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On screen messages log

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Hi guys,

recently I wondered if there was a log somewhere in the game or via some mod for all the messages related to in-game actions.

Too often am I busy keeping the craft in line or checking fly parameters to fully read what's going on, or suites of messages turn it unreadable.

F3 menu helps a lot when you try to figure out what the heck when wrong and transform a simple "dich the first stage" into a "let's dismantle the whole ship" action,  but is there a way to do the same for the message?

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Alt+F12 will show you the KSP log, which will show tons of diagnostic messages that you are likely not interested in. The on-screen messages may or may not show up there, depending on whether the code that's displaying them bothers to log them, too.

So, probably not the answer, alas.

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For a long time I have wished there was a simple mod that created one window in which all the messages were displayed and saved. Getting rid of their original display and moving it into a single movable and re-sizeable window. 

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7 minutes ago, Foxster said:

For a long time I have wished there was a simple mod that created one window in which all the messages were displayed and saved. Getting rid of their original display and moving it into a single movable and re-sizeable window. 

At least one of the devs wishes for the same thing, so it may happen at some point.


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On 14/05/2017 at 0:00 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Other than intercepting the messages, it not difficult.

Of course, that's the difficult part :-)


Well, I know that post(and thread) is not exactly fresh and lively, but because a more recent discussion I ended up searching a bit and found that thread. And something just occured me:

Maybe for what mods are concerned, maybe If you build it, they will come. Well, not exactlly you but someone in the modding community  may create a simple 'Info window' where messages are display and saved. It dont intercept the messages but just offfer a new way to dysplay it and ask for the modding community to use it. Like we have CTT and CRP we may have Community InGame Log Window (or whatever  the name).

Off course I see problems with the idea (maybe substituting catching ghosts for herding cats?) In any case, the idea make some sense?




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6 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

It actually isn't that difficult.

but I don't have time to do anything with it now.

<look to mod list>


Considering how much more enjoyable my time at KSP is because of your mods, I'd gladly give some of my spare time, and it would be a good trade. Unfortunately that is not possible.

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1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Just so you know, this will be a feature in The Kaptain's Log, which is almost ready to be released.  I've coded it and its working.

Good man! Looking forward to it. 

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