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Civil War (A KSP War novel) The End


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Here's the finale discussion thread.

And while I'm at it, I'll give you guys a nice little chapter list thingy (Or at least what I have planned) for Part 1

Chapter 1: The end of the world

Chapter 2: A Legends Beginning

Chapter 3: First Flight

Chapter 4: First Fight (Originally named 'Contact')

Chapter 5: Breakthrough

Chapter 6: The Battle (Yeah, probably going to have to change this, but we'll see)

Chapter 7: Promotion

Chapter 8: Wernher's Invention

Chapter 9: The Unknown

Edited by DarkOwl57
Changed Chapter 7 title from "Vacation" to "Promotion"
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Goooooood morning everyone! So today I've got a track meet (Joy of joys) and so I'll probably be SUPER tired tomorrow. But I forgot to post Chapter 6 last week (When I finished it (I think I was out of wifi at the time)) so here it is! As always, enjoy the chapter.


Chapter 6

The Battle


Time: 3:00 pm, 5 Days later

Location: KAFB


    As the afternoon sun finally began to sink towards the horizon, the KAFB sat on edge. At first glance, it just looked like any ordinary day. People were walking around, swimming in the pool, engineers were tinkering with the planes, and the sky remained clear. But when you looked at the kerbals faces, the scene was anything but. There was a huge invasion plan scheduled to start within the next few days, and every unit in the country was on standby. Of course, the summer heat wasn’t helping either.

    “What’s the temperature again?” Meg groaned from the pool. Gene picked up the thermometer, and read “101º. Good Kraken how’s it that hot?” Hans walked up just as Meg said “Oh I don’t know, 101 feels about right.”

    “What’s going on here? Don’t you guys know we’re on call?” Hans asked, before sitting down next to Gene at the edge of the pool. “Hans, it’s sweltering! It’s more sweltering than sweltering!” Gene complained. “Well either way, the entire base’s on standby. We’ve got to be ready at a moments notice. So let’s put on the suits and-“ Hans started before everyone groaned.

    “Don’t make me pull rank,” Hans warned, before walking off. A few minutes later, the entire squadron was, instead of relaxing in the pool, playing Kernopoly in the hangar. So far Gene had been amazing, knocking Sam out of the game early and really beating up on Hans and Meg.

    Just as Gene was about to pass ‘Go’ again, a loud voice called out over the PA system “All pilots, all pilots: Report to the hangar. Repeat: Report to the hangar immediately. This is not a drill.” Hans leaped up, knocking over the board in the process. A loud chorus of complaints rang out, before the other pilots rushed in.

    Gene hopped into his plane (Now with full customizations) and warmed up the engine. After preparing the plane for takeoff (Warming up the engine, testing the modes, working the weapons, etc.) Hans called out the flight plan. 

    “Alright guys, so here’s the plan. We’ll takeoff from here and move up to Black Krags where we’ll refuel. After that it’ll be straight to the front line where we’ll take down any enemy planes in the area. Keep the drop tanks ON the plane before the battle. We need as much fuel as we can get for this one.” Hans instructed as he took off. Gene followed close behind, lifting his plane up into the air with ease. As the planes all went into formation, NSK tanks began to take fire. The Battle had begun.




Time: 3:20 pm (5 minutes earlier)

Location: Armored Division 235, On the Front Lines


    Tommy stood out on the front of the tank and looked over the horizon. The enemy had been at a standstill, almost taunting the forces that were mounted up on the hill; each army seemingly daring the other to try to make the first move.

    “They’ve got to move sometime,” his assistant muttered as he looked through his binoculars. “Not necessarily. As soon as we get the order, we’ll start the invasion.”

    Just as Tommy finished saying that, the phone rang. “235 Armored Division, Major Tom Kerman speaking.” Tommy answered. Suddenly, he snapped to attention as he said “Yes Sir. I assure- Yes Sir. No Sir. Without a doubt Sir. At once Sir. Thank you sir.” Tommy hung up, and seemed to momentarily to limp.

    “I just spoke to the Chief of the Army,” He whispered weakly. “Dwight?!” the assistant asked. “The one and only. He wants to know when the battle’s starting.”

    Just as Tommy finished saying that, though, the enemy tanks opened fire, sending dirt and smoke flying up into the air. The Northern Invasion had finally begun.




Time: 3:45 pm

Location: Black Krags Military Base, NSK


    Gene nervously bounced in his seat as the ground crews filled the plane up. He know that the battle had started- The blasts were heard from over 15km away- And everyone was anxious to get up in the sky. The brand-new F-23 was extremely fast, and Gene couldn’t wait to get to the fight. “Come on!” Gene shouted out the window, making the refueling personnel turn with a sour grimace. “Ye want to blow up?” He snapped in a sour Kottish accent. “Because if you do, I could just ignore the checklist and let you go down in a blaze of fire.”

    Gene retreated back into the cockpit. “How much longer?!” Gene cried out. “‘Bout 5 minutes.” The fueler replied. “You know, I’ve never seen someone so intent to get himself blown up. And especially so young.”

    “Yeah, well the Air Force is my life! It’s been my life since…” Gene trailed off as he remembered that fateful day over 10 years ago. “Aye. A lot of young kids always look to the air for some excitement. Glory, excitement; That’s what they all say they want.” Gene stared off into space as the crew member continued.

    “I actually used to be part of the Air Force. 582nd National Unit. Then one day, on a routine training flight, we encountered a storm. My plane got hit by some large hail, and I went down over the ocean. Never flew again.”

    “Why not?” Gene asked, now intrigued. “I got scared. I couldn’t get up there without soiling my suit.  ‘Fraid of drowning.” The member continued his story until he heard a loud click! from the fuel tank.

    “Well sonny, looks like you’re good to go. I’ll go ahead and get on out of here so you can go.” Gene smiled, but then blurted out “WAIT!” The crew member turned, surprised. “What’s your name? Maybe we can catch up after the war?”

    He smiled, and replied “The name’s Walt. Walt Kerman.”




Time: 3:55 pm

Location: Over the Front Line


    Even though the battle on the ground was the main thing everyone cared about, the battle in the air was also one of the most important parts. The friendly F-61’s chasing some of the enemy’s F-18’s, but none were being shot down. As the F-23’s arrived, a massive cheer erupted from the pilots.

    “Let’s get some Rebs!” Gene shouted, twirling his plane around to engage one of the enemy planes.



Time: 5:00 pm

Location: North Kerbin Airbase, Northern Hub City, PRNS


    The surviving planes all limped back to the base, bouncing on the runway as they trailed smoke. “What happened?!” The base’s director cried out, running over to the pilots. “Well, we had them fine at first,” One pilot said. “Then they came.”

    “Who? Who came?” The director asked. “Their guns… They shot faster than anything I’ve even heard of. And the engines..” The pilot gave an involuntary shudder. “They screamed like a tortured animal. And, seemingly at will, they spit out fire like a dragons mouth.”

    “This is a disturbing development,” The director nodded as he pondered the latest news. “The President will have to be notified at once. You all get to rest; you’ve earned it.” The pilots all trudged off, while the director stood looking at the planes. Whatever could do that much damage to the planes… Well, it had to be stolen at all costs.




Time: 5:15 pm

Location: KAFB


    The entire base was celebrating in the Canteen, with loud music playing and kerbals dancing around. The battle was a massive success, with tons of ground being gained in a matter of minutes. Hans slowly got up on a table and signaled for quiet.

    “Greetings!” He shouted out, a massive grin on his face. “Today, we won a great battle. According to our statistics, we shot down 5 of their 8 planes at a cost of none. Minus the cost of bullets that is. And so, that’s why I’m going to award one of you lucky kerbals an award. One of Bravery, Perseverance, Courage. And so, for the kerbal who shot down the most enemy planes, I will award…” Hans pulled a shiny object out of his pocket. “The Golden Bottle Cap!” The entire room chuckled, and Hans looked around for someone to bestow the honor upon.

    “Ladies and Gentlekerbs…” Hans said dramatically. “On this date, I hereby award the first ever ‘Golden Bottle Cap’ award to… GENE KERMAN!!!” The entire room began clapping, and Gene joined in, giving a mocking smile as he took the ‘award’. Just as Gene was about to sit down, the room began chanting out “Speech! Speech!”

    Gene got up on his table and grinned. “Well, I thank each and every one of you for coming here today.” Gene turned around, and said “Well, that was the speech. Enjoy your night!” before hopping off the table.

Edited by DarkOwl57
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NOOOOOOO!!!!! I'VE BROKEN MY AVERAGE OF 1K WORDS PER CHAPTER!!!!! Oh well; I'm nearing the end of the part, so I'm really cramming everything in here. I promise I'll get back to the 1k/chapter base soon. Enjoy!

Chapter 7



Time: 12:00 pm, 1 Week later

Location: Beach next to the KAFB


    Gene slowly sneaked up on his target. He tried to limit the noises from his breath, hoping that he wasn’t discovered. Then, he picked up his weapon. Just as the target began to move, Gene hurled his weapon.

    “BWARGH!” Hans spluttered as the mud hit him square in the face. All throughout the day, the entire group had been trying to get the best of each other, and now it was only Hans and Gene left. Well; now it was just Gene.

    “Victory!” Gene danced in celebration as Hans tried to wipe off the wet sand. “Alright, alright. You win. Now, everyone? I have an announcement to make.” The pilots all gathered around, and Hans continued.

    “Alright everyone, so as you may know, General George Kerman is going to come here later today. None of you know what he’s coming here for,” Hans smiled. “Until now. The General’s coming here today to promote one of you lucky kerbals.” The pilots all murmured amongst themselves, wondering who would be promoted.

    “And that’s why I’m going to ask you all to get dressed up, and meet me at the flagpole.” The pilots all ran off, ready for the General, and hoping that they would be the one that moved on up.




Time: 12:30 pm

Location: Astronaut Complex


    30 minutes later, the entire base was lined up at the flag, waiting for the General to arrive. The air was incredibly still, but the calm was shattered when a quiet shriek cut through the air. “They’re coming!” Someone cried out as the massive plane crested over the mountain.

    The painted-blue Jumbo-Jet, with 4 massive turbine engines, carried the president and his staff anywhere they needed to go. Now, as it descended upon the KAFB, the waiting crowd stood at attention, hoping to make a good showing for the Head of the Air Force.

    As the plane touched down, a small jeep went over and picked up the staff, before bringing the General up to the flagpole. The pilots all saluted as the General went up to the podium, before he began speaking.

    “Greetings everyone!” The General smiled out at the crowd. “Today is a very special day. Today, one of you will be promoted. And so, without further ado, I call forward to the stage…” He pulled out a piece of paper, and read off the name. “Captain Gene Kerman.”

    Gene felt like he would pass out as the blood rushed out of his head. No. Way, he thought as he stepped forward. “M-Me Sir?” Gene asked as he pointed to himself. The General nodded, and pulled him up onto the stage.

    “Captain, through your bravery in battle, and your skill in and off the battlefield, it is my honor to give you the rank of Major.” The General pinned the ribbon on Gene’s vest pocket, and Gene saluted. “Thank you, Sir.” He breathed, stunned at the brand-new shiny insignia that adorned his vest.

    Gene couldn’t believe it; finally, after all he had done in this short amount of time, he had finally succeeded. The entire base clapped, and while the General read off Genes (very short) list of accomplishments, trouble was brewing. And it was coming fast.




Time: 12:50 pm

Location: KAFB Control Tower


    As the control officer sat back and monitored the ceremony below, he heard a tiny little beep! come from the emergency tracking station. What in the..  He thought before walking over to the tracking screen. As the tiny dot get closer, he immediately grabbed the microphone.

    “Unknown aircraft, you are violating NSK Airspace; State your nationality and purpose or divert. If you fail to comply we will be forced to take defensive measures.” The pilot didn’t answer, and the dot continued to get closer. “I repeat, please change your course immediately or we will be forced to take Anti-aircraft measures.” The aircraft got ever closer still. Finally, he had had enough. The official activated the Air Raid alarm.




Time: 12:53 pm

Location: KAFB


    As the entire staff rushed into the shelters, the emergency jets attempted scramble. However, they couldn’t due to the massive jumbo-jet in the way of the hangar entrance. “COME ON!!” One of the pilots shouted out, trying to maneuver around. Finally, they gave up. The KAFB was 100% defenseless.



    Gene sat back on the bench and waited as the light booming got louder. The entire ESF group of pilots were all in the shelter; the pilots who were assigned to the AA forces still stuck in the hangar. Wernher came and sat next to Gene.

    As the bombs came closer and closer, it sounded like at least one bomb got a direct hit as metal screeched and the roaring sound of fire was heard. Wernher cursed under his breath, and Gene tried to comfort him. “Hey man, it’s alright.” Wernher looked over at him, muttered something, and then grabbed a piece of paper out from his pocket.

    Gene tried to look over, but Wernher just turned away and went to sketching. Can’t please them all, Gene thought as he went over to the card game. “Ha ha! I win! You guys are too easy!” Sam shouted with glee as he raked money into his corner. Now to wait it out.

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  On 3/2/2017 at 5:05 AM, rlin said:




  On 3/2/2017 at 5:05 AM, rlin said:

...and that's why you have mutiple hangars.


*whispers* Reeeaaaalllliiissssmmmmmmm

  On 3/2/2017 at 5:05 AM, rlin said:

Oh well, Can't you recover the plane to make room on the runway?


See above

  On 3/2/2017 at 5:05 AM, rlin said:

And what of those new planes? 


Well you'll see in the next chapter

Edited by DarkOwl57
Almost gave away part of next chapter
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  On 2/16/2017 at 11:43 PM, Emperor of the Titan Squid said:

Um... Emiko station ends with "The saga of Emiko station is far far from over"



  On 2/16/2017 at 11:57 PM, DarkOwl57 said:

Yeah, well the KCS (Kerbin Copyright Society) would get on me :wink:


You are more than welcome to use it to end the episodes.... Truth is, it's not really mine anyway. It's from Frank Herbert's "Dune", and my tribute to the series, and to Frank Herbert, of whom I'm a huge fan. So the KCS should leave you alone.  :)

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  On 3/2/2017 at 1:47 PM, Just Jim said:


You are more than welcome to use it to end the episodes.... Truth is, it's not really mine anyway. It's from Frank Herbert's "Dune", and my tribute to the series, and to Frank Herbert, of whom I'm a huge fan. So the KCS should leave you alone.  :)


Well thanks! I'll see if I can get another episode of the show in before the end of the story just to fix this little quirk :wink: Maybe near the end of part 2... hhhmmm.....

EDIT: I actually derped when writing the chapter and I just forgot to change it XD.

Edited by DarkOwl57
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Chapter 8

Wernher’s (2nd) Invention


Time: 6:00 am, The next morning

Location: KAFB Air-Raid shelter 1


    Gene groaned as he rose from his small cot. The officers had told the base to stay below until they were sure that the raid was over. Throughout the night, it had sounded like a few explosions had come from a very expensive jet. Just as Gene was about to wake the others up, he heard a massive shout of glee.

    “It’s done! I’ve done it!” Wernher shouted as he waved the paper around and danced in joy. “Wha’s going on?” Meg asked as she got up. Wernher didn’t answer, and ran out of the shelter. “Guess it’s okay for us to go outside,” Hans muttered as he too woke up.

    The pilots all went up out of the shelter, and stopped as they took in the destruction. All around them, there was debris, damaged buildings, and kerbals trying to take in the facts. Not even the presidential Jet had been spared, and it lay cut in half and with smoke pouring out the roof.

    “Everyone alright?”

    “Hey, help me move this!”

    “What happened?!”

    Voices all mixed and mingled as the debris was shifted. “So you guys want to help?” Gene asked, before Hans replied “Let’s check on our planes first; the apartments look okay, so I’m going to check on the hangar.”

    Everyone went out to the hangar and saw that everything was okay. Besides a massive hole in the roof, and some dust spread over some of the planes, the hangar was A-okay.




Time: 9:00 am, 1 Week later

Location: KAFB


    As Wernher wheeled out the newest AAA gun, Gene had to admit; this thing was impressive! The CWIS (Close-range Weapons Interception System) turret, nicknamed the Goalkeeper, was being deployed everywhere; outside the hangar, by the launchpad, even next to the R&D.

    “Look at that!” Meg breathed in shock. The turret, which sat atop a small area for the gunner to sit in. “So what’s the whole purpose of this thing?” Sam asked as Wernher came up.

    “It’s name is the ‘Goalkeeper’. It’s job is to keep a raid like last week from happening again,” Wernher replied as he looked at a small crater from the bombing. “The turret shoots out about 4 thousand rounds per minute, and the bullet diameter is 30 mil.” Hans whistled as he watched the guns get into position.

    “So if anyone wants to mess with us again…” Hans started, before Wernher smiled. “‘They’re going to get a good old whooping,’ As you would call it.”

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So here we are... The final chapter of Part 1. It's been really fun typing this up, and after almost 1 month, we've managed to get 11k words wormed into 9 chapters. (That's over 1.2 Thousand words per chapter!!!!!) So thank you guys for everything. You've given me the confidence to work through this, so I think it's only fitting for me to give you guys... THE FINALE OF PART 1!!!!! I tried to make this like the biggest cliffhanger finish as possible, but since I'm exhausted, I don't think I let it come across that well :/. Either way, enjoy!


Chapter 9

The Unknown


Time: 10:00 am, 3 Days later

Location: KAFB Lounge


    Gene was relaxing in his room as Hans came in. “Knock knock,” Hans said before plopping down on the couch. “Whatchya doing?” He asked as the announcer said “The Saga of the Emiko Station is far, far from over,” as the episode ended.

    “Just watching reruns,” Gene replied as he pointed to the TV. Hans nodded and then looked out the window. “I heard that the army’s shipping out a ton of Wernher’s new guns to all the bases.” Gene turned to him, and just asked “What for?”

    “Well since there’s a constant risk of bombing, they decided that they all needed protection.” Hans replied as Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey came on. “How’re they transporting it? Plane? Train? Boat? All of the above?” Gene questioned, hoping that there wasn’t a chance for the weapons to be intercepted.

    “They’re delivering it via truck convoy,” Hans admitted. “Truck?! Why truck?! Those require escorts, and scouting, and-“ Gene started before Hans put his hand up. “The planes have too much of a risk to be shot down. The train bridges have been getting sabotaged everywhere. And boats don’t have the capabilities to get to the inland bases.”

    “So are we doing the escorting?” Gene asked as he turned the TV off. “Yes and no,” Hans answered. “We are going to do escort work, but it’s not going to be escorting the Goalkeeper. We’re going to be escorting a shipment of humanitarian supplies to some villages on the border.”

    “Well it’s better than a gun convoy. Aren’t we protected by the Kerneva Convention?” Gene asked as he tried to find the Air Force manual. “Yeah; as long as we or the convoy don’t cross the enemy lines, we should be good.” Hans stretched as he got up.

    “Meet you in the hangar in 5.” Gene waved as Hans went out of the door. This mission was going to be a piece of cake. Every pilot had done at least one of these missions before. But why did Gene feel so uneasy?




Time: 10:45 am

Location: 2km over the ground


    Gene made a small loop around as he circled the convoy again. He was flying the old F-61 since the F-23’s were too fuel guzzling, and the seat was starting to give him a backache. The convoy escort mission had been extremely uneventful, with the planes just having to circle around every few minutes.

    “Eagle 2, this is Eagle 1, come in Eagle 2,” Hans said over the radio. “Could these idiots move any faster?” Gene complained as they met up with the convoy. “Well those wheels can’t move much faster,” Hans replied, making Gene groan. “Now if I was shooting up some bad guys this would be different. But this?!”

    “Listen here son,” Hans chuckled. “Sometimes you don’t quite know who the enemy is. Someone can act like the good guy at first, and then turn around and stab you in the back. You need to be constantly vigilant,” He continued, before Gene whispered, “Or vice versa…” as he remembered the conversation he had overheard between Hans and Sam a few weeks back.

    “‘Scuse me?” Hans asked. Gene cursed as he forgot to move his finger off the mic button. “I said ‘Or vice versa.’ You know, when someone stabs you in the back but then acts like the good guy?” Gene asked with a little bit of venom in his voice. “Well I guess it could work that way,” Hans replied. “What made you think of that?” He asked as he called out fuel amounts (they both had about half fuel left).

    Gene was about to reply with “Oh, nothing,” but in that instant, something inside him snapped. He tried to stop himself, but a massive flood of white-hot rage began to flow inside of him, and a blossom of hate began to bloom. There was no stopping Gene now.

    “Well on that first day I was here,” Gene started, making Hans blush. “Oh that? That was nothing!” Hans tried to say, but the nervousness in his voice gave him away. “Oh really? ‘He’s a great pilot, but not EFS worthy’ were your exact words!” Gene’s voice was raised in anger, as Hans tried to defend himself. “Look-“ He tried, but Gene kept cutting him off.

    “AND IN THAT VERY SAME DAY,” Gene was practically yelling at this point. “YOU SAID AN AMAZING PILOT!!!” Hans returned, “WELL WHAT ELSE WAS I SUPPOSED TO SAY?!” Too. Far. Gene thought as he turned the plane. “Where are you going?” Hans asked as he followed Gene. “Home.”

    “Listen,” Hans started before another voice filled the radio. “Hey guys? We’ve spotted some enemies; heading due north with speeds around 100 m/s.” Gene sighed and turned the plane around, preparing to engage the enemy.

    “Unknown aircraft, we are escorting a civilian convoy of humanitarian aid supplies destined for villages on the front lines. If you attack us you are in clear violation of the Kerneva Convention, Page 180, Paragraph 6,” Hans stated, leading the charge towards the enemy planes.

    “Negative aircraft; 2 days ago our forces reclaimed this area. You are in violation of the Kerneva Convention, and we reserve the right to retaliate against any hostiles,” The other pilot replied as the planes got closer.

    “Could we work out a deal?” Hans tried to make a bargain. “Negative,” The pilot replied, before Hans shouted out “Gene! Let’s do this thing!” Gene sprung into action, slamming the throttle as high as it would go, and prepared for combat.

    “And Gene? I don’t doubt you now,” Hans said before the battle began. 




Time: 10:50 am

Location: 1.5 km off the ground


    Gene caught onto one of the enemy planes, and prepared for the engagement. Initially, the enemy seemed to have the upper hand. A couple bullets shot past the top of Genes cockpit, but fortunately had just missed. Just as it looked like the battle would be lost though, a hail of gunfire obliterated one of the enemy craft from below.

    “Alright, we’re done,” one of the ground personnel said as the guns wound down. “Why?” Gene asked as he took a few experimental shots at the remaining enemy plane. “You’re too close together. We don’t want to risk blowing you guys up in the process.” Gene had to admit he was right. The decals on his wings were a tad singed from the explosion of the enemy craft just in front of him.

    Over the course of the next 5 minutes, the ballet of destruction kept on twirling away in the sky, with neither plane able to get the other. Just a tiny opening, Gene kept on thinking. Just slow down a little bit! The enemy was good, but the NSK planes were still fighting hard.

    Hans tried to loop around in an attempt to bait the plane into Gene’s clutches. But it worked.

    The plane immediately peeled off, shooting at the tail of Hans’s plane. In that instant, Gene tried to get the enemy. But it was just too late.

    The enemy’s bullets shot into the tail of Hans’s plane, shredding off the engines, and finally hitting the fuel tank. There was no way Hans could have survived; the cockpit was just gone entirely, and the wings were spiraling off in 2 different directions.

    Gene remembered everything he could about Hans;

    Encouraging him in his first battle

    Being tough on him in training

    Laughing with the group at a poorly told joke.




    NO!, Gene thought in protest. SNAP OUT OF IT! AVENGE HIM! But his body just wouldn’t respond. The pilot took this opportunity. He looped around on the tail of Gene, and even though Gene tried, he ended up losing a wing and spiraling down to the ground.

    Hans was dead. And Gene was next.

























































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Time: 10:00 am, Present Day

Location: KSC Lounge


    “Well?” Valentina asked as Gene stopped telling the story. “Come on!” Bill whined, wanting to listen to more of Gene’s story. Gene just smirked, and said “Try to guess what happened next.”

    “Well I know you didn’t die,” Val theorized. “Well thanks Kaptain Obvious,” Bob said sarcastically. “What?! It’s obvious, isn’t it?” Val defended. “Not really,” Bill replied. “Oh so you’re siding with him?” Val shot back with a smile.

    “I wonder where Jeb is,” Gene said, creating a deafening silence. “Probably already out of LKO; on the way to High orbit,” Bob answered. Just then, the door opened, and Haydi walked in.

    “What’s up?” She asked as she grabbed a cup of coffee. “Listening to Gene’s war stories,” Val replied. “Ooh. Can I join in?” Haydi asked. “Sure, but you’re going to miss a lot.”

    “Well give me the crash course. Gene’s story in 30 seconds; Go.” Haydi smiled and sat down as Val explained. “Gene became an elite pilot, he shot down some enemies, his best friend just died, and he’s about to go boom,” Val checked her watch. “12 seconds to spare.”

    “So now that I feel very well versed with what’s going on, let’s continue,” Haydi said. “You ready Gene?” Val asked. “Yeah sure. So, it was somewhere on the border…”














Welcome to Part 2












Chapter 10

Cheating Death


Time: 11:00 am, 40 Years ago

Location: Near the border


    Gene tried to regain control of his plane. I’m not dying today, he thought as he attempted to get the plane steady. The engines were shot off, and so with just one wing and no tail fin, the plane was basically doomed.

    A massive explosion came from behind Gene, but the only thought he could think was Please don’t hit the convoy. The plane was continuously spinning, and Gene knew that there was no saving it. Just as Gene accepted his fate though, the other wing was torn off by a tree branch. At least it’s symmetrical, He jokingly thought before the nose of the craft dug in.

    The plane flipped end over end, spraying mud and jet fuel every direction. As the craft’s nose hit the ground, Gene’s head hit the dashboard, making the world go dark. His last thought was I didn’t hit the convoy.




Time: 3:00 pm, 5 Days later

Location: M*A*S*H Unit 4700


    Gene’s head felt like it had been hit with a sledgehammer, run over by a tank and then put into a blender. In flashes of consciousness, he heard the doctors talking, and some familiar voices before blacking out again.

    On one waking up, he saw a nurse leaning over him, and he groaned a little bit. “Sorry!” She whispered. “Where am I? Am I in heaven?” Gene asked, still groggy. The nurse smiled and replied, “If there is a heaven, you’re about as far away from it as you can get.”

    “What have I done wrong?” Gene begged. “I always listened to my Ma, always did what’s right… What have I done to deserve this?” The nurse laughed. “Oh you’re misunderstanding. This place might feel like ‘down there’-it sometimes looks like it too-but this is the 4700 MASH unit. Now, go to sleep.” Gene wanted to ask more questions, but he could already feel his eyes closing.

    After about 5 days, Gene finally woke up. He saw the pilots from the EFS all circled around at the foot of his bed, and heard some doctors talking in the corner. No one seemed to notice him, but when he weakly whispered, “Hey guys,” The entire group rushed over to sit next to him.

    “What happened?”
    “How are you feeling?”

    “Glad to see you’re awake, Gene.”

    “Are you okay?”

    The questions all flooded in, and Gene tried to give a weak smile, and he winced as he felt the bandages wrapped around his forehead. “Where’s Hans?” Gene asked. The pilots faces went stone cold, and they gave him sympathetic looks.

    “Gene,” Meg said. “Hans… Hans’s gone. They found the plane a couple days ago.” Meg started to tear up, but kept together. “Did they find a body?” Gene pressed. “Gene,” Sam said in a warning tone. “Did they find a body? Yes or No?” Gene demanded.

    “No. They didn’t find a body,” Meg admitted before rushing out of the room, tear streaming down her face. “He could still be alive,” Gene thought as a blossom of hope began to flourish. “No. The cockpit was shattered. And… The ejection lever wasn’t pulled. There’s no chance of surviving something like that,” Sam told him.

    “But-“ Gene tried, before Sam lashed out. “LISTEN! HE’S GONE! And he’s not coming back…” Sam stormed out of the Post-Op room, and Gene felt like someone had dropped a ton of bricks on his chest. The other pilots were silent before a doctor came over. “So how’s our resident war hero coming along?” He asked.

    “Well how am I supposed to be coming along?” Gene cracked, making the doctor smile. “Well considering you got KO’d by your own plane, and we’re thinking you’ve got a concussion, plus you were practically dead when we got you on the operating table, you’re making a stunning recovery.” The doctor said. “Why’s my leg hurting so much?” Gene asked, and the doctors grin died like a crushed bug.

    “Your leg. Well, after the wreck, the escort personnel tried to free you the best they could. But they were sloppy; they cut some corners that shouldn’t be cut.” The doctor looked at the chart, and put it on the stand in front of the table. “Your leg’s broken.”

    Gene felt like he had been sucker punched in addition to the load of bricks. Broken; The word kept on repeating itself in his head but he couldn’t accept it. Broken? It can’t be broken. Impossible! But then again, these doctors do know what they’re doing…

    “Hah. No way,” Gene laughed weakly. The doctor just grimaced and walked away. “So you want to test it?” Josh asked, and Gene smiled. He grabbed the side of his bed, and began to sit up. After a few deep breaths, Gene tentatively put his feet on the ground.

    Now or never, Gene whispered to himself, before he put the weight on his feet. Immediately, a wave of nausea swept over him, and he felt as if he would lose what little lunch he had in his stomach. Oh yeah, it’s broke, Gene thought as he sat back down.

    “How long’ll I be gone?” Gene asked as he tried not to puke. “Doc said 2, maybe 3 months,” Timothy replied. Gene groaned, but just said “Well, I guess I’ll just have to wait.”




Time: 2:00 pm, 1 month later

Location: KAFB


    Gene sighed as he watched the planes all touch down on the runway, anxious to get back up in the air. The doctors had given him about 1 more month, maybe 2 weeks if he was lucky, until he would fly. I wish I could do something… Gene repeatedly complained to anyone who would listen.

    He didn’t know how fast that something would be…

Edited by DarkOwl57
I decided to add some parts to the story; I just derped when writing this. -Dark (EDIT TO THE EDIT: When you forget the Intermission... DOH!) (EDIT TO THE EDIT TO THE EDIT: Could I please stop derping? Please?)
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I don't know what's going on... I'm running out of inspiration! HALP!!!

Chapter 11

Stop that Thief!


Time: 10:30 pm

Location: KAFB


    Gene was startled awake when he thought he heard a door close. He had thought everyone was in bed, but when he saw someone outside with a flashlight, he felt like it was time for some detective work. He slowly limped out of his bed, and grabbed the temporary crutch before walking outside.

    The figure walking out towards the hangar, and Gene was confused. Some time for a nighttime stroll. Gene slowly hobbled along, and followed the figure. Gene was about to enter the hangar, but then he heard a voice.

    “Yes I’m on track. Which plane do I take? The test fighter? Alright; I think they filled it up earlier.” Gene was now extremely confused. The voice sounded like one of the backup pilots. But who was he talking to? Gene was about to go off and tell someone about this, he stepped on a piece of debris, sending up a noise. The doors flung open, and there stood the pilot.

    “Oh hi Gene,” He said, trying to play innocent. “What’re you doing?” Gene asked. “What are you talking about? I’m just walking around. The night air really helps clear my head,” The pilot responded. He was a smooth liar, but Gene was determined to get him.

    “Who were you going to take the plane to?” Gene pressed on. The pilots face hardened into a frown. “You heard that?”

    “Well duh,” Gene replied. The pilot was silent for a moment, before he knocked Gene down. “The Republic shall rule!” He shouted as he jumped into a plane. “GREAT JOB! BEATING UP ON A CRIPPLE!” Gene shouted back, trying to get up.

    There was no reply, but the engine of the plane began to warm up. I have to stop him, Gene struggled, as the plane wheeled itself out of the hangar.

    “STOP THAT THIEF!” Gene shouted out to anyone who was awake, but the plane was already up in the air. He had failed…




Time: 3:35 am, The next morning

Location: North Kerbin Airbase, PRNS


    The plane, which was practically coughing on fumes, lightly touched down on the tarmac. The flight had been a miracle, and a risky refueling at 2 airbases had almost proved fatal. But now, the PRNS finally had the tools the NSK had. With these engines and weapons, the Republic would be able to strike at the heart of the Capitalist monster that was the National States. As the pilot was thinking this, the base’s commander walked up.

    “Good job son,” He said appreciatively. The pilot was bent over on his knees, panting like he had just run a mile. “That was the most terrifying night of my life!” He admitted with a smile. The commander laughed. “Well it’s over now. I want you to get some rest, and then you’re shipping out for Hub City tomorrow.”

    “Hub City?! The capital?” The pilot was shocked. “Well the president isn’t going to risk coming all the way out here, is he?” Holy Kerb the president… The pilot was stunned.

    “Th-Thank you sir. Out of curiosity, who’s going to be our test pilot?” The commander smiled, and turned behind him. “H? Could you come over here?” A pilot came over and saluted, with his uniform smooth and pristine. There wasn’t even a button out of place.

    Everyone knew the stories about H. He was an ace pilot from the NSK. After that, the stories got a little blurry, but the main part still stood: He was an incredible pilot, and a wonderful asset.

    “H here will do the preliminary test flights. After that, he’ll do the training. Won’t you, H?” H remained at attention, and replied “Sir yes sir!” The commander smiled. With the Panther and the pilot, the States had no chance.

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  On 3/8/2017 at 4:27 PM, DarkOwl57 said:

I don't know what's going on... I'm running out of inspiration! HALP!!!


Stop writing. Read some. Play some Kerbal. Eat some snacks. Continue writing only when it becomes hazardous to your mental state to not write.

Works for me. Maybe that's why it takes me so long to get anywhere, though.

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  On 3/10/2017 at 2:47 AM, rlin said:


Don't they have a nighttime AA post for air raids? Wouldn't they have noticed an unscheduled flight? And wouldn't Gene have a sidearm?


Well the gunners would have been EXTREMELY nervous at shooting on their own plane

  On 3/10/2017 at 6:14 AM, 0111narwhalz said:

Stop writing.


I'll have a good chance for that. The computer I'm writing on is actually the schools, and they took the computers up yesterday for spring break. 1 week of pure, white-knuckle...... Something.

  On 3/10/2017 at 6:14 AM, 0111narwhalz said:

Read some.


On it!

  On 3/10/2017 at 6:14 AM, 0111narwhalz said:

Play some Kerbal


I'll be working on that. I've finished making the NSK's planes (Generation II (Planes with Panther Engines)), and I'll be working on the PRNS's next.

  On 3/10/2017 at 6:14 AM, 0111narwhalz said:

Eat some snacks.


I plan to. And also play with a cute little Yorkie :D

  On 3/10/2017 at 6:14 AM, 0111narwhalz said:

Continue writing only when it becomes hazardous to your mental state to not write.


I'm already at the point of no return then.....


See you guys on the other side! I'm leaving on Sunday (In 2 days), so I'll be in here off-and-on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Darnit! 717 words! Oh well; Spring Break took a lot out of me. After going on vacation, doing nothing, freaking out about how bad track is going to be today, and watching Enders Game (A movie which I used for a lot of Battle of Kerbin's inspiration), I've got a few ideas/plans. And they all start.... Now. Enjoy Chapter 12!


Chapter 12

The 100th Eclipse


Time: 8:00 am

Location: KAFB


    “And so, that’s why we need to stay constantly vigilant for anyone who may be a traitor,” Sam finished at breakfast. “Just look for anyone who might be suspicious, and anyone who looks out of place.” Meg raised her hand.

    “We look out of place every day!” She exclaimed, raising a few chuckles. She wasn’t lying though. The entire unit was pretty laid-back, and being out of uniform was just common-place. “So what are we supposed to do?” Somebody asked.

    “We get in regulation. whip into shape, wear uniforms at all times, the works,” Sam replied, making the room groan. “What does the CO have to say about this?” someone shouted. “He agrees with me!” Sam shot back.

    By now, the entire room was in an uproar, with everyone shouting and throwing whatever they could. Sam was shouting for order, and Gene was just sitting down, trying to enjoy his breakfast. “EVERYONE OUT!!” Sam yelled, making everyone freeze for a moment before scattering out.

    Gene sighed, and took another bite of his eggs. The pilots were walking around, shouting questions at Sam, but stopped next to Gene. “Anything you want to ask, Gene?” Sam asked. Gene picked some food off his back, and just shook his head.

    Sam sighed, and said “Alright everyone, let’s clean up. The ceremony’s going to start soon.” Gene’s head perked up. “What ceremony?” He asked. “The Eclipse! This is the 100th eclipse that’s been recorded. Now get ready.” Sam clapped, and then rushed out of the room.




Time: 11:55 am

Location: KAFB


    The entire group craned their eyes up at the Mun, waiting for the Eclipse to start. It kept on edging closer, seeming to taunt the kerbals below. This was mimicked in every city, every town, everywhere that there was a Kerbal on the continent. The continent of Kerbil, which contained East Kerbin, Agonarch Imperium, and the Jesalian Republic, had already had their Eclipse ceremony. The Mid-Kerbin continent was waiting for it, and the Western Deserts (Which held the Territorial Arid Protection Entente and the United States of Kerbolia) were waiting for it. This ‘holiday,’ was celebrated all over the world; similar to Kristmas. Even the units on the front-line had negotiated a temporary ceasefire during this historic event.

    “When’s this thing supposed to get here?” Meg groaned as she rubbed her neck. “Everyone’s saying it’s coming at noon,” Gene replied. The side of the Mun edged onto the circle of Kerbol, and everyone quickly inhaled. It’s starting, everyone whispered. Legend had it that if it was a total eclipse, then good luck will be thrust upon the soul who makes a wish. It was just a silly kids rumor, but secretly, everyone wished for something when the day came.

    The Mun slowly edged toward Kerbol, almost as if beginning a dance. “Come on,” Gene could hear someone whisper. Gene watched as the Mun got closer… And closer… Until it was almost at the center. Then, the Mun finally locked into place.

    A loud cheer went up as Kerbol completely circled the little rock, making a fiery ring in the sky. Gene quickly closed his eyes, and wished, Please, please. Let Hans not be dead. And let Sam know what to do. And- The wish list kept on going, and it would have gone all day, except the Mun finally was released.

    All over the continent, there were loud cheers, and celebrations. Hundreds of thousands of Kerbals from all over celebrated this, the 100th eclipse. It almost seemed like a rite of passage for the world. Similar to turning the page of a novel and flipping to the next chapter.

    As Gene was thinking this, Sam came up to him. “That was something, wasn’t it?” Gene asked in wonder. Sam just replied, “You better get your swim-trunks ready. We’ve just gotten a call.” Gene looked startled. “Why?”

    “The Navy just called. There’s a small island chain off the coast that East Kerbin owns.  They’re under attack, and we’re going to give them some help.” Sam looked out to the ocean, almost as if trying to sense the battle that would unfold. “When do we leave?” Gene asked.

    “As soon as you can get packed.”

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So some interesting info for you guys: In Battle of Kerbin, Chapter 13 was getting ready for a battle, and 14 was the actual battle (Also a naval battle if you would believe!). Hope you enjoy this somewhat soggy edition of Civil War.

OH WHAT DAHECK?!?!?!?! WHY'S THE FONT NOT LOADING?!?!?!? WHAT?!?!?!?! GAH! Hold up; I'll see if it works later on; Give me a few minutes.

Yeah so some technical difficulties... It seems the forums doesn't like my copy/pasted font... Any idea what happened?

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Yeah... Nothing's still working... I guess I'll have to do a bunch of complicated methods as to get the chapter page up... Did you mods change the copy/paste text system???


    “So why are we going out to help East Kerbin again?” Gene asked as they flew over the ocean. “Well as you know, a couple of years ago East Kerbin bought the tiny island chain off the coast of the state of Veloxia. Even though it’s 100% under the EK’s rule, though, the population is 75 to 80% from the ‘States,” Meg explained. “The islands, especially the island of Round Lake, are a massive tourism area. The islands hold resorts, hotels; basically anything a tropical island needs.”

    “So why are they going after a bunch of resorts?” Gene questioned. “From what we’ve heard, it just looks like they want that island chain as an FOB.” Sam replied. “So we have to help East Kerbin hold off the rebels to defend a few resorts and keep them from making a Forward Operating Base, correct?” Gene tried to sum up.

    “Pretty much,” Sam said. “Good to know. So where are we going to set up shop? I wouldn’t think there’s an airstrip on a resort island,” Gene asked. “We’re going to be based on the HMS Workhorse, a Whale Shark class Aircraft Carrier, owned by the NSK. We’ll be there until the battle ends, which should be in a couple of days. Current estimates report that the enemy fleet will arrive in a little under a day, but if the currents are strong, they could arrive in either 10 hours or 14.”

    The planes all got into a smooth formation, and began to coast, attempting to save fuel. As the planes began to get into a line as they prepared for landing, the ship began to show up over the horizon. “Get ready; Workhorse’s ready for our landing.”

    After 5 minutes of white-knuckle landing (Which included 1 slide on the deck, 5 perfect landings and 2 go-arounds,) the entire ESF was sitting on the deck of the carrier, drinking some water and watching the planes get refueled.

    The whole environment was peaceful in an ironic way. Gene found it all relaxing.  Listening to the waves hitting the hull of the ship. Watching the planes warming up on the tarmac as they prepared for a scouting run. Tossing up chunks of bread at the seagulls flying above. The entire setting felt almost like a vacation spent on a cruise liner. It was just that the liner had massive guns bigger than a car. And fighter jets. Yeah… It wasn’t like a cruise at all.

    “You enjoying this?” The captain of the ship asked. “Yeah,” Gene answered. “Do you have any more water? I think these seagulls are thirsty,” Meg asked, pointing up to the sky. For a pilot who killed kerbals for a living, Meg was surprisingly really big on the Animal Rights front.

    “I’ll see what I can do,” The captain said, before walking off.

    “So where are we going to be resting up?” Gene asked, getting a couple of shrugs from the other pilots. A minute later, the captain came back, and when Gene asked the question, the captain gave them a tour.

    They were shown the Bridge, the Storage Room, the Engine compartment, and then finally were escorted to the Barracks. The bunks all had kerbals in them (Except the ones who were on duty at the time,) and Gene recognized a few from the school. After the EFS got settled, Gene decided to walk up to the deck and try to practice some takeoffs and landings. As he went up to the Bridge to ask the captain if he could, he heard some voices speaking in a very nervous tone.

    “According to our estimates, the storm’ll get here at the exact time we’re launching the planes. Now we could either bail out, or-“ A voice said, before the captain sternly replied, “I’m not running away from the rebels! Our job was to help defend these islands, and help out our buddies from the east! Now, we’re the Navy, and we don’t stand back! Not to anything! Especially not a puny thunderstorm!”

    “Sir, with all due respect, this is no ‘puny thunderstorm.’ It’ll be turning Category 1 within a matter of hours, and by the time it hits us it’ll be at least a 3.” The voice responded. We’re going to fly in a hurricane?!?! Gene thought. “Our job is to shoot the enemy and make them sink. If the gunners can see the enemy, then we’ll be able to do our job.”

    “And what about the pilots?”

    “What about them?”

    “How’re you going to convince the pilots to fly into a minimum of a Category 3 hurricane?” Point, kerbal I don’t know, Gene thought.

    “Please! They’ll do it. Unless they’re to chicken that is,” The captain scoffed. Aw dang, Gene thought. There was no way Sam would pass up that kind of challenge; even if it did result in a few crashed planes. Gene decided to knock on the door.

    “Come in,” The captain called out. As Gene walked in, the captain smiled. “Ah the legendary Gene Kerman; master of flight and fight. I’ve heard a great deal of talk about you; mainly from the recruits.” Gene smiled, and saluted. “So, what may I do to assist you?”

    “I was wondering if I could go on a couple of test flights; get a feel for taking off and landing, figure out the general area I’m going to be fighting in, you know,” Gene said, looking out the window. There were some really dark clouds over to the East. And the wind was already getting a little stronger.

    “Yeah sure. I’ll alert the ground crews to get the launch ramp ready,” The captain replied as he pressed a button. “Um sir?” Gene asked as he began walking out. “Yeah?”

    “Did I hear something about a hurricane?” Gene asked. “It’s nothing. Just a little storm; she’ll probably peter out before it’s battle time,” he replied. As Gene walked out, he felt worried.  Who did he choose? The captain, who had probably been in this situation before? Or the expert?




Time: 4:00 pm

Location: HMS Workhorse


    The weather was worse. The wind had whipped up, the skies had become darker (A angry-looking dark grey at this point), and there was rain beginning to fall.

    Gene got out of the plane, grabbed an umbrella, and waited for it to be refueled. He had done at least 17, maybe 18 landings and takeoffs, and he was starting to get the hang of it. As Gene was drinking a water bottle, Sam came out and motioned with his hands, What’re you doing?

    “Practicing,” Gene called out. “No way,” Sam replied, shaking his head. “This storm’s getting worse. A ship-wide shelter order is in effect; no-one’s getting up on deck unless absolutely necessary.” Gene cursed under his breath. “Well that’s the Navy! No one said anything about the Air Force.”

    “Nope!” Sam snipped. “Listen, we’re going to be flying in this weather; why can’t we get a feel for it?” Gene asked. “Because we can’t do very much good in a battle if we died on a training flight in the middle of a hurricane.”

    “Well there’s going to be a hurricane when we’re in battle! Why not train now!” Gene wasn’t going to let up easily. “Okay fine! One flight. I’ll call the group up.”

    5 minutes later, the EFS was getting ready for takeoff. The planes all launched off the carrier, and got into a formation. “This wind’s crazy!” Meg shouted. “It’ll be worse tomorrow,” Gene calmly replied. “At least you’re not at the head of this formation; I’ve got no clear air to smooth things out.”

    “You were the one who wanted us out here!” Sam retorted. “I’m not complaining. I’m just stating the facts,” Gene replied as they prepared to turn back to the carrier.

    Everything went well, and after a couple more test landings, the pilots began to get a hang on the landings.

    Now, all they had to do was wait out a hurricane.

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So I just found this and noticed you used the name NSK. The NSK is a country from my Kerbal War Program series which started back in August 2015, and they are allies to the SSK (me), then we unified together to form the USK. Just thought id point that out ^_^.


Edited by Combatsmithen
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  On 3/24/2017 at 1:24 PM, Combatsmithen said:

So I just found this and noticed you used the name NSK. The NSK is a country from my Kerbal War Program series which started back in August 2015, and they are allies to the SSK (me), then we unified together to form the USK. Just thought id point that out ^_^.



hahaha what's the name of your NSK? Mine is the National States of Kerbin

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  On 3/24/2017 at 1:28 PM, DarkOwl57 said:

hahaha what's the name of your NSK? Mine is the National States of Kerbin


Mine was the North States of Kerbin, With SSK being the South States of Kerbin.

Basically, there was a civil war, the NSK broke away from the USK, we defeated them but we still remained NSK and SSK. The story early in the series is kinda bad. Didn't really put much thought into it because my channel was just starting out and wasn't that serious about youtube. Then in the second season. The UFK went to war with the SSK and the NSK. The NSK provided planes and armaments to help in the defense and eventually we won the war agaisnt the UFK which we gave independence and then they formed the Krussian Federation. Which in season 3. AGAIN went to war with the USK. We both suffered heavy heavy losses and then an Armistice was signed. The Krussian Federation re-formed into the DKRK . The reason the DKRK was formed was in the chaos of a famine, a large band of people grew into a small army, took over old military equipment, and established order, the impoverished people saw the hope in the order of the DKRK and then joined. Then the DKRK conquered its smaller neighbors for resources and land. The USK, once the protector of freedom and democracy (murica) was in a position unable to fight the DKRK due to its economic problems and severely handicapped military following the previous war. So the DKRK expanded and took over most of Kerbin, with a few larger powers still standing. The USK had a patrol aircraft mysteriously disappear, then early the next morning a search and rescue plane went out to look for a possible crash site and stumbled into a DKRK Patrol Boat fleet and got shot down. We quickly retaliated with a Reaper drone but now we were at war with the DKRK. Vastly out numbered and out gunned. I think the only reason we haven't been annihilated so far is because the DKRK sees us as a little pest and is not allocating a lot of resources to take us out, although that may change soon, as we have begun a total mobilization of what little assets we have to try and fight off the impending doom......

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