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The Badlands

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42 minutes ago, OrtwinS said:

@StubbornJeb, you might want to check out SCANsat. It'll give you scanning parts to make maps such as these yourself in the game.

thanks,im downloading it right now!

47 minutes ago, cratercracker said:

I actually landed at Badlands last time. I remember that they are located near some kind of group of mountains. It is easy to land there due to relatively flat surface, also you get a fair amount of science for making exprerements  there.


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25 minutes ago, dangerhamster said:

One of my early "chuck it at space" probes landed there so I used waypoint manager to pop a pin in the map for easier location. Useful early game.

Use a probe capable of biome scanning through Kerbnet. Then place a waypoint. No mods or dumb luck required.


It's also possible to get science landed on Kerbins water,

Which makes a change from splashed in the grasslands.

Correct, Splash down and then come ashore and you're 'splashed down on land'. Land and go sailing and you're 'landed on water'. By properly exploiting this technique you can double the science on Kerbin.
But you can milk Minmus dry for a lot more science with roughly the same amount of effort.

Edited by Tex_NL
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11 hours ago, cratercracker said:

I actually landed at Badlands last time. I remember that they are located near some kind of group of mountains. It is easy to land there due to relatively flat surface, also you get a fair amount of science for making exprerements  there.

The same as any other biome

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Moving to Gameplay Questions.

6 hours ago, NSEP said:

Never really went there, or at least not that i remember, might gonna check it out.

I generally try to avoid them myself.  After all, they're bad.

(sorry, couldn't resist)

Joking aside, they're fairly small and a long way from KSC, which makes them possibly the least convenient biome to get to on Kerbin.  Given that Kerbin surface science is so puny compared with what one can get from Mun/Minmus... and given that there's plenty of science on Kerbin to get the tech tree to the point where Mun / Minmus missions become possible, without hitting the inconvenient biomes... I've simply never had a reason to try to hit all the biomes on Kerbin.  If I just stick to the biomes that are equatorial and easy to get to, that's plenty.

But then again, I have very little motivation to explore Kerbin itself (possibly because I've spent so much time there, over the years)-- basically, the only time I spend biome-crunching on Kerbin is whatever's the bare minimum to get me to the Mun.

For someone with a different set of priorities-- e.g. someone who's very Kerbin-centric or strongly motivated by exploring all the nooks and crannies of the game, though, I can see how tracking down the badlands could be fun.  :)


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once you know where its easy to get to  and find wiithout a map.  its right around that little lake lol

dont often land there, but always get its low orbit eva report.   infact the only time i can remember landing is when i did the  caveman challenge


Edited by DD_bwest
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There are little patches of badlands all over that continent on the other side of Kerbin. There also used to be a little crater at the southern tip of the KSC continent that was badlands, but it got deleted during the 1.2 biome tidying.

And actually, if you look at that big badlands area -- it's a gigantic impact crater.


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There's a fair amount of badlands on the "landmass" (in reality Kerbin has one continent and several islands--you can drive a rover all over the continent although you'll go crazy doing so unless you use the Bon Voyage autopilot) to the west of KSC.

The hard biomes to track down are the landed at ocean and splashed down at [land biome].  Most of the splashed down at land biomes can be found at lakes or just offshore.  Landed at ocean can be found at a few spots on the northern ice cap (looks like glitches), and splashed down at mountains and poles AFIAK can only be found in a lake up north, obvious glitches.  I do not believe splashed down at hills exists anymore.

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  • 3 years later...

I know its 3 years since this thread died but when you google this is where it brings you. In the vicinity of  24° 11' 26" S 23° 5' 10" E (Lat -24.1906049162812, Long 23.0861366629027) is a Badland biome that the map Derek posted doesn't show (alot can happen in 3 years) but this area is large and mostly flat. hope this helps!

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