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Any older versions of ksp before 0.7.3?


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actually, there is one -- it's so much older than any of the oldest ones, it'd have to be a negative version number even

I've recently found it on a loose flash drive I had around - here's where I posted a link to it: 


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On 6/10/2017 at 1:32 AM, Moach said:

actually, there is one -- it's so much older than any of the oldest ones, it'd have to be a negative version number even

I've recently found it on a loose flash drive I had around - here's where I posted a link to it: 


Could i see some screenshots of it?

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2 hours ago, Kulax said:

Could i see some screenshots of it?

(It says this album has 43 views but I've only looked at it once?)



We now have filled in a gap in the early history of KSP. New history of early KSP:

The Kerbo Log

(Big Gap)

This flash version of KSP

(small gap)

HarvesteR begins working on KSP for SQUAD.

0.1 through 0.4 talked about briefly in blog posts.

(tiny gap)

0.7.3 released!


Analyzing the parts, we have separate fuel and oxidizer tanks (and yet today we don't have separate oxidizer tanks :rolleyes:), two command pods (one with a heat shield, implemented around 7-8 years before re-entry heat), two boosters, two engines, and a strut!

Plus, the ship shifts around based on the center of mass. Interesting... There appears to be part connection nodes, but I cannot figure out how to use them!


I'm feeling a sudden urge to ask Bill Wurtz to do a "History of the entire KSP, I guess."

*Resumes geeking out at the game running in Firefox because neither Edge nor explorer (which has been taken over by a toolbar) will run it.*

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9 hours ago, NSEP said:

Seeing that screenshot made me wonder. We could have had a very different space game if the 2D theme continued.

The original design idea was to be more similar to the mobile game Space Agency. I'm glad development did not stay on that course.


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9 hours ago, NSEP said:

Seeing that screenshot made me wonder. We could have had a very different space game if the 2D theme continued.


well then - that was my very first thought as soon as my brother showed me his earliest playable demo one day.

I remember, I was at work at the time, and I had arrived earlier than anyone else in what was then a very small company of four ppl... back then I was married even - whole other life - anyways, since there was nobody around in the office, I was merrily working on my G42-200 addon instead of what I was actually there to do (this is not related to how that job ended, my modder habits have been so far harmless to my career, I think) 

so well, just then, my brother came up on skype and had something he wanted to show me - he had shared a few things before, like the first perlin-noise terrain tests he made, and some other loose stuff that would eventually come together in the first version of the game... and this was just that, he had a playable build for me to see that day


this was somewhat similar to the first version we have posted on the wiki, but earlier, with less features and more bugs - the kind of child only a programmer could love


and I played around with it for a few minutes and it struck me - there is no ACTUAL reason this HAD be 2D, seeing that he had gone to many troubles in order to forcibly constrain one axis of the physics simulation while rendering a 3d world, and many bugs had resulted from that

so right then, I made what a suggestion that just might have changed the fate of the game forever -- I told him:  if the point of this is to just go as far as possible before you inevitably explode, then one might as well make it a full-range simulator - the "how far can you go" mechanic remains unchanged, though all kinds of far-fetched possibilities appear for players who somehow DON'T explode


as far as I recall, that was the very argument I gave him -- and that day, he listened! 


even if simply because, there was only one thing holding him back from doing exactly this, which he had also thought about by that point - and that was that it would be extremely difficult for anyone to steer the ship looking from outside in full 3d, whereas in 2d it could all be handled in "screen space"


luckily for us all - the very thing I was working on just then for my G42, was the backup mechanical nav-ball instrument in its cockpit, see:

Image result for g42-200 cockpit

that's the familiar-looking gauge right above the dog... which is there because, uh... reasons (I rly dunno why there's a dog on that pic, I just got it off google... prob'ly reasons)


anyways - I sent him the texture I had used there, and told him how to go about rotating the ball with the ship and whatnot...


not long after, the next version he showed me was fully 3d and featured the NavBall as we all know so well by now



and that is the story of how KSP became a simulator, instead of a 2D build-and-burn, how-high-can-it-go style game



funny how things turn out :rolleyes:

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On 6/17/2017 at 5:18 PM, Ultimate Steve said:

(It says this album has 43 views but I've only looked at it once?)



We now have filled in a gap in the early history of KSP. New history of early KSP:

The Kerbo Log

(Big Gap)

This flash version of KSP

(small gap)

HarvesteR begins working on KSP for SQUAD.

0.1 through 0.4 talked about briefly in blog posts.

(tiny gap)

0.7.3 released!


Analyzing the parts, we have separate fuel and oxidizer tanks (and yet today we don't have separate oxidizer tanks :rolleyes:), two command pods (one with a heat shield, implemented around 7-8 years before re-entry heat), two boosters, two engines, and a strut!

Plus, the ship shifts around based on the center of mass. Interesting... There appears to be part connection nodes, but I cannot figure out how to use them!


I'm feeling a sudden urge to ask Bill Wurtz to do a "History of the entire KSP, I guess."

*Resumes geeking out at the game running in Firefox because neither Edge nor explorer (which has been taken over by a toolbar) will run it.*

Somebody get scott manley to play this!

Edited by Kulax
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