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On 4/10/2017 at 6:54 PM, 0111narwhalz said:

It looks pretty good, though I think the ground is a little gray and the sky a little blue for Eve.

Also, I'll never get used to such small rockets lifting off of Eve. Once, it was thought impossible to do it at all.

I think the grey is a body of water. As for the sky, I think it looks great. 

Great pictures once again @cubinator! Keep it up! :) 



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1 minute ago, Firemetal said:

I think the grey is a body of water.

I doubt it's water on Eve. It's probably mercury or something equally strange.

1 minute ago, Firemetal said:

Great pictures once again @cubinator! Keep it up! :) 



Thanks! I'll keep doing these as ideas come, which is naturally a somewhat random process.

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6 minutes ago, Firemetal said:

I meant that.


Well, technically water's boiling point at 5 atm is between 152 and 153 degrees Celcius, and Eve's surface temperature is 155 degrees at sea level...Maybe it actually could be saltwater mixed with some other non-drinkable stuff.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Over the past few days I've been redrawing that Falcon 9 animation I lost. It's looking pretty good, and guess what?


It got corrupted. Again. I guess pixly just isn't cut out for 40+ frame gifs.



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On 07.06.2017 at 1:37 PM, cubinator said:



The dark side is lit by reflected light from Jupiter. 

Wow! That is really awesome and detailed!

Mind to participate here~?

I have a few things you can accomplish while I can't (computer is being repaired for a while)

PM me if you are interested!

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