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[1.12] KSP-RO - Realism Overhaul [16 May 2022]


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4 minutes ago, Gremillion said:

That patch is already there. It's in zzzTweaks. Should I move it to ___Tweaks so it loads first?

No it has to run last or at least after all that cloning. (that's why I put :FINAL in there so it runs last no matter what)

Well crap then I have no idea. All I know is the SSTU RF compatibility patch runs in :FOR[SSTU] and the cloning of those parts happens in :FOR[RealismOverhaul] so the cloning takes precedence over the patching. SSTU ends up patching only its own parts. I'll see about getting someone to fix the timing of the RO patch or to do the patching oureselves

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1 minute ago, Starwaster said:

No it has to run last or at least after all that cloning. (that's why I put :FINAL in there so it runs last no matter what)

Well crap then I have no idea. All I know is the SSTU RF compatibility patch runs in :FOR[SSTU] and the cloning of those parts happens in :FOR[RealismOverhaul] so the cloning takes precedence over the patching. SSTU ends up patching only its own parts. I'll see about getting someone to fix the timing of the RO patch or to do the patching oureselves


For now, it works. I am not using tanks much smaller than 2.5m and they're positive at that size.

Also, I am contemplating the possibility that I just screwed up entirely during install. Tomorrow I may give it a go from fresh, see if that fixes anything.

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I just tried this "patch" you posted for SSTU, and even tough it kinda fixes the negative mass issue for tanks, it doesn't fix the SSTU issue with pods losing added recources once you launch them. Right now the Orion capsules for instance do not contain TAC LS recources, you can add them in editor and all the numbers seem to check out, but once you launch you are left with the default recources. This is both in sandbox and career modes.

An issue was posted on github a few days back adressing this, and the answer was that it should work if you have the correct version of SSTU against which the RO configs were written.

Is there any way to see which version this was??? I scoured both the SSTU config files on github and in my game directory and simply cannot find any annotation or version number.

Would it be a good idea to have the mod version used added to the beginning of the config files to prevent version mismatch issues?

And is there ANY version of SSTU that creates usable capsules under the current RO version?

I'm using the 12.7.2 version of RO and the rp1 master branch.

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Hello guys! I am trying to get RSS/RO working on the last version of KSP, CKAN doesn't let me install the mods (incompatible) & no luck doing It mannualy. Does the mod is updated to date or I should get an older version of KSP?. (If that is the case, would you guys tell me which one do you recommend?) Thanks for reading!


Problem solved guys! I downloaded the 1.6.1 version and everything is working great

Edited by v44n
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7 hours ago, Gremillion said:

Huh. Prinicipia must have been broken before. Well, neat!

One easy way to check to see if it's working is to look at your apogee and perigee while on orbit.  If they are changing slightly without thrust, that's because pricipia is working and the moon, sun, Jupiter, etc are affecting your orbit.

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11 hours ago, Clockwork13 said:

Is it just me or are all the parts scaled incorrectly? I tried creating an RO career save and all of the liquid engines are slightly wider than the fuel tanks and all claim to be 1 meter across regardless of how big they actually are.

It's possible that the engines that use stock textures aren't resized correctly. As a solution I would recommend installing a mod called ROEngines which contains most of the engines you'll ever need. All the parts it has look almost identical to real life and their dimensions are also as accurate as possible.

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Real Fuels update. It should hit CKAN whenever it does indexing.

version 12.8.0

change log

  • Make MLI cost, mass and max layers configurable (in part config file)
  • Changed Show UI and Hide UI to Show Tank UI and Hide Tank UI (PAW text)
  • Unmanaged resources. ModuleFuelTanks can have UNMANAGED_RESOURCE node to declare a resource name, amount and maxAmount (same format as RESOURCE). Even if all tanks are removed, this unmanaged resource will always be present and all tank resource amounts are in addition to the unmanaged quantity.
  • tank type initializes with Default if no type is specified. (fixes edge case physics breaking bug)
  • GUI performance improvements by @yump
  • Fixed TANK_DEFINITION fallback system
  • Fixes and improvements for engine GUI and engine GUI symmetry handling
  • Fixed issue where selecting different MEC engine configurations would cause a tank PAW to fill with duplicate config buttons. by @todi
  • added new TANK_DEFINITION fields by @siimav
  • actually find a fallback MEC config instead of lying and saying we couldn't find one when we didn't look for one!
  • boiloff data available in PAW without spamming the log with debug data.
  • Stock Real Fuels now has MLI Tech Upgrades. Max layers will increase as you progress through fuel / construction nodes in career.
  • Certain procedural parts will correctly calculate tank surface area in editor. (by correct we mean it should match up with what you see in flight mode so costs and mass will be consistent). Does this for SSTU, Procedural Parts, B9 Procedural Wings and ROTanks
  • Boil-off of propellants will respect the infinite propellant cheat if it is turned on.
Edited by Starwaster
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it would appear ckan is missing some needed mod


* RealismOverhaul v12.7.2 missing dependency SmokeScreen
* RCSBuildAidCont 1:0.9.8 missing dependency ClickThroughBlocker
* RealSolarSystem v16.2 missing dependency Kopernicus 2:release-1.3.1-7 or later
* TACLS v0.13.12.0 missing dependency BackgroundResources
* Toolbar 1.7.19 missing dependency ClickThroughBlocker
* CryoEngines 1:0.7.0 missing dependency B9PartSwitch
* CryoEngines 1:0.7.0 missing dependency DeployableEngines
* NearFutureConstruction 1.1.3 missing dependency B9PartSwitch
* NearFuturePropulsion 1.1.0 missing dependency B9PartSwitch
* NearFutureSpacecraft 1.2.4 missing dependency B9PartSwitch
* RN-SovietRockets 2:v3.2 missing dependency BDAnimationModules
* RN-SovietRockets 2:v3.2 missing dependency TexturesUnlimited
* RN-SalyutStations 1:v3.1 missing dependency BDAnimationModules
* RN-SalyutStations 1:v3.1 missing dependency TexturesUnlimited
* RN-Skylab 1:v1.8.3 missing dependency BDAnimationModules
* RN-SovietProbes 1:v2.6 missing dependency BDAnimationModules
* RN-SovietProbes 1:v2.6 missing dependency TexturesUnlimited
* RN-SovietSpacecraft 1:v1.8.2 missing dependency BDAnimationModules
* RN-SovietSpacecraft 1:v1.8.2 missing dependency TexturesUnlimited
* RN-USProbesPack 1:v0.74 missing dependency BDAnimationModules
* RN-USProbesPack 1:v0.74 missing dependency TexturesUnlimited
* RN-USRockets 1:v0.9.3 missing dependency BDAnimationModules
* RN-USRockets 1:v0.9.3 missing dependency TexturesUnlimited
* SXTContinued 1:0.3.27 missing dependency RetractableLiftingSurface
* FerramAerospaceResearchContinued 3: missing dependency ModularFlightIntegrator
* RealHeat v4.9 missing dependency ModularFlightIntegrator
* RealPlume 2:v11.2.0 missing dependency SmokeScreen
* ToolbarController 1: missing dependency ClickThroughBlocker
Error during installation!
An unknown error occurred, please try again!

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