wrong) you have took it as a personal attack or something. There is no need to. If I see something that needs made or done I'll do it myself, but see nothing other then some new turrets needing done. So I'll have that video you have requested soon.

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I was in no way taking any of your postings as anything but an average everyday post, no need to think otherwise,  I know all about the military things, the size of a truck and with the power needs of an average town.  AS i say, your free to do your thing,  as is your right.  and in truth i don't care :)


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Hello, I'm having a problem on load with BDArmory. Every time it gets to the 50 cal ammo it crashes. It crashes on compiling the Universal Ammo Box. Here is my crash report if it helps at all. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxFKYggzLkEQYTJHYkZuSkRoakE/view?usp=sharing

I have replicated it using just BD and Firespitter as well if it helps.

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  On 7/8/2017 at 1:59 AM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

I was in no way taking any of your postings as anything but an average everyday post, no need to think otherwise,  I know all about the military things, the size of a truck and with the power needs of an average town.  AS i say, your free to do your thing,  as is your right.  and in truth i don't care :)



They are also developing a system to mount lasers on the AH-64D Apache for anti-missile "active defense," and to replace/augment the chaingun. They conducted their first test this past week IIRC.

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