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Kerbin Space Exploration Administration (KSEA)-[WHAT A NUDGE]

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For clarification this would be Kerbin Orbiter's space program however that save is corrupted and well I've done two saves on that one so this is the third save

ive added a few mods, removed some aswell, most notably RT because KOS refuses to do anything with RT installed even with a connection


so are you planning to go to Duna?

KSEA-"yes we are we plan to go to Duna by the end of the decade"

will you  be using falcon heavy?

KSEA-"no we won't we will be unavailing the rocket in around 10 days all I can tell you is it's HUGE"

woule you take it to the Mun and/or Minmus?

KSEA-"we will take it to the Mun but not Minmus because Minmus doesn't have the gravity"


Currently the KSEA is working towards a recoverable rocket (this is the time i show you my code)

Launch vehicles

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Scheduled launches:

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Mission: Kerbinorbiter sat One

objectives: Launch the satilite into orbit

Secondary objective: Safe splashdown in the ocean 


we are now constructing a space station, i will also put the save file for downlaod every fortnight (two weeks)

mod list incase you want to create a module for me

video versions (release one soon!)


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in a press release the KSEA has announced its almost ready to land a rocket:

"So when are you ready to land a rocket?"
KSEA-"Within the next few launches becuase we have worked out the landing ratio (altitude = (speed/8)*100) so we now need to work out our minimal descent velocity (a throttle with a TWR of 0.99)."

"are you still taking payload sugestions?"

KSEA-"yes totaly we are taking payload sugestions"

Launch KNRO 1

outcome: FAILURE

the mission started well, then after stage separation according to the sensors on the first stage seconds before the control system exploded the impact mesurers on the inside of the intestage recorded an impact with what was probobly the engine bell of the Merlin 1D Full Thrust engine.

Mission: Kerbal sat I

Objectives: launch the first mapping satilite into LKO

Secondary objectives: LAND THE FIRST STAGE

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what does this mean... could it be a war?we dont know but perhapse this is why the military wanted to launch this

(it doesnt)

KSEA's first kerbinaut class 1A has been selected their flight times are going to be a in the next year

Mun mission 1!

Vehcile KSLS (Kerbal Space Launch System)


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the new crew is about to launch to the KSS stand by for a report soon and the 6 month crew: Jeb and Bob will be kerbin bound in 72 days ill be trying to make that descent a realistic one with the Search and recovery crew and the huge tri pod thingy to go over the capsule

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KSEA Is now international... now taking Requests from other mission reports for Kerbalnauts 

next crew:

Valentina Kerman KSN (kerbistanian)

Bob Kerman USK (United States of Kerbin)

Crater Kerman UCC (United Crater Crackern) for @cratercracker to say thank you

they will be flying on the Kerbstanian Kerbyuz today at 12:00 GMT

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