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[1.2.2] E.T. - Extreme Textures (RSS)


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14 hours ago, Deplaisant said:

Hi, as you can the dark side of the earth isnt really dark https://imgur.com/wKhYzqD https://imgur.com/OIiGOhK

Is there a way to get it darker ?

There might be another solution to your issue, but in my case I use the Ambient Light Adjustment mod for this purpose. Space darkness should be black!

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8 hours ago, hypervelocity said:

There might be another solution to your issue, but in my case I use the Ambient Light Adjustment mod for this purpose. Space darkness should be black!


the problem is that the side where it is day will become darker

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1 hour ago, Deplaisant said:


the problem is that the side where it is day will become darker

true - to palliate this I then suggest KS3P - it is a post-processing mod that includes bloom and several other FX (all configurable via cfg) that will produce more dynamic lighting effects - the planet will glow brighter and offset Ambient Light Adjustment's darkening - try it out!

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16 hours ago, hypervelocity said:

true - to palliate this I then suggest KS3P - it is a post-processing mod that includes bloom and several other FX (all configurable via cfg) that will produce more dynamic lighting effects - the planet will glow brighter and offset Ambient Light Adjustment's darkening - try it out!

Wow it's very cool, is there other shaders ? I want my ksp to look like this but i don't know how he dit it 



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@Deplaisant - all shaders & FX from KS3P are fully configurable - you need to find the cfg file and change the values as you like. You can try and ask the user who created that video what are the values for each FX he/she is using! :)

If KS3P does not fully statisfy you and want to go further, try using ReShade - it is not a KSP mod but a 3rd party application, that provides similar post-processing services, but fully configurable inside the game - that way you can add/remove effects or change their values and see the variations live in game.

Edited by hypervelocity
my englando sux
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1 hour ago, hypervelocity said:

@Deplaisant - all shaders & FX from KS3P are fully configurable - you need to find the cfg file and change the values as you like. You can try and ask the user who created that video what are the values for each FX he/she is using! :)

If KS3P does not fully statisfy you and want to go further, try using ReShade - it is not a KSP mod but a 3rd party application, that provides similar post-processing services, but fully configurable inside the game - that way you can add/remove effects or change their values and see the variations live in game.

ReShade works but my ksp is running at 30fps, i've a gtx 1070ti i think it is enough powerful

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6 minutes ago, hypervelocity said:

GTX1070 is well over KSP's GPU requeriments - it should not affect your framerate at all.

If you are experiencing poor performance, it must relate to quantity of mods, active flights & Remote Tech, or part count!

I've only Astronomer's Visual Pack and it ran well before i installed ReShade. It is constantly locked on 30fps, it goes down no lower

I'll try GemFX

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i keep getting in rss extreme textures 1.2.2 error trying to create material from string no longer supported i am forcing dx11 on it as well and also the earth and just blue no land and clouds and some of the other planets and moons are have white stuff on them

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One "solution" for planets and moons having white stuff on them is to press Atl+F11 while in game and set 0.000 in "Map view alpha" setting for each body having the issue ( exept the earth ). 

You can solve the earth beeing blue with no land by deleting  everything inside the earth folder over there : GameData/E.T.O/Assets/Cubemaps/Earth

At least that's what I've done, even if the result is having almost no clouds over the earth

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  • 3 weeks later...

By deleting the contents of the Cubemaps folder, however, I now only have the original textures from RSS

So - No way to get the game to work with Cube maps, then?  It would be helpful to have a solid version of the game, and other mod dependency versions clearly stated.  Exactly what version of the game, with which version of Kopernicus, RSS, Scatterer, do you need, to make this work?


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On 2/20/2018 at 2:10 PM, Bosun said:

By deleting the contents of the Cubemaps folder, however, I now only have the original textures from RSS

So - No way to get the game to work with Cube maps, then?  It would be helpful to have a solid version of the game, and other mod dependency versions clearly stated.  Exactly what version of the game, with which version of Kopernicus, RSS, Scatterer, do you need, to make this work?


Don't delete anything, especially the Cubemaps folder. There is no-way to make this mod lighter by removing stuff without heavily affecting the visual quality. If you can't run the mod, it's best to move on to RSSVE. However most people are running into problems which isn't due to their pc specs. Blue earth orb? weird white earth glitch? one frame per second? If you got these then carry on reading.

Honestly I have no idea what I'm doing most of the time, I just found a way to make the game look good and then someone asked me to upload it for others to enjoy. What I do know is that I never put -force-d3d11 in the launch options, you shouldn't need to. It should just run. What I found got mine working was to increase my virtual memory. I had problems with 1.1.3 and 1.2.2 on my new pc which was weird, as it beat every spec of my old pc. Once I increased my virtual memory, everything ran smooth, I also adjusted some settings in the nvidia control panel, but nothing really serious. I haven't tested 1.2.2 with my virtual settings adjusted. My old pc ran 1.2.2 smooth and also had it's virtual memory adjusted to be larger, so fingers crossed that it's the problem on my new pc. Also if I can get to 1.2.2 work and also figure out if increasing virtual memory really does fix issues. I can update to 1.3.

In conclusion,  I've had 1.2.2 and 1.1.3 running smooth with exactly what I uploaded, on a pc lower than what I'm running now. My new pc glitched out when trying to run the mod, when trying -force-d3d11 (which I never use) it still had weird bugs. I increased my virtual memory. Now 1.1.3 runs smooth, and I haven't tried 1.2.2. Tell me if increasing virtual memory helps you. If not, then I'll try help. I really want to figure out what's stuffing it up for some people. Cheers.

Edited by ufindbatman
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On 2/5/2018 at 10:48 AM, Jim123 said:

ill give it a shot

Any luck? most likely not. Don't force dx11, it should just run without adjusting launch options. How do I know? Because I created the mod without doing so, on a lower spec pc than what you have. I honestly don't really know whats going on with 1.2.2 as some people run it smooth and others get the weird glitch of planets or  the 1fps Microsoft slideshow. Same with 1.1.3, however less people are running into errors. Try increasing your virtual memory, it will allow more space for your pc to dump the huge textures of this mod. If it works, tell me. I want to try figure out whats going on. 

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On 2/2/2018 at 6:19 AM, Deplaisant said:

Wow it's very cool, is there other shaders ? I want my ksp to look like this but i don't know how he dit it 

Try installing distant object enhancement, then in the settings lower the sky brightness. It will dim down space and the stars to give a nicer black, alone feeling. It will also make the sun flare pop more, just like the vid you linked.

On 2/2/2018 at 10:07 AM, hypervelocity said:

that is strange! I used ReShade a lot and I did not experience performance drops

I tried using GemFX in the past but was not able to set it up properly.


On 2/2/2018 at 10:18 AM, Deplaisant said:

I don't understand how to install GemFX lol and there is no tutorial on youtube

I know someone who is using GemFX at the moment, I told him how to set it up. He seems to really like it, the problem is there isn't any downloadable settings for ksp, so you will have to fiddle around with it a bit to get it looking really nice. If you want it, go here -  http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?672483-A-R2-TW-GEMFX-Version-1-0-9   

Download v1.0.9

GEMFXv1_0_9.exe should look like a big blue gem

double click it, tell it where your ksp folder is then extract

In your ksp folder you should have this - gemfx configurator,

double click that

Tick the 64 bit application on the right side

use 1 or 2xfxaa, more the better

Tick these - TrueColor Shader AmbienteLight ALVibrance

untick everything else

When you start ksp go into settings, graphics and disable anti aliasing. Gemfx will handle that now.

and that is your basic gem fx foundation

you can tick boxes adjust sliders from here, I'm not sure what everything does

you should be able to minimize ksp and change the settings on the fly, just click save setup to apply

The video below is Hellblazer, he is the primary tester for my mods. He's running E.T.O + GemFX and distant object enhancement to get a nice inky black space with stars, earth, and sun that really pop. You may be able to ask him for his settings.

Cheers. I hope that the info I provided helps you out. Enjoy Hellblazers vid below.


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23 hours ago, ufindbatman said:

Don't delete anything, especially the Cubemaps folder. There is no-way to make this mod lighter by removing stuff without heavily affecting the visual quality. If you can't run the mod, it's best to move on to RSSVE. However most people are running into problems which isn't due to their pc specs. Blue earth orb? weird white earth glitch? one frame per second? If you got these then carry on reading.

Honestly I have no idea what I'm doing most of the time, I just found a way to make the game look good and then someone asked me to upload it for others to enjoy. What I do know is that I never put -force-d3d11 in the launch options, you shouldn't need to. It should just run. What I found got mine working was to increase my virtual memory. I had problems with 1.1.3 and 1.2.2 on my new pc which was weird, as it beat every spec of my old pc. Once I increased my virtual memory, everything ran smooth, I also adjusted some settings in the nvidia control panel, but nothing really serious. I haven't tested 1.2.2 with my virtual settings adjusted. My old pc ran 1.2.2 smooth and also had it's virtual memory adjusted to be larger, so fingers crossed that it's the problem on my new pc. Also if I can get to 1.2.2 work and also figure out if increasing virtual memory really does fix issues. I can update to 1.3.

In conclusion,  I've had 1.2.2 and 1.1.3 running smooth with exactly what I uploaded, on a pc lower than what I'm running now. My new pc glitched out when trying to run the mod, when trying -force-d3d11 (which I never use) it still had weird bugs. I increased my virtual memory. Now 1.1.3 runs smooth, and I haven't tried 1.2.2. Tell me if increasing virtual memory helps you. If not, then I'll try help. I really want to figure out what's stuffing it up for some people. Cheers.

I appreciate it...

Just curious, can you tell me, what version of Module Manager you have, EVE, and Scatterer while running on 1.2.2?  

I've got 16 gigs of RAM, and even when the game loaded with E.T.O (even though blue sphere error), I never topped more than 4-5 gigs, so I don't think I'm running out of room that I would need vm.  

I just cannot find a functioning compilation of mods.   Also - does this work on 64b or perhaps I need to only use 32?


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28 minutes ago, Bosun said:

I appreciate it...

Just curious, can you tell me, what version of Module Manager you have, EVE, and Scatterer while running on 1.2.2?  

I've got 16 gigs of RAM, and even when the game loaded with E.T.O (even though blue sphere error), I never topped more than 4-5 gigs, so I don't think I'm running out of room that I would need vm.  

I just cannot find a functioning compilation of mods.   Also - does this work on 64b or perhaps I need to only use 32?


I have exactly what’s included in the 1.2.2 mod download. I have whatever module manager ckan gives me. I use the 64bit version. I downloaded the 1.2.2 version of ksp an hour ago. First thing I installed was ckan, then used ckan to download RSS and 8k RSS textures. I then downloaded my 1.2.2 mod version from here and extracted everything into my game data folder(eve, eto, scatterer, distant obj enha.. etc) you have to use the versions within the download, if you already have eve or scatterer in your game data, delete it. I then started the game with no launch options, just normal start and it runs. Also increase your virtual memory any way, I also have 16gigs and it wouldn’t run properly until I increased my VM (weird I know) now I have no blue sphere. I increased the min value to 4096, then max to 4097. You will have to wait till I finish my sleep to try help you more. Cheers

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1 hour ago, ufindbatman said:

I have exactly what’s included in the 1.2.2 mod download. I have whatever module manager ckan gives me. I use the 64bit version. I downloaded the 1.2.2 version of ksp an hour ago. First thing I installed was ckan, then used ckan to download RSS and 8k RSS textures. I then downloaded my 1.2.2 mod version from here and extracted everything into my game data folder(eve, eto, scatterer, distant obj enha.. etc) you have to use the versions within the download, if you already have eve or scatterer in your game data, delete it. I then started the game with no launch options, just normal start and it runs. Also increase your virtual memory any way, I also have 16gigs and it wouldn’t run properly until I increased my VM (weird I know) now I have no blue sphere. I increased the min value to 4096, then max to 4097. You will have to wait till I finish my sleep to try help you more. Cheers

Thanks, I think I've got it working now, but I'll do more checking later as well. 

I had to download ScaledRSS textures from Pap, as 1.2.2 Kopernicus and RSS wasn't loading properly with the CKAN indexed RSS Textures.   Weird.  Also - the clouds look great really far away, but from low orbit ~145km, they're kind of just lighter patches of sky.   

Just wanted to confirm that sounds like it should, I totally get that 8k isn't all that high a resolution, so I wanted to make sure they shouldn't look more crisp from that altitude.  

Next thing we need are E.T Land textures! :wink:

Edit - Watching the launch to orbit video several pages back, I am definitely  not getting the definition of the land or cloud textures at similar altitudes that the video had in it.  Hmm.  Tomorrow....



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This is what your game should look like from launch, if it’s installed right. Sorry for the piece of poop rocket in the vid lolol

Yeah you’re right, the clouds do look stinky at low altitudes. The reason why is because the textures don’t fully kick in until 170km. I’m going to try change that. Also eto does have 64k land textures, but they also don’t kick in until 170km. I want to try get them to kick in at maybe 100km and also give the clouds a little fluff up.

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Hey!  I think I got it.  

I also had, I believe, some tainted copy of install.  After a fresh install of 1.2.2 (which it was to begin with, but whatever), it seems that I'm now getting the proper definition seen in the video, and it appears to be working.  

Whew.  Cool.  NOW I need to get DECQ's shuttle working and I'm good to go.  
THanks boatman, this is really cool stuff.

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