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Excitement About Dots

Cunjo Carl

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A place for the occasional Dot Hype

As you post, your account will accrue dots at infrequent but regular intervals. In a lot of ways they're not too exciting for their own sake- quality over quantity for posts! Still, they make for milestones that can stand for quite a lot. For everyone, there's a lot behind each dot~

For me, I'm in a place where I have free time for a single hobby: KSP + the forums! So that fourth little circle kinda represents my free vocations over nearly a year. That's a lot of weight! What went into it?

  • ~40 challenges (a few of which I got to host)
  • Math galore
  • Offering occasional help in the gameplay questions board, with a habit of making posts way too long :)
  • A couple hard-earned KSP firsts, and finally...
  • More exclamation points than are healthy in a lifetime, let alone a single year!

It was a good year. I'm looking forward to another one. And on that note, I can announce with great excitement that my post-count is on track to catch up with Sal Vager's by mid 2051. See you then!

I realize this is a little conversational for the Network board, but... What's in your dots? For the old timers, was there one that stood out or felt momentous? For new comers, what kinds of things are you going to try to cram into the next dot?

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first things first: congratulations on receiving your 4th DOT Rocket fancier! you're contribution to the forum is an inspiration to us all! :)

i hope you don't become one of those smug 4 dotters that looks down on scruffy 3 (and less) dotters like me :wink:

to be honest I've never paid much attention to my dots... it feel like I'm going to be stuck  as a bottle rocket engineer for life. which happens to be something I do in  real life for fun (making bottle rockets,  that is)!

so if i would summarise what i've done to earn my last DOT it would probably be all the things I've done in the last 2 years or so...  which are:

  • asking several (10+) questions on the gameplay section
  • answering a bit more questions on the gameplay section
  • replying to interesting mission reports
  • writing 3 or 4 mission reports in the mission report section
  • lurking the threads like a maniac for countless of hours and liking many posts

I've been becoming more and more active on the forum ever since i mustered the courage to ask my first question.  i thought my question would be dumb... :) but the people on the forum are so friendly and helpful that it made me want to post more. i guess i had some difficult times on other game forums where people would advice me to just uninstall the game *cries in corner of the room* which held me back from posting stuff here... :wink:

for my next dot i will probably do the same as what i did for my 3rd dot but now with more activity.  the forum is really addictive. 

Edited by xendelaar
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7 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

I'm pretty sure that when the forum moved to the new software, I already had all 5 dots.

My favorite quirk from the migration is when you occasionally see people coming back after a while with, like, a thousand posts and 20 rep. It holds a nigh-mystical status for me. In contrast it seems like you were a rep grand gate crasher .:cool: . Also, it's too bad there's a 5-dot hardcap, or you and @Red Iron Crown would definitely be up to 6!


9 hours ago, Dman979 said:

Also, silly 4-dotters. Thinking you're the best. Harrumph!

Yeah, right? I'm pretty sure I'll won't be seeing that 5th dot 'till 2020, so figured I should throw a little party now while I had the chance!
Your new avatar is much more.... uhh .... evocative to your alias :D .


10 hours ago, xendelaar said:

writing 3 or 4 mission reports in the mission report section

You're getting close on the 5% returns run- Best of luck finishing it out! That'll be a heck of a thing to make a fourth dot out of.

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