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Daddy's home!


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Maybe this sounds familiar, Wife's pregnancy ties daddy home in the evenings. So you buy yourself a playstation 3 with GTA V after nearly 10 years without gaming. :D

About 1,5 years later you've still got to much time on your hand and decide to dust off your old computer, upgrade it with second hand parts  and fork out about 110 euro in the Steam winter sale to keep you going for a few years.
Well, I could have spend a mere 20 euro's cause the only thing booted since was KSP, figured it was a game to find that out it was not, it's an experience!

Reading the forum, wiki's and Reddit and starting an sandbox game for myself, to figure out that the game could use even more performance than the intel I5-4440 and 8 GB ram  could deliver, so you upgrade again, mod youre computer to accomodate watercooling and try to find an 'K'-version of the I5-4690. Got scammed when I found one, payed but didn't get it delivered...
The hunt continued and found a very nice upgradeset with a I7-4790K and 16 GB ram, picked it up and overclocked it to a nice 4,8 GHZ :)

And here we are, don't regret one bit that I might have spent some money, it was totally worth it, especially when I found out that the two 17" monitors I had laying around perfectly complement the 24" Full HD monitor in the middle.

I will be playing this for a very long time to come!! :P

Hi Guys and Gails!






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Thank for the welcome Dman979 :) 

Been reading the forum for a few months now, and decided it was time to pitch in :D 
Must say I respect the hard work you modderators put in to the forum, It must be pretty hard with so many users with a million different viewpoints, opinions and attitudes.

The views in game keep amazing me to, so sharing a screenshot now and then is the least I can do to contribute. Saw a 'proud of youre spacestation' challenge, and I am pretty proud on this one. :sticktongue:




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