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Satelite change orbit mission is always possible to do?

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Hi everyone, this is my first post! Been playing for a month this amazing game. And, just to thanks, the foruns and wiki are great to learn!! thanks everyone.

So, to my question. I received my first mission to change the orbit of one of my satelites. This one is around the mun. My question is; the game know if the mission is possible to acomplishe? This one in particular has very low fuel, 12 units or so, with a Terrier engine.

I'm on a bad rush, so I couldn't get screenshots - on work now - will try to upload later. Sorry.


Edit: My game is unmoded

Now at home, some screenshots:


Edited by BjM
Add info, screenshots. clarify title
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In the stock game at least, orbit change contracts should be generated to be within the capabilities of the satellite that needs its orbit changing. If they aren't, it may be worth reporting as a bug. Some screenshots with details of the contract and the satellite may help.

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For a small satellite, 12 units of fuel may not be all that little.  You probably have a few hundred m/s worth of delta-v in there, as I remember a Mun lander with a 400 tank designed for Kerbin return so needing around 1500 m/s

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6 hours ago, technicalfool said:

In the stock game at least, orbit change contracts should be generated to be within the capabilities of the satellite that needs its orbit changing.

Are you certain about that? It seems to me that the only way to do that would be for the game to calculate how much dV a craft has (which to my knowledge it doesn't do) and then offer an orbit change whose cost is within that number. 

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I once got a mission to change orbit,  from a high orbit around Minmus to a scape trajectory with a slightly difference in inclination and argument of periapsis.  

I learned to not use the word "possible"  lightly when referring to contracts. 



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Note you can make a save of the game, accept the contract, and then try to complete it. If it's impossible, just restore the game from before.

In other games they call that save scumming. Here, we refer to it as "running a simulation" :)

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