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Minor Help with Texture Replacement

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I've been trying to replace a texture on @raidernick's Huygens probe with one I edited in GIMP.  It's saved as a .dds, though strangely it's five times the size of the original skin, and the edit is just the ESA logo replaced with the NASA logo.  I have tried to use Module Manager to perform the texture swap, but nothing I tried work.  The texture that the game used would always be the default one.  My last MM file looks like this:

    %texture = huygens_main, RN_US_Probes/Cassini/huygens_main_NASA


I'm not at all familiar with Module Manager, but I did read the tutorial.  Tried to use no symbol in front of the texture line and then tried the %, but neither worked.

Today, I tried renaming my texture file to the one the game uses.  What I got was a Huygens probe that was grey.

14FA2BB5CD08C934F0F251BBD1CC123F8501C872 (1280×720)

I'm overall unsure exactly what the problem is since I don't know enough about texturing and Module Management to troubleshoot further reliably with a major time investment.  I will likely continue to work at the problem myself, but I feel I'm just missing something simple that a more experienced modder would see in an instant such as a syntax error or misuse of Module Manager config files.  If anyone can give me some feedback, I would be really appreciative of that.  Overall, I wonder if either my .dds is too large (5.4MB vs 1.3MB for the original file), or my MM file is trying to find the wrong part.

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1 hour ago, MeCripp said:

Looks like a part from

But think you just have your MM wrong but would have to see the cfg of the part

Nah.  It's a part from Raidernick's US Probes pack.

Here's the config file for it:

// --- general parameters ---
name = rn_huygens
module = Part
author = Raidernick

// --- asset parameters ---
	  model = RN_US_Probes/Cassini/huygens
          scale = 0.80, 0.80, 0.80

scale = 0.80
rescaleFactor = 1
// --- node definitions ---
// definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z

node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.26534, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
node_stack_parachute = 0.0, 0.26534, 0.23752, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.30861, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
node_stack_cassini = 0.0, 0.14965, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0

// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = generalRocketry
entryCost = 500
cost = 500
category = Pods
subcategory = 0
title = Huygens Lander
manufacturer = RN Industries
description = This is the lander for Cassini Huygens spacecraft.
attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 0.20904
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 1
minimum_drag = 0.5
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 50
maxTemp = 3600
breakingForce = 2000
breakingTorque = 2000
CoPOffset = 0.0, 0.2, 0.0
CoLOffset = 0.0, -0.1802, 0.0
CrewCapacity = 0
vesselType = Probe
stagingIcon = COMMAND_POD
 name = ModuleCommand
 minimumCrew = 0
		name = ElectricCharge
		rate = 0.0007
	name = ModuleReactionWheel
	PitchTorque = 0.1
	YawTorque = 0.1
	RollTorque = 0.1
		name = ElectricCharge
		rate = 0.001
	name = ModuleSAS

// --- Electric parameters ---
	name = ElectricCharge
	amount = 340
	maxAmount = 340

// --- Science ---
	name = ModuleScienceExperiment	
	experimentID = crewReport
	experimentActionName = Probe Report
	resetActionName = Discard Probe Report
	reviewActionName = Review Report
	useStaging = False	
	useActionGroups = True
	hideUIwhenUnavailable = True	
	rerunnable = True
	xmitDataScalar = 1.0

// --- Antenna parameters ---
	name = ModuleDataTransmitter
	packetInterval = 0.18
	packetSize = 2
	packetResourceCost = 1.0
	requiredResource = ElectricCharge
	DeployFxModules = 0

    name = ModuleDecouple
    ejectionForce = 1
    explosiveNodeID = cassini
	isOmniDecoupler = false
    staged = true

name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = cords
startEventGUIName = Deploy Parachute Cords
endEventGUIName = Fold Parachute Cords
toggleActionName = Toggle Parachute Cords
startDeployed = False
// Animation Layer. If you have more than one animation on a part, this must be unique for each one in order for them to not interrupt each other. If the stock engine heat animation module is used, that’s probably on layer 0, so make this 1 or higher.
layer = 1
playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False
useActionEditorPopup = True
// If you have more than one FSanimateGeneric on a part, give each a unique ID to. This makes the popup menu appear in a separate location for each module, and not steal each others windows. values: 0-9.
moduleID = 0

name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = Deploy
startEventGUIName = Deploy Antennae
endEventGUIName = Fold Antennae
toggleActionName = Toggle Antennae
startDeployed = False
// Animation Layer. If you have more than one animation on a part, this must be unique for each one in order for them to not interrupt each other. If the stock engine heat animation module is used, that’s probably on layer 0, so make this 1 or higher.
layer = 2
playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False
useActionEditorPopup = True
// If you have more than one FSanimateGeneric on a part, give each a unique ID to. This makes the popup menu appear in a separate location for each module, and not steal each others windows. values: 0-9.
moduleID = 1


The install I'm using this part with is a RSS/RO install using KSP 1.1.3.

EDIT:....and I think I just figured out the problem.  I forgot about the RO configs.

EDIT 2: Nevermind.  Didn't seem to work.  I tried changing the RO config file for the Cassini probe, but it's still not using my texture.

Section from RO config for the Huygens probe. I inserted the texture line in the @MODEL block without the % sign in front of it.

	%RSSROConfig = True
		@scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
	@scale = 1.0
	@mass = 0.135
	%crashTolerance = 12
	%breakingForce = 250
	%breakingTorque = 250
	%manufacturer = JPL
	%maxTemp = 1973.5
	%skinMaxTemp = 6000
			@rate = 0.0174
		name = ModuleFuelTanks
		volume = 99.59
		type = ServiceModule
		basemass = -1
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 99590
			maxAmount = 99590

Unless my texture was saved improperly or something, or I'm pointing to the wrong texture file in the MM config, I'm not sure what the problem is.

Edited by Nittany Tiger
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1 hour ago, Nittany Tiger said:

Nah.  It's a part from Raidernick's US Probes pack.

Here's the config file for it:

// --- general parameters ---
name = rn_huygens
module = Part
author = Raidernick

// --- asset parameters ---
	  model = RN_US_Probes/Cassini/huygens
          scale = 0.80, 0.80, 0.80

scale = 0.80
rescaleFactor = 1
// --- node definitions ---
// definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z

node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.26534, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
node_stack_parachute = 0.0, 0.26534, 0.23752, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.30861, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
node_stack_cassini = 0.0, 0.14965, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0

// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = generalRocketry
entryCost = 500
cost = 500
category = Pods
subcategory = 0
title = Huygens Lander
manufacturer = RN Industries
description = This is the lander for Cassini Huygens spacecraft.
attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 0.20904
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 1
minimum_drag = 0.5
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 50
maxTemp = 3600
breakingForce = 2000
breakingTorque = 2000
CoPOffset = 0.0, 0.2, 0.0
CoLOffset = 0.0, -0.1802, 0.0
CrewCapacity = 0
vesselType = Probe
stagingIcon = COMMAND_POD
 name = ModuleCommand
 minimumCrew = 0
		name = ElectricCharge
		rate = 0.0007
	name = ModuleReactionWheel
	PitchTorque = 0.1
	YawTorque = 0.1
	RollTorque = 0.1
		name = ElectricCharge
		rate = 0.001
	name = ModuleSAS

// --- Electric parameters ---
	name = ElectricCharge
	amount = 340
	maxAmount = 340

// --- Science ---
	name = ModuleScienceExperiment	
	experimentID = crewReport
	experimentActionName = Probe Report
	resetActionName = Discard Probe Report
	reviewActionName = Review Report
	useStaging = False	
	useActionGroups = True
	hideUIwhenUnavailable = True	
	rerunnable = True
	xmitDataScalar = 1.0

// --- Antenna parameters ---
	name = ModuleDataTransmitter
	packetInterval = 0.18
	packetSize = 2
	packetResourceCost = 1.0
	requiredResource = ElectricCharge
	DeployFxModules = 0

    name = ModuleDecouple
    ejectionForce = 1
    explosiveNodeID = cassini
	isOmniDecoupler = false
    staged = true

name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = cords
startEventGUIName = Deploy Parachute Cords
endEventGUIName = Fold Parachute Cords
toggleActionName = Toggle Parachute Cords
startDeployed = False
// Animation Layer. If you have more than one animation on a part, this must be unique for each one in order for them to not interrupt each other. If the stock engine heat animation module is used, that’s probably on layer 0, so make this 1 or higher.
layer = 1
playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False
useActionEditorPopup = True
// If you have more than one FSanimateGeneric on a part, give each a unique ID to. This makes the popup menu appear in a separate location for each module, and not steal each others windows. values: 0-9.
moduleID = 0

name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = Deploy
startEventGUIName = Deploy Antennae
endEventGUIName = Fold Antennae
toggleActionName = Toggle Antennae
startDeployed = False
// Animation Layer. If you have more than one animation on a part, this must be unique for each one in order for them to not interrupt each other. If the stock engine heat animation module is used, that’s probably on layer 0, so make this 1 or higher.
layer = 2
playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False
useActionEditorPopup = True
// If you have more than one FSanimateGeneric on a part, give each a unique ID to. This makes the popup menu appear in a separate location for each module, and not steal each others windows. values: 0-9.
moduleID = 1


The install I'm using this part with is a RSS/RO install using KSP 1.1.3.

EDIT:....and I think I just figured out the problem.  I forgot about the RO configs.

EDIT 2: Nevermind.  Didn't seem to work.  I tried changing the RO config file for the Cassini probe, but it's still not using my texture.

Section from RO config for the Huygens probe. I inserted the texture line in the @MODEL block without the % sign in front of it.

	%RSSROConfig = True
		@scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
	@scale = 1.0
	@mass = 0.135
	%crashTolerance = 12
	%breakingForce = 250
	%breakingTorque = 250
	%manufacturer = JPL
	%maxTemp = 1973.5
	%skinMaxTemp = 6000
			@rate = 0.0174
		name = ModuleFuelTanks
		volume = 99.59
		type = ServiceModule
		basemass = -1
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 99590
			maxAmount = 99590

Unless my texture was saved improperly or something, or I'm pointing to the wrong texture file in the MM config, I'm not sure what the problem is.

Try this


%texture = huygens_main , RN_US_Probes/Cassini/huygens_main_NASA


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No good.  Tried it by itself and under a @PART block and it didn't replace the texture.

I checked the loaded PART config files under the Alt+F12 menu and it's not using the new texture.  My guess is that there's possibly a problem with the texture file.

EDIT: I also reused my original MM file, and it does work, so it must be a problem with the texture or something else I'm not seeing.

4BF82034EC1A54E9A2C348B93664B647776AFB66 (1280×720)

Edited by Nittany Tiger
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