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So what song is stuck in your head today?


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I just clicked on this song the other day. I'd heard of them but never listened and they didn't get much radio time. The very sweet sounding singer was a bit of a drunk. She fell down the stairs, hit her head and died a few days later. That was about forty years ago. Who knows where the time goes indeed

Was also reading about some South American poet, songwriter musician, a friend of Dylan. The army chopped his hands off and shot him 40 times. I think it was on live tv. Manduka just happened to pop up as suggested listening. The first song really sets a mood. 


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  On 1/30/2018 at 3:21 AM, Chik Sneadlov said:

I just clicked on this song the other day. I'd heard of them but never listened and they didn't get much radio time.


When my parents lived in Cleveland in the early '70s, they recorded four cassette tapes worth of music from the radio.  A lot of folk-type stuff, not the mainstream stuff that's really remembered today.  When we went on vacations, we would drive, and those tapes were what we listened to.  Over the years, I've tried to figure out what the songs on the tapes were, since they were not labeled beyond I, II, III, and IV.  Many of them seem to have become somewhat obscure and forgotten.  (The coming of the internet has largely reversed that, though.)


Thank you for adding one more song/performer data point to my set.

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I don't know why I often get songs stuck in my head that I've not even heard for a while, maybe I just hear a word and it reminds me of a lyric.  Currently it's this.

One of the great things I'm finding about the Amazon Echo though is when I have a random song stuck in my head I can just ask Alexa to play it.  Unfortunately I'm at work at the moment though so can't do that, and don't have my headphones with me to be able to listen to it via youtube either :(

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This is probably not the song that comes to mind when you think of Ray Charles but its a good one, especially after three listenings. By the end of the song he's worked himself up so much that he looks like he's shuddering with the cold sweats and nausea from the agony of loss. (or something)



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So today I put on headphones and started going through my collection. While playing The Vibrators - Pure Mania album, from my punk/new wave days, it got me thinking about my influences. As a young teen I was listening to a lot of K-Tel 22 original hits by the original artists type stuff (Brandy you're a fine girl). Then one day while looking through my tape club catalog I saw Iggy and the Stooges - Raw Power. What is this? Have to have it. This began the musical journey that scared my mom. She once confiscated my records because she read the groups I liked caused all kinds of deviant social behavior. Sorry mom, it wasn't the music. It was college :)  Kidding (no I'm not). 

It was actually Black Sabbath's Lord of this World that completely changed my tastes. I heard it while riding to school with a friend. I had never heard thud guitars like that. I went out the next day and bought the first 4 of their albums. I was never into drugs or devil worshippy stuff, I just loved guitars and attitude. Today I play guitar in my church praise team. You just never know where the journey will lead.

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