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Dumb things found on the Internet

The Raging Sandwich

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22 minutes ago, Green Baron said:

A video of a private (!) test of a road barrier against terrorist attacks. It worked. The driver was badly wounded, they do not mention what exactly.

The (german) comments are what they sound like.


Now we know why crash test cars are drawn by a cable. How can one be so thoughtless empty headed ?


There was a driver in that!?

"If only we had the technology to somehow make this lorry move without a person in it..."

"For gods sake man this is 2017 not Buck Rogers in the 31st century, tell you what I'll fly a magical self driving lorry here in my flying car! Now GET IN THE CAB!"

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Absolutely idiotic. If it wasn't that sad they could almost apply for the Darwin award ...

Edit: read the comments to the 2017 winner so-far "503 Server Overload". Be prepared for tears of laughter :-))

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53 minutes ago, Green Baron said:

How can one be so thoughtless empty headed ?


That is E-VO-LU-TION !



More seriously, that video will go so nice in a "Knight Rider" episode.

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13 minutes ago, Physics Student said:


Well done...

Now i am sad and have to go to Mars to pet this little loonely Curiosity: "Good boy! Who is a good Rover? You are a good Rover!"


Funny Kabooms 


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On 1/30/2017 at 4:19 PM, NSEP said:

This world is unfair.



minecraft isn't even optimized for gpus, it mostly uses the cpu

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First of all: where is the engine providing that huge plume?

Second: Where are the fuel tanks? Is the fuel in the walls? Surrounding the crew? Is that not pretty dangerous?

Third: How did the lady at the bottom get her head decapitated so smoothly, that she still looks alive?

Fourth: Why is nobody wearing a spacesuit? I think they need at least a space uniform.


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20 minutes ago, NSEP said:

First of all: where is the engine providing that huge plume?

Second: Where are the fuel tanks? Is the fuel in the walls? Surrounding the crew? Is that not pretty dangerous?

Third: How did the lady at the bottom get her head decapitated so smoothly, that she still looks alive?

Fourth: Why is nobody wearing a spacesuit? I think they need at least a space uniform.


You do realize that not everything has to be realistic (especially graphics like that one, which I presume was intended for children), right?

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Just now, NSEP said:

First of all: where is the engine providing that huge plume?

Second: Where are the fuel tanks? Is the fuel in the walls? Surrounding the crew? Is that not pretty dangerous?

Third: How did the lady at the bottom get her head decapitated so smoothly, that she still looks alive?

Fourth: Why is nobody wearing a spacesuit? I think they need at least a space uniform.


I know right! I hate these kind of rocket drawings. Even little kids know there's no room for fuel! Just look at any real-life rocket, ANY ROCKET AT ALL, and tell me, does this look remotely similar in the slightest?!?! :mad: (Yes I am this mad)

Some more examples:


Image result for rocket clipart

Image result for rocket clipart


Now real life rockets:


Image result for real-life rockets

Image result for real-life rockets

Image result for real-life rockets


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23 minutes ago, Aperture Science said:

especially graphics like that one, which I presume was intended for children), right?

Wrong! You have to avoid misconceptions and it's especially critical for children 

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This is what I found, OP

49 minutes ago, Physics Student said:

Wrong! You have to avoid misconceptions and it's especially critical for children 

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8 hours ago, Aperture Science said:

You do realize that not everything has to be realistic (especially graphics like that one, which I presume was intended for children), right?

Do you realize i was just joking around and not being 100% serious right?

But its still is a bad projection of a rocket, i know a 11 year old kid who still believes only people ride rockets, and does not believe rockets mostly carry satellites. He still think satellites launch on their own.

These rockets are not good projection of rockets, especially in a future spacefaring society. 

And im not saying it has to be realistic, but with in least some realism, like even a little bit, these kind of drawings have N O N E

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