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what different antenna

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Internal is only used around kerbin and you can't send science with it.

Direct is used for transmitting science and to have signal for probe control

Relay bounces signal from Kerbin around itself so lower tier direct antennas can connect to Kerbin

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Also worth noting that a relay antenna can do all the things a direct antenna can do, plus bounce signals to/from other craft.  So there may be most, size or mass reasons to pick a direct antenna, but relays are better from an antenna functionality perspective.  

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On my last campaign, before I figured antennas out for the most part, I had been overusing relay antennas-- the midsized dish relay (RA-15) in particular looks so appropriate for a Voyager-style probe that it was irresistible.   However, weight- and power-use -wise, it caused trouble-- the good old 88-88 dish is far better for that sort of thing.   The big relays should be saved for dedicated comsats.  They can send science, but they suck up twice or more of the power doing so, weigh more, and aren't foldable.

Basically, considering antenna power and the distances to cover in the stock system, the Communotron 16 extendable or 16S fixed antenna is all you really need within the Kerbin SOI, though you'll need to have the tracking station upgraded to at least level 2 for Minmus operations.   If you're going anywhere outside Kerbin's SOI, your tracking station needs to be at 2nd level at a minimum and you'll want to carry the HG-55 folding dish for the planets inside of Kerbin and maybe Duna and the 88-88 dish for all those farther out.  (To get anywhere past Dres, your tracking station has to be at level 3.)

All that is just considering straight Kerbin/probe commo.  Probe-to-probe/ship-to-ship communications can use smaller antennas if they're nearby, and the problem of 'blackout zones' like on the back of the Mun or behind other bodies with respect to Kerbin will need to be lived with or solved by relay comsats.


Edited by MaxwellsDemon
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