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Kerbal Space Program update 1.3 Grand Discussion thread.


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Help Plz guys  Will 1.3 Away words, help me return to a working KSP since last week i was unable to play

( crash oops plz send log..ect:) so I re-installed after emptying all mods 1 of ( docking camera) now in stock game which shows 1.3 jeb no longer holds a coarse either in space or launching keeps spinning the games just not playable.  Im gutted I had bases on mimmus, Mun, and satellites, what should i do..plz 

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  On 5/31/2017 at 4:24 PM, capt: scarlet said:

Help Plz guys  Will 1.3 Away words, help me return to a working KSP since last week i was unable to play

( crash oops plz send log..ect:) so I re-installed after emptying all mods 1 of ( docking camera) now in stock game which shows 1.3 jeb no longer holds a coarse either in space or launching keeps spinning the games just not playable.  Im gutted I had bases on mimmus, Mun, and satellites, what should i do..plz 


Have you tried hitting 't' to turn on stability assist?

Is your thrust lined up with your center of mass?  Is your drag also lined up on your center of mass?


In general, I would recommend that you always install a new copy of KSP, or copy your old install before updating(if you got it through Steam, that means copying your install to a different directory and playing from that new directory so steam cannot break anything on you).

I have probably about a dozen working copies of the game on my hard drive, mostly with old saves that I left behind after an update.(as KR&D looks to be abandoned now, I am not expecting to update my 1.2.2 save game for example, and in all likelyhood I will not even bother to finish my in-progress Jool-5 mission)  They are all working copies and I could easily return to any of them should something happen to make a new version of KSP unplayable.

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This is great thanks but how do i go about finding a KSP old install, do you mean the little kerbal faces i see in a folder??

I know its a problem as i been playing for months i know how to fly, rescue,dock ect.

do you have time to do a How-to for DUMMYs im not IT literate im afraid.

Regards Brian

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  On 5/31/2017 at 6:34 PM, capt: scarlet said:

This is great thanks but how do i go about finding a KSP old install, do you mean the little kerbal faces i see in a folder??

I know its a problem as i been playing for months i know how to fly, rescue,dock ect.

do you have time to do a How-to for DUMMYs im not IT literate im afraid.

Regards Brian


If you used Steam to install, you will need to look back in this thread to find where other people said you can find the steam-installed game, as I do not have KSP through steam nor do I let it use default locations for my other games.

Otherwise, look for the folder where you installed KSP, and just copy the folder(select the folder, right-click it and select copy, then right-click on an empty area and select paste, should create a folder called 'copy of ...' where the ... is the original folder name).  That is all you need to do to create a full, playable back-up of your KSP game including all save games and installed mods.

There is no copy-protection and no DRM to get in the way of having as many copies as you want on your computer(as I said before, I probably have more than a dozen old copies sitting around)


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I really don't know what to say. Be happy or sad.

But this version gave me slight problem on FPS. I even deleted all the MODS and make all settings LOWER than I used to play. As an EN user, I don't see any incentives nor feel significant changes to the game to warrant me to play 1.3 wherein NOW I'm stuck to NOT playing KSP for awhile 'til the MODS I'm using will get updated as I get that error message and hate to start all over again.


Anyway, thanks for new update and more power.

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  On 5/26/2017 at 12:22 AM, TriggerAu said:

Im assuming your update occurred because your using steam. You can adjust the steam client a few ways with respect to updates to try and prevent that in the future.

If you want to go back to 1.2.2 via steam then you can go into the app properties in your steam library, go to the betas tab and select the previous_1.2.2 channel and steam will download the previous version.


I have tried this, and unfortunately the game still crashes before loading completely. I'm heavily modded, have a lot of things going on, and am sad that I'll probably have to start yet another new game. I WILL try to put my *next new game* ( :/ ) in a different directory, or shut off automatic updates, or whatever the hell I need to do.

Love this game, but I need to get off the hamster wheel of losing everything everytime the game 'improves.'

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  On 5/31/2017 at 3:36 PM, lodger said:

I just downloaded, installed and launched 1.3 and in the loading screens "Forgetting parachutes" was shown - that alone was worth the update ... :D


I think I saw it in 1.2.2 already.

  On 5/31/2017 at 10:48 PM, OscarJade said:

I have tried this, and unfortunately the game still crashes before loading completely. I'm heavily modded, have a lot of things going on, and am sad that I'll probably have to start yet another new game. I WILL try to put my *next new game* ( :/ ) in a different directory, or shut off automatic updates, or whatever the hell I need to do.

Love this game, but I need to get off the hamster wheel of losing everything everytime the game 'improves.'


1. Save the entire Kerbal Space Program directory to another location.

2. Change the version prefs in Steam as per above instructions.

3. Uninstall the game from Steam.

4. Manually delete the Steam/.../Kerbal Space Program directory, there will be stuff left behind as Steam does not uninstall mods, settings, anything that was installed or modified outside of Steam.

5. Now, use Steam to install the game fresh.

6. Go to Kerbal Space Program/GameData folder you have previously saved in another location and copy your mods from GameData to the newly installed Kerbal Space Program/GameData directory. Just the mods, do not move the old Squad folder.

7. If you use CKAN. then also move Kerbal Space Program/CKAN folder.

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  On 5/28/2017 at 11:52 PM, JPLRepo said:


For those reporting terrain floating away issues. does anyone have completely reliable reproducible (IE: with a save file) results of this occurring without ANY mods installed? (as I note a few of the examples, or all?, seem to be modded).


It has taken me a long time to get back to this.  Nasty real life stuff.  But it turns out that I did have a rogue scatterer install.  Which makes more sense.  It's the sort of thing I might expect.  Sorry to have taken so long.  Got some really cool Escher-esque screenshots though. :D

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Hi, do you guys know how much time does it usually take for them to update the Linux GOG version? 1.3 has been available for almost a week now. I have 1.3 on Windows but on my other PC I have Linux with 1.2.2, so I can't play on Windows for now to avoid savegame incompatibilities.

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  On 5/26/2017 at 6:41 PM, HebaruSan said:

Meanwhile, your doctor's office is still using "mods" from 10+ years and 6+ versions ago because a company I can't name follows rules about preserving backwards compatibility. And that software has had way more lines of code changed than KSP since then. It's not impossible to do, it's just a matter of whether you decide to do it.


Wow, that comparison is so way off. You doctors office also runs on the same 10 year old hardware and OS because of missing drivers for the hardware, crashes and whatnot. Hell many ATM´s to this day still run windows XP. So much for "backwards compatibility". Ill make it simple for you

You have a code that consists of 3 lines



Now theres a mod, that changes rofl to roflmao. Then theres an update that changes "lol" to "lel". Now you second line is "rofl" again. Your mod broke and need to be rewirtten for said update. This type of modbreaking doesnt occur with KSP since its external gamedata folder. but now imagine a mod that relies on your code having these 3 exact entries. Now, for bugfixing reason the developers add a another line called "kek" inbetween "lol" and "rofl". To provide backwards compatibility for you mod, the game must now exactly know your mod and account for it upfront to provide a fake version of the file upon read call. Otherwise the mod will call the wrong thing and will not work. And if you have not one mod, but more like 10.000, this is impossible.

Going back to your bad example. There is specialized hardware that needs specific software to run. Imagine the OS as being KSP, and the hardware driver/software interface as beeing the mod. The usual way updates in such enviroments go is like either "never" or "test it if it is stable in an isolated system for long periods of time and then update the working machines", or report a broken "mod" to the developer to fix it before updating. Thats the reason why the WannaCry attack had such great success on industry/business machines. The OS only gets updates if it is made sure that the productive software runs without any errors. And often, this is NOT the case. So if the dev of said software still maintains it you wait for you software to be compatible again before updating, or you just dont update at all. Thats how it is...

Backwards compatibility is a nice idea, but nothing more. Simple Asset replacers can be and most often are compatible, but every mod that tampers with the core game cannot be accounted for when fixing/upgrading the core game.


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  On 6/2/2017 at 10:42 PM, klgraham1013 said:

Just like to point out that, as a mod collector, I now have 178 updated mods collected.  1.3 has been out for just over a week.

Let's give it up to all the modders once again proving the fearmongers wrong.



I'm amazed at how fast everyone came alive after 1.3 dropping. I didn't have any experience because this was my first actual update of KSP, but was prepared for weeks before I could go 1.3 because of the amount of hell raising on the forums/reddit. 

Hurray for the modders!!! 

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So... I went bananas with all of the fresh mods and it's crashing after reverting to vab few times.

Maybe I shouldn't have got so exited when I went to spacedock. :confused:

Its all looking nice though, and not really anymore crash prone than 1.2.2 as far as I can tell.

Now to weed out the culprit.

Kopernicus is looking like a likely contributor at the moment (web searches on crash logs tell me so).

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  On 5/29/2017 at 10:34 PM, Red Iron Crown said:

Each of those countries has >50% more population that Germany, so I'd say that is pretty unlikely.


No, it's more likely. I don't think it's hard to imagine this kind of Indie will be much more successfull in western countries, there is less verbal propaganda west->east because of the language barrier. I've never heard of a western indie making the big money in the east.

Additionally, and more clearly, PC isn't a big thing in japan anyway, even consoles are not that big compared to their mobile market; on the other hand, germany is traditionally a big PC market.

Edited by Temeter
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  On 6/3/2017 at 7:02 PM, swjr-swis said:

It doesn't show constantly; you have to have a part held or selected for the button to show, and the button's function changes with the gizmo you have selected.


Ah, well that is unfortunate.  I thought it was going to be for seeing which mode is selected at a glance (like the symmetry and angle snap buttons).  I guess I was hoping it would be something useful.

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  On 6/3/2017 at 7:26 PM, Alshain said:

Ah, well that is unfortunate.  I thought it was going to be for seeing which mode is selected at a glance (like the symmetry and angle snap buttons).  I guess I was hoping it would be something useful.


I'll admit I would prefer it showing all the time myself, but I wouldn't quite say it isn't useful: it at least shows the selected mode when it is most pertinent - when you are actually using the related gizmo.

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