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KASA-Kerbin Airo-not Space Agministration [chapter V The Kraken invades!]


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This, the KASA space program is the log of all launches by the KASA administration the current goals of the Administration are as follows:

Launch a satlilte into a STABLE orbit around kerbin

AVOID THE KRAKEN DISTROYING THE NEW UNIVERSE (yes new save as the kraken was mean to KASA)

Map Kerbin using SCANSAT

Launch a Kerbal into space

Launch a Kerbal into LKO

Perform an EVA

Launch a Probe on a fly-by of the Mun

Launch a Probe to orbit the Mun

Map the Mun using SCANSAT

Land a probe onto the Munar surface

Launch a Kerbal on a fly-by of the Mun

Launch a Kerbal into Munar orbit

Land a Kerbal on the Mun (and retern him safely to the Kerbin [that doesnt really work...])

Mission One: SPACE I

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Mission Kerbinica I

to be continued...

My station module sugeston format:

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Example format:

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Jebadiah Kerman has Left KASA to start a space company we don't know when he will launch his first rocket but it seems as if it will be on an island will this turn into a Space Race?

 we don't Know

Edited by kerbinorbiter
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Mission: Kerbinica I 

Primary objective: Begin mapping Kerbin's terrain

Mission was a sucsess Primary Objective is being completed currently

Next Mission: Moho I (Un-Manned test launch)

also feel free to sugest any suggestions :) 

Edited by kerbinorbiter
forgot it is a test launch...
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im launching these missions every hour but this is a falure...however i beleve that Seanson Kerman can pilot the craft into space and he will be the first kerbal into space

Seanson Kerman is the first Kerbal in space but not the only one going there

Mission: Moho III 

Objectives: Get to LKO, Complete an EVA, dock with second stage then do a second EVA, retern safely


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Chapter II: A mission to save our reputation

Backstory: KASA is in trouble, the Moho III Spacecraft with Jebadiah and Bill Kerman is stranded in  Low Kerbin Orbit (LKO) KASA devises a Mission, Piloted by its most experienced Kerbalnaut: Seanson Kerman who has flown in space twice it is his mission to retreve Jebadiah and Bill Kerman from LKO  however there is a problem the KASA Moho Mk2 (a 2 seater spacecraft) has 2 seats and there is three kerbals on orbit this will be the first time we have rondavoused in orbit and we may need to use an EVA to get Jeb and bill across good job a Extravehicular activity was part of the origanal Moho III Misson this will also set a record amount of kerbals in orbit at once, 3 

Mission: Moho IV 

Objectives: Rescue the stranded Moho III Spacecraft that is stranded in LKO and bring the crew back


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Chapter III (i know chapter II was one misson)

KASA needed to launch things into orbit more effectively so Gene Kerman said why not build a space plane? the KASA Administrators initaly rejected the idea but after some contemplating they said ok we will build a shuttle, the mission of one was to reterive items from orbit and to deploy things to orbit...the KSTS program was born


However it was time to try and go to the Mun 

also as a side note i would like a few payload sugestions, i will launch those for definet i have went far enough and im happy to continue this program, by the way the SSSTS Program uses the same vehicle as the KSTS will exept this is all kerbin scale so you can follow along if you like :) 

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We are now T-5 days to the launch of Kerbyuz I to test the rondavous procedures in LKO we should also start a station before going to the Mun so thats why im testing the Kerbyuz rondavous procedures it uses @DECQs Epic Soyuz Spacecraft and rocket pack, Great work there thank you! The crew is seanson Kerman KASA's most experienced Kerbalnaut then Jebadiah Kerman our second most experienced Kerbalnaut I would like a few people to work on module sugestions, the mod list is: (i tried to post a pic but coldnt edit it so its readable

ASET (both packs) B9Partswitch BetterScience labs continused bulldog DB cacteye canadarm CMES cotal arospace Cx airospace deadly reentry Fire spitter HGA (proton) Hull cam VDS KAS KJR KIS KK antares MJ Near future Remote tech (REMEMBER ANTENI OR IT WONT WORK) Space shuttle system thats it realy there are a few more but they dont realy matter right? because this is most of the parts packs that could be used in space station construction

Also i'd like a craft file link from KerbalX as it means i can have solar panels in the correct place and dont need to look at stuff a lot

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Jebediah's Space Program launch

Status: Falure

Mission: Test

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Mission: JebX DCM/reusabilty test

objectives: launch the Dkrakn' Crew Mock up capsule 

Secondary Objectives: Land the 1st stage for proving the concept of Launch Land Repeat.

Update: Jebediah has opened up to payload submissions

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KASA mission assignments for the next 10.

TBD: To be decided

1: Kerbyuz I test launch


Bob (Jebediah's backup)

Ronman (because it sounds like roman)

2: KIR I 


3: KIR II 


4: Kerbyuz/Expedition 1 






6: Kerbyuz/ expedition 2




7: KIR IV 


8: SSSTS 4 (for the entire program @cratercracker I'm putting your flag to use)





9: Kerbyuz/expedition 3




10: SSSTS 5




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Mission Kerbyuz (Soyuz replica) manned test flight

Mission was a succsess with orbiting kerbin once (that is enough for gene kerman to validate the archetecture and vehcile systems)


Commander: Seanson Kerman

Flight engieneer no.1: Bob Kerman

Flight engineer no. 2: Ronman Kerman

the landing went normal and it looked like the acctual soyuz MS 02 landing this morning! 

no launch pictures because its a soyuz replica and i think (almost) everyone has whached one if not there will be one in 10 days time so lucky you!

Lessons learnt: check yo codin' (i had to, sorry :))

also if you do want the KOS script (i know you will ask for it) i will iron out the flaws in it and then release it maybe, i will probably make a 1.2.2 version of it as all the mods aren't updated as far as i know.

thats it for now

Next mission KIR I

the kerbal station 

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