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Interview with HarvesteR: Part 2 - Reloaded


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To most old-timers this may be old news, but many newcomers have arrived since this interview took place 6 months ago. Many might not have seen it.

It's well worth listening to. I made a new thread because the original thread is now in the forum archives: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/6103-Interview-with-HarvesteR-part-2

(part 1 http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/6058-Interview-with-HarvesteR-Part-1)

Around the time of this interview KSP v0.14 had not yet been released.

It contains many goodies and many answers to questions that have been the topic of speculation on these forums.

Some not officially planned features from this part of the interview:

- 40 to 50 planets and moons around the solar system.

- deformable terrain is intended, but is tricky due to the scale of the game it may be to much information to store.

- multiplayer is intended, as an expansion pack (initially just coop).

- conflict/war is currently not intended but is under consideration because many people want it.

- the whole thing will be open to modding, including planets.

'in the end there is unlimited potential for features but time and budget are constraining'

Harvester interviewed by Damion Rayne, january 2012


Edited by rkman
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  • 8 years later...

Some content has been removed. 

Guys, necroing a thread isn't specifically against the rules, but complaining about it is.  If you see a post that you think is a bad necro, please just report the post and let the moderation staff take care of it.

Given the age of the thread and the now-irrelevance of the content, we're going to go ahead and lock this to prevent any more confusion.  If you'd like to discuss multiplayer in KSP2, there's a pinned master thread in the KSP2 subforum that would be the perfect place for it.

Thank you.

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