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[1.8+] Kerbal Health 1.6.8 (2024-01-22)


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4 hours ago, OOM said:

So on the example of 7K-L1 "Probe" from the Tantares mod.
Soyuz 7K-L1
Weight 10528 kg of them:
1. Dry weight of the structure: ~ 3380 kg
2. Radiation shield: ~ 4150 kg
3. Fuel: ~ 2820 kg
4. Supplies of food, water, oxygen: ~ 110 kg
The ship itself weighs only 3.8 tons (with fuel and standard protection). In low lunar orbit, the radiation dose for the crew is 6.4k bananas per day. But with shielding up to 11 bananas a day (an absolutely safe dose), the 7K-L1 rises to 10.5 tons.
As you can see, for protection against radiation, protection with a mass was required even more than the 7K-L1 itself weighed in the stock state.
Based on this, I needed an artificially enlarged "Proton" with a mass of ~ 300 tons.
Without the Kerbal Heath mod and shielding, the standard Proton with a mass of 150 tons would be enough for me.

I hope you realize that you don't have to always use maximum shielding for your vessels. In fact, it will be overkill in most cases (unless you are constructing a low Solar orbit station, I guess). I usually choose the amount of shielding depending on two things: the expected radiation level (e.g. LKO needs much less than going to Moho) and planned mission duration. So stations need more shielding than normal two-way ships. You usually don't need any additional shielding (other than that provided by the heat shield and other parts) for your simple orbital ships or even for a lunar flyby, like 7K-L1. Kerbals can withstand a few K bananas with no problems at all. It is only when the accumulated doses start going into 100,000s and millions when you should start worrying.

But also, yes, this mod does make the game more challenging and generally requires you to use more parts, and a greater variety of those. Especially so on hard difficulty.

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Seems this thread is a bit on the old side, but I'm totally still using Kerbal Health because it rocks. Just started playing an older save today and after reaching Laythe and leveling up my whole crew to level 5 I had to laugh when I realized that one of my engineers is literally sitting at 100% health. I was a bit flabbergasted at how that could be possible (the rest of the crew was at ~60% after docking with and training to use a spaceplane built after they were launched).. then I noticed her traits.

Workaholic, Adventurous, Lead Skin, and Talkative.

I've never seen a Kerbal with more than one trait before.. and here she has 4. She was totally born for this job. I mean all Kerbals are.. but damn, she's something else.

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3 hours ago, Enorats said:

Seems this thread is a bit on the old side, but I'm totally still using Kerbal Health because it rocks. Just started playing an older save today and after reaching Laythe and leveling up my whole crew to level 5 I had to laugh when I realized that one of my engineers is literally sitting at 100% health. I was a bit flabbergasted at how that could be possible (the rest of the crew was at ~60% after docking with and training to use a spaceplane built after they were launched).. then I noticed her traits.

Workaholic, Adventurous, Lead Skin, and Talkative.

I've never seen a Kerbal with more than one trait before.. and here she has 4. She was totally born for this job. I mean all Kerbals are.. but damn, she's something else.

This thread is very much alive, and so is the mod. In fact, I'm just finishing a serious overhaul of it, so stay tuned.

In your game, did you change default settings for quirks? By default, the kerbals aren't supposed to have more than two quirks, so this may actually be a bug.

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15 minutes ago, garwel said:

By default, the kerbals aren't supposed to have more than two quirks, so this may actually be a bug.

I have a couple of Kerbals with 3 quirks now, with default KH settings...

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28 minutes ago, Clamp-o-Tron said:

Ooooh! Tell us, do we get new stuff, or is it just something like a ui revamp?

It's mostly under-the-hood revamp, to make code more stable and maintanable and get rid of a few bugs. But there will also be an almost seamless integration with Kerbalism, for those who want to combine these two mods. If I come up with an idea how to rebalance parts in a more sensible way, I'll include it too.

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17 hours ago, garwel said:

This thread is very much alive, and so is the mod. In fact, I'm just finishing a serious overhaul of it, so stay tuned.

In your game, did you change default settings for quirks? By default, the kerbals aren't supposed to have more than two quirks, so this may actually be a bug.

Lol, I think I clicked page 6 instead of the double arrow to go to the last post in the thread. Saw a 2017 date on the last post and figured the mod had died since I last played or something (though I don't think it's been that long, now that I think about it).

Anyway, no.. I've been using the same set of like 8 Kerbals all game. I don't think any of them have been anywhere special. I did a few Mun/Minmus flights, then loaded them up on a nuclear powered craft with like 10k delta-v and a mining rig to refuel with.. and sent them on their way. That was like, I dunno. 20 years ago? They hit Duna, Eve, Moho, and then headed off to Jool. They're taking shore leave on Laythe's er.. shores.

It's been a good year or so since I've loaded up this save, so I'll have to check the settings to see if they were tinkered with.

And, it seems they were. 5 quirks max with a 25% chance to get one on level up. Seems I disabled radiation too. Wow. At 25% chance of getting a trait that Kerbal had a 0.39% chance of getting 4. She's a keeper.

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I'm looking for recommendations for parts that offer recuperation. At present, my install has limited options to the stock cupola and the big observation module from the SSPXr pack, but this is causing all interplanetary vessels to look very similar. Anyone have suggestions for additional parts from other mods that could offer variety and provide enough recuperation bonuses for crafts with 6+ crew? Thanks!

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Ok, folks, I've almost finished the new version of Kerbal Health and I need your help testing it and finding any bugs I've missed yet.

This release has three main parts:

  • First, I've rewritten (almost) from scratch one of the oldest parts of the code, which is at the heart of the mod: health update system. It's become so complex and messy after so many incremental updates that I found it hard to debug it. Now it is much neater and maybe even faster. Some of the bugs that haunted the old system (e.g. some quirks didn't work as intended and so on) have been fixed for good. But I might have introduced new bugs, so I'll really appreciate any reports. You may encounter issues in the usual bottlenecks: processing kerbals that are loaded or unloaded during the scene, EVAs, deaths and generation of new kerbals, various edge cases.
  • Second, I've finally rebalanced all the crewed parts, both stock and introduced by mods. There are tons of changes, but the main ones are:
    • Command pods have slightly less living space than they used to. Basically, they are only good for LKO or short trips to the Mun and back.
    • Most habs (i.e. parts whose main role is housing kerbals, e.g. Hitchhiker) now have two configurations for you to choose from: Living Quarters and Lounge. As you might've guessed, the former gives you more Living Space and the latter gives you a bonus to Confinement. You select the configuration in the Editor and it's permanent. Usually, you will need a combination of Living Quarters and Lounges for the best results.
    • Lounges and Sick Bays no longer require Electric Charge.
    • Labs no longer provide a bonus to Connected factor. Instead, this is done by certain fast antennas (stock HG-55 and 88-88 are examples). However, labs now provide bonuses to Conditions factor to all the crew, not only to those inside them, and they don't need EC for that.
    • High Recuperation bonuses in some mods have been reduced.
    • One thing I forgot to include in the pre-release is that Loneliness factor will be increased from -1 HP/day to -2.
    • The patch that targets not explicitly supported mods was made much smarter. It creates much more balanced health modules now.
  • Third, I introduced a much closer integration with Kerbalism. If Kerbal Health detects Kerbalism in your game, it now automatically disables some of Kerbalism's features (radiation damage, stress et al.). You can also activate a setting to use Kerbalism-provided radiation data instead of Kerbal Health's own. In this case, you'll have to deal with radiation belts, solar storms (sure, Kerbal Health has its own solar weather too, but that will be disabled), etc. I recommend this option for better realism and challenge, but be careful when activating on an existing save, so that you don't fry your kerbals in a radiation belt.


There are many changes in this pre-release, both obvious and under-the-hood. It can have nasty bugs, so make a backup. If you encounter issues, report them here or in Github.

Download Kerbal Health v1.5 Pre-release here

Edited by garwel
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  • 1 month later...

Kerbal Health 1.5

  • Changed: Completely rebalanced all crewed parts. Command pods now provide slightly less living space; habs (e.g. Hitchhiker) have two configurations to choose from, Living Quarters (for LivingSpace) and Lounge (for Confinement bonus); Confinement bonus doesn't require ElectricCharge anymore; broadband antennas instead of labs now give bonus to Connected, and much more. Be careful when updating: ongoing missions may be affected (I haven't checked it)
  • Changed: Rewrote the health update system from scratch. It is now more stable and easier to maintain. Many bugs have been fixed, but new ones were probably introduced; hence the need to test this version out
  • Changed: Loneliness factor has been strengthened to -2 from -1 HP/day (badass kerbals are still immune)
  • Added: Extended integration with Kerbalism including the option to use Kerbalism's radiation values (taking into consideration radiation belts, solar storms etc.) and disabling of most duplicate Kerbalism's mechanics
  • Added: You can now see in Health Monitor all health factors affecting the kerbal even when he/she is not loaded
  • Changed: Default health update interval reduced from 30 to 10 seconds (only affects new games)
  • Changed: Various small UI improvements
  • Fixed: Recently added kerbals weren't displayed in Health Report
  • Fixed: Activating or deactivating the health module in the Editor didn't update the Health Report immediately
  • Fixed: Localization fixes

Download here

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All this mod needs to be perfect are on-screen health warnings, lasting a few seconds. Having to go into the notifications panel and read notifications one by one is a hassle. And perhaps an option to pause the game automatically when health status change. Dangit has all of this, so it should be possible.

Thanks for the new release!


Edited by Daniel Prates
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6 hours ago, gulegule said:

Do the changes to command pods/habs apply to already deployed missions?

They do, but they will only take effect when you load the vessel for the first time after updating.

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7 hours ago, gulegule said:

Was there a change to radiation if not using Kerbalism?  I noticed most of my craft have much lower exposure for the same amount of shielding.

I rewrote much of radiation code from scratch, and it might fix or introduce some bugs. Can you enable debug mode, open the corresponding vessel and share your log?

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I've only really noticed it in the VAB/SPH using KerbalHealth's vessel planner, not with in flight vessels (I landed all my crewed flights before upgrading).  Would debug logs from the VAB be helpful?

EDIT: Found a testing save w/ some flights in progress, I'll try to grab some screenshots/logs from 1.4.6 and 1.5

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Ok, did some testing.  Screenshots, logs and craft files here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bgqQU1jcPRlRA07s6J__M-SDSuitqrJK?usp=sharing

It looks like the vessel in flight has the same level of radiation accrual in both 1.4.6 and 1.5, but there is a difference in the stated exposure in the planner UI in the VAB, and the KH widget in the space center scene and tracking center scene give bad values pre and post vessel load.

EDIT: there is a NullReferenceException in the logs related to TAC.  I see it on both version and believe it to be unrelated to KH behavior.

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Thanks for testing this. Can you make a log with Debug Mode enabled (it's in the Kerbal Health settings)? Then I'll be able to see how things are actually computed. And while you are there, can you tell (or show) what the exposure is for your kerbals in-flight?

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