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[1.12.X] Feline Utility Rovers v1.3.4 (28. April 2022)


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On 3/9/2018 at 9:40 AM, Nils277 said:

Will wait until 1.4.1 and decide what to do once it is released. You can fix this bug pretty easy in your install yourself. Just open the file: GameData\KerbetrotterLtd\FelineUtilityRover\Parts\FuelTank\FuelTank_Small.cfg in any text editor and change line 74 from
transformName = Badge
transformName = Plaque

I like very much how make this things simple, and give incentive for the people to learn how to mod, like when you were teaching everything about configuring the old hover engines, respecting and considering the individual preferences of each one. There's people out there that gets really mad with direct edits like that :confused:

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14 hours ago, BlackWing Pilot said:

Can i play it with ksp 1.4

No, it does not work with 1.4, most modules won't work. I will start to update this mod when KSP 1.4.1 is released on March 13.th but i have no estimation on how long this will take...between one day and two weeks maybe...

Edited by Nils277
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On 3/12/2018 at 11:00 AM, Nils277 said:

No, it does not work with 1.4, most modules won't work. I will start to update this mod when KSP 1.4.1 is released on March 13.th but i have no estimation on how long this will take...between one day and two weeks maybe...

*Just* discovered this mod a week ago or so and started working on a rover (loooove the design btw and the bendy parts is like sexy gravy) as 1.4 hit


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Hi. This is an awesome mod, but I have an issue with hover rotors. I made a remote-controlled quad-rotor hovercraft (looks a bit like a common quadcopter) and I can control it around KSC without any issues. But when I landed it on Eve, it refuses any control. When I disable hovering and try to fly it high in air, I can control it (even if it is difficult to land), but with hover on, it just stands on a place, above the ground. And if I use a reaction wheel to tilt, the rotors actively fight against the tilt. I tried to enable/disable all the options in advanced control menu of the engines, but nothing did help. May it be an issue because I'm not controlling the hovercraft directly, but through a relay orbiting around Eve?

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16 hours ago, zoppercz said:

Hi. This is an awesome mod, but I have an issue with hover rotors. I made a remote-controlled quad-rotor hovercraft (looks a bit like a common quadcopter) and I can control it around KSC without any issues. But when I landed it on Eve, it refuses any control. When I disable hovering and try to fly it high in air, I can control it (even if it is difficult to land), but with hover on, it just stands on a place, above the ground. And if I use a reaction wheel to tilt, the rotors actively fight against the tilt. I tried to enable/disable all the options in advanced control menu of the engines, but nothing did help. May it be an issue because I'm not controlling the hovercraft directly, but through a relay orbiting around Eve?

I'm not really sure what you mean by controlling the craft through a relay in Eves orbit. Are you using some kind of mod to indirectly control the rover? Or are you still seeing the rover as in normal flight progression but the control signal comes through the stock communication network?

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Update to 1.1.0 and 1.2.0 ~It's so shiny!~





  • Recompile for KSP 1.4.1
  • Updated KSPModFileLocalizer to version
  • Adjusted friction of wheels for better controllability

1.1.0 + 1.2.0:


  • Added specular information to all textures
  • Added normal maps for all Parts, IVAs and Props
  • Fixed several texture inaccuracies

New Parts:

  • Added Material bay that fits inside the service bay
  • Added Radiator for the roof

Mod Support:

  • Added basic support for Textures Unlimited
  • Added support for indicator lights

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed small fuel-tank not switching plaque correctly
  • Fixed logged warnings of Docking Bay Port for CLS

Download version 1.1.1 for KSP 1.3.X and version 1.2.1 for KSP 1.4.X

oYvtZpW.png UVVt0OP.png lMOxt2k.png
Edited by Nils277
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32 minutes ago, Nils277 said:

still seeing the rover as in normal flight progression but the control signal comes through the stock communication network?


This. I don't have any mod that would modify control or connections. But I wanted to be able to control the probe without a big antenna on the ground, so the stock communication network goes through one hop on Eve's orbit.

But hey, at least I learned how to fly it in the high air at about 100 m/s and land reliably most of the time (only landing 1 in 10 results with a broken leg or rapid unscheduled disassembly). So in the end, it made my mission better, not worse. Still, it would be nice to find out what can be the issue. Would the craft file help you with anything? Like I said, it works ok on Kerbin, so I don't think that it is a design issue, but...

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49 minutes ago, zoppercz said:

This. I don't have any mod that would modify control or connections. But I wanted to be able to control the probe without a big antenna on the ground, so the stock communication network goes through one hop on Eve's orbit.

But hey, at least I learned how to fly it in the high air at about 100 m/s and land reliably most of the time (only landing 1 in 10 results with a broken leg or rapid unscheduled disassembly). So in the end, it made my mission better, not worse. Still, it would be nice to find out what can be the issue. Would the craft file help you with anything? Like I said, it works ok on Kerbin, so I don't think that it is a design issue, but...

Hmm ok. A craft file or even better the "persistent.sfs" file from your save would help figuring out the issues.
What kind of probe core do you use to control the rover(quadrocopter)? I'm not that versed with the "new" communication system but i have the suspicion that maybe the probe core has a limited functionality when controlled via the network. But a can't say for sure, the craft or the better the save with the communication setup will help figuring this out :wink: 

Edited by Nils277
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Just pushed a hotfix to version 1.1.1 and 1.2.1 to fix a loading error of the platform ramp!

This migth cause some trouble with CKAN until it runs its next update cycle!

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12 minutes ago, Electrocutor said:

Is the TU support for the previous syntax or the new experimental 1.4.1 branch?

n/m; the 1.1.1 is for 1.3.1 and 1.2.1 is for 1.4.1.

Currently both versions use the old syntax. Will update once TU for 1.4.1 is released.

Edited by Nils277
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10 hours ago, Nils277 said:

Hmm ok. A craft file or even better the "persistent.sfs" file from your save would help figuring out the issues.
What kind of probe core do you use to control the rover(quadrocopter)? I'm not that versed with the "new" communication system but i have the suspicion that maybe the probe core has a limited functionality when controlled via the network. But a can't say for sure, the craft or the better the save with the communication setup will help figuring this out :wink: 


I did some experiments and:

  • The updated version (1.1.1) somehow fixed it.
  • If I launch the vessel again and use hyperedit to place it at Eve, the new vessel works ok even with the old version.
  • The overpowered rotors I thought that are just a consequence of the dense atmosphere of Eve (flying at 4.5 % throttle) are apparently another bug I have with this vessel - the newly launched vessel and the bugged one after updating your mod to 1.1.1 need about 30 or 50 throttle % to fly on Eve.

I made a save and compared both vessels, but I can't find anything different that would be suspicious. 

To your question, I use the small thin octo core (two, in fact, one for horizontal and one for vertical orientation). I'm attaching a save file with both crafts. The bugged one is "Quadcopter Eve" and the new one which works ok is "Quadcopter-test".

It seems as a newbie I can't upload files here, so I put it on google drive:

Edited by zoppercz
adding links to the save/craft file
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20 hours ago, Nils277 said:

Update to 1.1.0 and 1.2.0 ~It's so shiny!~


Download version 1.1.1 for KSP 1.3.X and version 1.2.1 for KSP 1.4.X

oYvtZpW.png UVVt0OP.png lMOxt2k.png

Many thanks for keeping compatibility with 1.3.1 and putting support for indicator lights. The new textures are amazing, the normal maps makes a huge difference :) And the radiator will be very useful.

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Update to 1.2.2 ~Blind Spot~



Mod Support:

  • Updated support for Unlimited Textures

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed Normalmap of the Science in a Box part
  • Fixed Portrait view of Mobile Lab
  • Fixed mesh of fuelcell for the roof
  • Fixed some spelling mistakes in various languages (thanks to @Sebra and DasSkelett)


oYvtZpW.png UVVt0OP.png lMOxt2k.png

I hope these are all the changes that need to be done for the near future

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Dear Nils277.

I will like to do a translation in Dutch. Your not asking for but if its avaible, and you want it.

Make contact at jermenderoeck@hotmail.com to let me know if u wan't.

I see that some people in Belgium and The Netherlands are playing this game and even whit you mod. Im not busy to make a full game translation, it as exstra i like to sign in for your mod. Please let me know if your intresting.



Jermen De Roeck.

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@ZoZo That sounds great :) Of course you can!

Questiom is how it can/should be distributed. We can't set KSPs language to Dutch officially so the translated files would have to replace e.g. the normal english text. I would suggest that once the translation is done, it can be distributed as an additional language pack which replaces the english files. 

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Awesome mod, awesome textures. Just one suggestion: it could have some "hub" or "360 degree adapter", as well as 90 degree, X junction, vertical junctions (in order to make two or more "floors"). For example, I'm doing some kind of apartment building using those crew cabins, and for now I'm using "PAL Multi-Mount Truss Segment" from Akita rover (Umbra Space Industries) in order to achieve "multi-floor". It would be nicer if FUR contained a part for this. Or even an attachment node under the chassis to attach in place of solar panel at the ceiling of another FUR part.


Screenshot of my "apartment building" using crew cabins: AD6CB9B55FB4D0BBCD621FE7EA278C26404CABFF


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50 minutes ago, Sebra said:

@diegojsrw So you want a hatch on roof and bottom of the Docking Module?

Not exactly.

Every FUR part has one or two attachable nodes at the ceiling (these green and black checkered sphere) where we can, for example, attach solar panels:


I need a attachment node at the bottom of the chassis, so we can, for example, attach the bottom to the top of another FUR part:

(These nodes on the screenshot actually doesn't exist on the part)

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9 minutes ago, diegojsrw said:

I need a attachment node at the bottom of the chassis, so we can, for example, attach the bottom to the top of another FUR part:

So you want them to go through the roof/ceiling magically. Or through the outside?

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48 minutes ago, Sebra said:

So you want them to go through the roof/ceiling magically. Or through the outside?

In my case, through the outside. I think this solution is easier than create a new part.

But it would be also nice if new parts were created. For example, a hub (poorly designed by me on Blender using the CrewCabin.dds texture):

Part list suggested:

  • Hub (as demonstrated on my image above)
  • 90-degree joint (like hub but only frontal and top doors)
  • Vertical X joint (frontal, bottom, top and back doors, crossing just like an "X")
  • Horizontal X joint (frontal, left, right and back doors)
  • Vertical T joint (frontal, back and top doors)
  • Horizontal T joint (frontal, left and right) (frontal, back and left) (frontal, back and right) 

And in the same place of the doors, there would be attaching nodes (the green-and-black checkered sphere thing) on the exact middle of the door for attaching to it, like it occurs on the hatch of Science part of FUR.

Edited by diegojsrw
Docking Module is an horizontal T-joint
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