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[1.4.x] BDArmory Continued v1.2.2.2 [8/8/2018] + Vessel Mover, Camera Tools, BDMk22, Destruction Effects, Burn Together


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  On 8/21/2017 at 3:19 AM, lancefoxcia said:

With the addition of penetration and bullet definitions. I've noticed a spike in how much damage a ballistic bullet does to panels of armor.
Here's a video showing the differences 

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Thanks for the video, @SpannerMonkey(smce) and I have noticed some odd issues with bullet configuration, after taking a closer look I did discover some coding errors that are causing inconsistencies and are being worked on now.
We worked around the issue by adding a Bullet Damage Multiplier to either nerf or enhance damage however, this was only a temporary work around. My goal is to have this fixed in time for next release.

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  On 8/21/2017 at 4:41 AM, gomker said:

Thanks for the video, @SpannerMonkey(smce) and I have noticed some odd issues with bullet configuration, after taking a closer look I did discover some coding errors that are causing inconsistencies and are being worked on now.
We worked around the issue by adding a Bullet Damage Multiplier to either nerf or enhance damage however, this was only a temporary work around. My goal is to have this fixed in time for next release.


Awesome, also do you think there will be a way to change the bullet type a turret could use while in game?
I've been looking for ways to decrease the amount of turrets my mod has with the different bullet types. (AP, APCR, HE, etc..)


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Having a bit of an issue with the rotary bomb racks (KSP 1.2.2 and BDA version BDArmory. I've got two planes that use them, a B-52 and  B1-B. The B1 has no issues. All different types of bombs all drop, no worries. Rack configuration as seen here:


However, on the B-52, something around 60% of bombs fail to drop and I'm not sure why. See before and after pics along with how I have the racks set up here:


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Yes I have all arrows pointing downwards so I know this isnt the issue. I just dont know if it has to do with clearance or something else I may be doing wrong on my end or if the racks are buggy in 1.2.2. They work great on the B1 and I followed the same recipe on the B-52, hence my confusion.

If logs are required, logs I shall proved. 


Edited by Calvin_Maclure
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This is the most coordinated attack I've ever seen. And I'm sure people will LOVE this pic :)

If you are wonder what the planes are, they are F6F Hellcats. The ship is a replica of USS Chicago (CA-29) I made this attack to see her AA systems in action.


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Alright, I've tried to be not ignorant, but I can't seem to figure it out on my own. Is there any way to change the maximum air burst distance? I see in the bahaturret.dll source code theres something that says public float detonationRange. So I was thinking putting that into the .cfg with a value would do something, but the detonation range is still stuck at 3800m. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by Im_M
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  On 8/23/2017 at 11:09 AM, TheDog said:

Which version do you have installed? 

Our latest version does not have a bahaturret.dll, the dlls have different names...


Im still using 0.2.1.

I would hope it's still pretty much the same. If someone could just point me in the right direction to implement this myself or let me know of a fix thats already in existence that'd be awesome

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  On 8/23/2017 at 11:31 AM, Im_M said:

Im still using 0.2.1.


Why don't u use the current version? Are u still on KSP 1.2? 

Anyway, a LOT has been developed in bda in the meantime, so honestly I have no clue whether the detonation thing worked properly in 0.2.1 or not...

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  On 8/23/2017 at 11:34 AM, TheDog said:

Why don't u use the current version? Are u still on KSP 1.2? 

Anyway, a LOT has been developed in bda in the meantime, so honestly I have no clue whether the detonation thing worked properly in 0.2.1 or not...


I am still in KSP 1.2. I don't feel like dealing with updating since I've personally modified all of BDA and another handful of mods. It'd be a excrementsload to go through, not to mention the mods that havent been updated yet.
And the air detonation does work. It's just limited to a range of 3800m and I want to change it.

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Having a bit a of an annoying problem. I have 2 craft, both on separate teams, both on guard mode, with ammo. Yet the 2 crafts won't shoot each-other? They will fire missiles, but when the missiles have ran out, both craft just chase each -other.. I've reinstalled BD Armoury too, and have Physics Range Extender installed. What seems to be the problem with this?? (Edit: I have full electric charge)

Edited by Sebastiaz
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  On 8/23/2017 at 12:04 PM, Sebastiaz said:

Having a bit a of an annoying problem. I have 2 craft, both on separate teams, both on guard mode, with ammo. Yet the 2 crafts won't shoot each-other? They will fire missiles, but when the missiles have ran out, both craft just chase each -other.. I've reinstalled BD Armoury too, and have Physics Range Extender installed. What seems to be the problem with this?? (Edit: I have full electric charge)


Hi a zipped copy of your KSP.log will be required in order to diagnose your issue.

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  On 8/23/2017 at 11:43 AM, Im_M said:

I am still in KSP 1.2. I don't feel like dealing with updating since I've personally modified all of BDA and another handful of mods. It'd be a excrementsload to go through, not to mention the mods that havent been updated yet.
And the air detonation does work. It's just limited to a range of 3800m and I want to change it.


Well I mean, if you modified BDA itself anyway, there's little the devs here could do to help you since it's been modified and is not something they have access to to test, adjust, or modify to find the problem and fix it. Unless I am misunderstanding what you just said in that you have modified BDA.

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  On 8/23/2017 at 11:43 AM, Im_M said:

I am still in KSP 1.2. I don't feel like dealing with updating since I've personally modified all of BDA and another handful of mods.


Well in the OP it says previous versions of BDA are no longer going to be supported or fixed.

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  On 8/23/2017 at 4:00 PM, Murican_Jeb said:

Well in the OP it says previous versions of BDA are no longer going to be supported or fixed.

  On 8/23/2017 at 3:03 PM, XOC2008 said:

Well I mean, if you modified BDA itself anyway, there's little the devs here could do to help you since it's been modified and is not something they have access to to test, adjust, or modify to find the problem and fix it. Unless I am misunderstanding what you just said in that you have modified BDA.


Im not asking for a fix, and it's nothing crazy that I've modified. Just parts of the .cfgs relating to damage and tracer color. I'm not even asking for anyone to fix anything for me. I just want to know where I would look to change the max detonation range. Like Ive said before it's locked at 3800 meters and I just want to make it a greater distance.



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  On 8/23/2017 at 8:00 PM, Sebastiaz said:

Hi cheers,    BDA and your aircraft mods  requires firespitter be installed and you don't have it .  Your game is producing a lot of loading and associated errors because of this. 

You cannot test for errors in BDA while you are missing firespitter . Please install firespitter

   Can you conduct a test using the BDA AI test aircraft and use just the guns you have had trouble with.  Do not rerun multiple times, it is important that the bug is reproduced with as few reverts as possible

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Well ive been messing a bit with BDA in 1.3, and im noticing a bit of "odd" occurences that make little sense imo.  First of all i do like that damage actually makes logical sense now, and it nolonger takes a 10 second sustained burst from 6 50cals to drop a single wing panel from 500m.  The issues though is that certain weapons seem exponentially more powerful, to the point where they instantly shred anything but custom made tank armor panels (parts i made myself that can resist 1-2 hits from a 120mm gun).  The biggest ones ive noticed are the 20mm minigun and the 50 cals.  Both of them instantly shred planes with such effectiveness, a single 50cal bullet does about as much damage to planes as the 30mm gun, and the 20mm is for all intents and purposes 100% superior to the 30mm against air targets (which makes no sense whatsoever since a 30mm bullet was known to rip a wing off in 1 shot, while a 20mm cannon should take at least 2 hits to rip a wing panel off if not 3-4 for larger panels).  I also think that damage needs to be globally decreased by ~50%, ive tested multiple settings and 50% global dmg multiplier seems to be the sweet spot where guns are still very deadly against planes (as they should be), but most of the time you are going to survive a glancing blow without being turned into a cloud of debris (at 100% you die if you get hit by like a single 20mm anywhere on the plane).


Also worth noting is that damage transfer is ridiculously high now so a single hit on a tank that destroys armor plate is near 100% guaranteed to remove 2-3 parts behind it.  I dont know entirely how realistic damage transfer should be, but in terms of gameplay i really dont like the fact that spaced armor is worthless (since a hit on something like a wing panel transfers so much damage to the parts behind it you are often going to loose the entire tank).  I do like the idea of damage transferring to parts behind it, but it needs to be severely toned down in effectiveness for tank battles.  Damage transfer needs to be a thing for very light and or weak parts to stop people from abusing lots and lots of near massless crap as armor since thats neither fun nor realistic, but it should be removed or severely limited for parts that are either highish in crash tolerance (say 50 or more m/s), or have highish mass, otherwise it becomes impossible to make tank battles work without doing what Tape and Beardy do in their series and use some sort of indestructible core to build the tanks up around.  For some reason i cant actually get BDA to compile on my end (keeps saying its missing referenced stuff that apparently isnt located in either the BDA master directory or in the KSP directory) so i cant quite test it out myself to see how lower damage transfer plays out, but i really think this is something that needs to go with the exception of super light near massless crap just to avoid exploits.  That and i think we can all agree that 1 shot kills are alot less fun then tanks that can take a few hits before they die off entirely.


Ohh and if you guys are interested, ive finished creating what i call "tank grade" armor for use with tanks.  I had to use wing panels (since there is a hitreg bug that comes up with super thin panels which makes the round pass through and not interact with the armor properly at certain ranges/angles), but sofar it is fairly plausible in that a large size panel (roughly the size of the current 2x2 structural) can take 2-3 hits from the 105 or 120mm guns (and ive also tested it with my own customized WW2 tank guns which use fairly realistic projectile parameters).  If you want to give these things a try ill upload somewhere...

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  On 8/23/2017 at 10:08 PM, panzer1b said:

Well ive been messing a bit with BDA


Hi, thought you'd notice something off eventually, we've already discovered some serious issues in the deeper logic and they are being worked on right now as mentioned below


  On 8/23/2017 at 10:08 PM, panzer1b said:

If you want to give these things a try ill upload somewhere


I'd certainly be interested in looking at anything you have discovered or come up with


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