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NASA is taking a page from the KSP manuals.


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  Festivefire said:
Still, its not like a human would be able to correct the errors made by the computer when something it wasn't prepared for happens with a 14 minute delay (i think).

Im not saying they would be, just that its an incredible bit of engineering.

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  Endeavour said:
Is this the first nuclear powered vehicle from NASA in quite a while? I remember there being some issues with them making nuclear powered stuff.

I believe the Voyager probes were the same style of nuclear power, im sure there were more I just do not know what they are.

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  Endeavour said:
Is this the first nuclear powered vehicle from NASA in quite a while? I remember there being some issues with them making nuclear powered stuff.

The 'issue' with nuclear powered stuff is that the majority of people on the planet are a bit ignorant when it comes to radiation, and overly scared of it. Case in point, the irrational fear around the nuclear reactor collapse in the japanese tsunami. There were 15,867 deaths in total from the earthquake, and only 6 directly attributed to the reactor.



However, all we heard about on the news for the entire disaster was "RADIATION IS GOING TO KILL US ALL". Stores in the west coast sold out of radiatiion suits, and iodine pills. This is irrational fear.

  Dimitri_Kerman said:
Plutonium? Rather dangerous wouldn't you say? I remember the concept for Nuclear powered cars, that didn't work out so well especially if you crashed. I doubt a standard family in 50's America would be able to handle that.

This is a different isotope of plutonium then is used in nuclear bombs. This has a halflife of something like 50 years, and will not undergo fission, so will never explode.

Edited by Bluejayek
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It's not really Kerbal style. It's not as if they just patched together a bunch of scrap pieces and launched it just to see if it would work. Although, it would certainly have been a ride Jeb would have approved of.

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  olex said:
Not enough boosters for true Kerbal style. But an amazing feat it was, definitely.

Wait, what? Ok, first they use a parachute, but oh no, they don't land with that.. they disconnect from it and use ROCKETS! But oh no, they don't land with that either.. They lower the rover on a tether via, THE SKYCRANE! Yeah, that's pretty damn Kerbal if you ask me.

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Guest Aaack

Guys, this post is very old, please if you feel it's relevant feel free to link it in a new thread, as reference.

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