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[KSP 1.3.1] Stock Size Real Solar System []


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4 minutes ago, gamerscircle said:

Thank you @Galileo , I read down further and it seems that scatter is having problems?  Is that only with RSS and not SSRSS?

The issues with scatterer only pertain to Real life sizes. SSRSS being stock size, it doesn't have scatterer problems :)

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@Galileo - sorry to ask this again, when I go to the eve downloads, I did download both files and I forgot to keep reading back the link where you put [don't install the config files] , so basically I am just installing:



Which has a plugins folder, a button.png, eveshaders.bunlde , in the plugins folder there are 11 .dll files.

I am not seeing clouds and I am assuming that I again didn't read something correctly.  Is there anything that I over looked?

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17 minutes ago, gamerscircle said:

@Galileo - sorry to ask this again, when I go to the eve downloads, I did download both files and I forgot to keep reading back the link where you put [don't install the config files] , so basically I am just installing:



Which has a plugins folder, a button.png, eveshaders.bunlde , in the plugins folder there are 11 .dll files.

I am not seeing clouds and I am assuming that I again didn't read something correctly.  Is there anything that I over looked?

In game, or just at the main menu?

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3 minutes ago, gamerscircle said:

There isn't any at the menus, the tracking of when I am at the space center.. will that change if I launch a rocket?

You must be installing something wrong or missing a step.  Post a screenshot of your gamedata folder 

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3 minutes ago, gamerscircle said:


Try removing all of your mods and do a fresh install of SSRSS. Also include EVE and Scatterer

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23 minutes ago, Galileo said:

Try removing all of your mods and do a fresh install of SSRSS. Also include EVE and Scatterer

Sorry for the blow by blow,  using a new ksp install and just going with stock, I use the configs and eve and I get clouds.    Next step is to install SSRSS and remove the configs, correct?

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33 minutes ago, gamerscircle said:

Sorry for the blow by blow,  using a new ksp install and just going with stock, I use the configs and eve and I get clouds.    Next step is to install SSRSS and remove the configs, correct?

Remove the configs and add Ssrss, yes

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34 minutes ago, gamerscircle said:

Sorry for the blow by blow,  using a new ksp install and just going with stock, I use the configs and eve and I get clouds.    Next step is to install SSRSS and remove the configs, correct?

Alright.. leaving the EVE that I had before, then I removed the BoulderCo folder and then installed:
Kopernicus, ModularFlightIntegrator, RealSolarSystem, RSS-Textures, Sigma and SSRSS

no clouds.

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1 minute ago, gamerscircle said:

Alright.. leaving the EVE that I had before, then I removed the BoulderCo folder and then installed:
Kopernicus, ModularFlightIntegrator, RealSolarSystem, RSS-Textures, Sigma and SSRSS

no clouds.

Module manager? The latest one? Not the one that comes with RSS, right?

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Just now, Galileo said:

Module manager? The latest one? Not the one that comes with RSS right?

ModuleManager.2.7.5.dll - I think that is the correct one based on what I have read.

3 minutes ago, gamerscircle said:

ModuleManager.2.7.5.dll - I think that is the correct one based on what I have read.



Just in case you were curious.

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5 minutes ago, gamerscircle said:

ModuleManager.2.7.5.dll - I think that is the correct one based on what I have read.



Just in case you were curious.

I know what you're doing wrong! You ONLY want the BuilderCo Folder, not the rest!]

Also, 2.7.6 is the latest one.

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9 minutes ago, Galileo said:

That is incorrect 

okay.. so "no EVE" folder and just BoulderCo?


I am confused and here I thought I knew a little bit about KSP.


oh.. "Incorrect"  sorry.. I am at a loss.. I had this working a long time ago..

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2 minutes ago, gamerscircle said:

okay.. so "no EVE" folder and just BoulderCo?


I am confused and here I thought I knew a little bit about KSP.

No, he is completely, 100 percently, wrong. You need the EVE folder. The bolderco folder is just textures and cfgs.

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2 minutes ago, HiThere!2 said:

You need the BuilderCo with nothing else in the EVE folder

no you don't. And I would appreciate it if you would stop commenting if you don't know what you are talking about. I made the mod and know how it should be installed. The reason why it doesn't throw errors at you for having it in your gamedata is because I have code in my cfgs that disable the default EVE configs if someone accidentally installs them. Saving me from people that always install EVE incorrectly. 

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